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One more night without you
ends another wasted day
each minute that we spend apart
makes me feel this way

No distance ever seemed so far
as that ‘tween you and I
Nor did a night ever seem longer
as in bed awake I lie

One day soon we’ll be together
nights will shorten, time will stall
From that day you will have all of me
My everything, my all.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
Looking for the forest
from deep within the trees
lost within frustration
again upon my knees

Clouds once more have gathered
silver linings left behind
pain and pleasure hand in hand
forever intertwined

Torn between the future
and the struggles of the past
in a battle never ending
happiness can never last
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
There's a wall around my garden
and in that wall appeared a door
I've lived here many years now
but not noticed it before

Its paint is worn and faded
you can see wood right through the green
and though its peeled and cracked in places
you can see nothing in between

And for some reason, until today,
I never gave much thought at all,
About what the world might look like,
On the other side of that wall.

But now I gaze upon that door,
Which has suddenly appeared to me.
And place my hand upon the latch,
And step out ....cautiously.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
Is it wrong to say I miss you
Is it wrong to tell you so
To tell you that I think of you
Everywhere I go

To tell you I can see you
every time I close my eyes
Why pretend that things are different
theres no point in telling lies

Sometimes I think I hear your voice
like a whisper on the breeze
and still it sounds like music
and brings me to my knees

And as I kneel beneath the sky
wrapped in silent prayer
I ask that all my lives to come
with you I get to share
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
What's the best thing about being me?
Well I could tell you one or two
but suffice to say, that on any day
the best thing about me, is you.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
I spend my days in ignorance
thinking everything's alright
Only to learn that "can we talk"
means "its time we had a fight"

How do I get it so wrong
just by hearing what you say
and choosing not to turn it round
to take it a different way

I tell you that I'm tired
but that's never what you hear
You choose instead that its a sign
that I don't want you near

I tell you that I'm busy
and the words fill you doubt
but it just means I have stuff to do
before the time runs out.

I tell you that I have to go
that there's a place I have to be
but you take as a personal slight
that its you I want to leave

But when I tell you that I love you
a smile lights up your face
There's no doubt or misconception
just acceptance in its place

I wish that you listen
and just hear the words I say
then we will last forever
and your smile is here to stay
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins

— The End —