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Kelly EC Aug 2013
I wish I had a magic mirror
To show me your peaceful slumber,
I could watch you there sleeping,
Instead I’m awake here dreaming.
Kelly EC Aug 2013
Droplets gathering,
Magnifying freckles,
Your body is hugging mine.
Water is running down your face,
Catching my nose,
Sneaking to my mouth,
As my lips go pressing themselves
To your strong chin,
Fingers tracing your jawline.
Close your eyes, darling,
And let the water race.
Focus on my touch.
Let your body melt to mine.
Send away the space between us,
Let me lather you with love.
Kelly EC Aug 2013
In the passenger seat,
I'm watching you,
Squeezing your hand and laughing.
We're on the highway,
Headed toward a night
Of jolly celebrating.
For five months,
I've called you mine,
Sprinkling kisses
Where the sunset now rests.
You turn to me and grin,
Out comes a burst of giggles,
And I'm eight months in the past,
Not thinking of our future.
Your eyes that look my way
Become the set that glanced that night,
Our first date on a similar evening,
Once fearing,
Now beckoning moonlight.
Kelly EC Aug 2013
I've always wanted a man
To make me a sandwich,
To cry like a girl,
To clean my house,
To let me drive his truck,
To listen to my ideas,
To corroborate instead of dominate
And make me feel his equal.

I've always wanted a relationship
To follow God's design.
I'll never be inferior
Even with a man at my side.

I've never believed modern women
Should 'be silent',
'Stay in their place'.
I lied to myself for years,
But religion should be disgraced.

Maybe I'm sensitive.
I won't laugh at these jokes
For the same reason I don't find
*** trafficking,
Domestic violence,
Or the fact that it took years for women to vote in this country

You can laugh your way to a lonely life.
Kelly EC Aug 2013
Before I knew you,
When I was dreaming of you,
I watched you.
I looked into your life,
At your friends in your photographs,
And I wished I had the honor to join them,
To be an important piece of your life.
How magical it is,
How beautiful it is,
To be underneath your arm now,
Laughing at your friends' jokes,
Closer to you than they ever will be,
My best friend and lover.
Kelly EC Jul 2013
When I'm missing you,
I'll see you running towards me in the rain,
Sneaking in the back door just to see my face,
I'll hear you singing your heart out at church,
Your joyful smile turning to me,
I'll feel your weight evenly distributed
And the mole on your back under your tee,
I'll taste your morning kisses
When you came up the ladder to wake me,
I'll smell your thick and dark hair
As I kissed your head resting on my chest.
When I'm missing you,
You'll still be with me.
Kelly EC Jul 2013
I’m next to you
Forehead to forehead,
Pupil to pupil,
Lost in your fickle irises,
And mine roll back
When I find myself in your smile,
And I sigh
At peace
With you.

But my face scrunches.
War breaks out in the creases of my eyes,
In the angle of my frown
As I dwell on your imminent departure
And reject the time between then
And the time we can snuggle like this forever.
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