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Kelsey Dec 2012
Beaten and broken
She whispers,
"Save me"
She's drowning in blood.
"Help me, help me"
She doesn't deserve to die.
One cut leads to hudreds.
Scratches become stitches.
Love becomes brutal hate.
The agony puts her in an insane state.
Pushed around, she's down on the ground.
Save her before she's dead.
But it's too late.
Her funeral is cold and black.
If only someone heard her scream.
Kelsey Dec 2012
I simply write for the noise

To be beaten with ink, no flesh

Sinking by bright red wins or

The pupil’s last spin; I simply
Write to scream away these

Dreams and feel static around me

Rather than the colours of shining

Monsters that dance in these 

Clouds which can be so consuming.

I simply write, but it is not simple, 

For the reasons beyond it are unlike

And yet alike to all the words that

Flow through every fighting soul.
Kelsey Nov 2012
With hearts for dancing we'll take leave of war,
Watch the bodies fall as they hit the floor

And death it is; yet money talks,
Replaying the sounds of the smoking glocks

It is not the living, who make the longest demands; we die forever,
The body count rises at every change of the weather

When will people realize,
They're playing into their own demise
Kelsey Oct 2012
The weeds are green, the sky is shining
But it’ll soon be night which is nicer
But then cracks peel back and hell bends the room
And the devil gestures to you
He wants to know if you’re going down or up
Easy - I know what my speech should be
I want to go to heaven for the weather
But hell for the company
I want to go to heaven for the weather
But hell seems like fun to me
The devil beams a big beaming grin
The sort which leads you up the streets of sin
He holds up paperwork - sign the line
Let’s clash with madmen, grime is fine
Let’s ride the valkyrie, commit a bit of sin
Turn rock to rubble, punch me in the chin
Then you’re destined for the world without chores and sweating -
The eternal hell of boredom in heaven
You tell the devil in no uncertain terms
You’ll never be evil, you’ll never be turned  
When left to devices some humans try ****
We’re just normal people exploring our minds
We don’t go around here putting poison in wine
But we enjoy what we like which is not always right
People are intricate, people aren’t swines
Let’s ***** the rules up and rely on our minds
Sign on the line
You sign on the line
He clutches the wine and tips it in cyonide

I want to go to heaven for the weather
But hell for the company
I want to go to heaven for the weather
But hell seems like fun to me
Kelsey Oct 2012
Reach past the walls I seem to adorn

Look past the scars that I'm covered in

Find the soul that's buried so deep

Search for the shell of who I used to be

Love me
Want me
Need me

I don't ever want to let you go...
Kelsey Oct 2012
People these days
You don't know how to act

You follow the trends
And fill in things you lack

You'll be their best friend
But then stab them in the back

In our black sentence and prescriptions
You dance to your death

Playing around with things
Like acid and ****

With your gay canters
And chemical glee

With your low crooked curtsies
And your ignorant flee

Kelsey Oct 2012
Damask and Death
Velvet and Violence
Satin and Suffering
Organza and Oppression
Calico and Corpses
Paisley and Pain
Taffeta and Torture
Lace and Listlessness
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