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Keenon Brice Mar 2017
venus has an off week

(and everything goes to ****)

and you ruin the (white) dress

lay in the shadow of what it was

grow uglier, weaker without it

stop bathing,



((don't leave home for a week (for days)))


venus stops moving forward (gets cold feet)

and you ruin the white dress

lay in the shadow of what it was

grow uglier, weaker without it

stop bathing, (don’t bathe)

eating, (eat)

sleeping (sleep)

don't leave home (for a week) (or leave home for a week)


venus gets cold feet

and you ruin the dress

lay in the shadow of what it was

grow uglier, weaker without it

don’t bathe


leave home for a week
Keenon Brice Dec 2016
i look in the mirror and start to see the changes i've longed for;
the signs of improved health
weight gain.
clearer skin.
But i'm reminded by these simple glances
that i don't have the 'right' relationship w/ happiness

i entertain the question "does growth bare no real fruit?"
and that's why i resist being.
i'd rather be dark.
a force.
a raw healing gem.
a diamond in the rough.
Keenon Brice Oct 2016
So many bumps in the unfolding of a day,
a month,
a year,
a series of eclipses
brought me to an inner caving

to become reunited with the fact that i am on a path going somewhere, i do not know;

desperately trying to retain scraps of the past
in the efforts of a sense of longevity,
my life has become absorbed by the feeling that i lack it

its a nice try
but you can't really force anything
its no longer for a reason
it wouldn't be your past if you were still living in it

elements still remain the same
but you don't listen to the ramone's anymore
or watch horror movies and existential dramas on a daily basis

that energy though, that desire for that energy
that release,
that expression
is still there; its just transformed.

you didn't lose anything,
you just went to the next level.

its just this need to be so extreme, still
the need to busy myself
to fill up the time w/ new things.

why not just embrace the coming and going?
the subtlety of it
why does that have to be "death" as we know it?
the going of the old and coming of the new

after ever having never been a beach person, i now realize that it is a setting for the embracing of the state (event) of transition

i guess that's why i've been being attracted to it, and the moon;
to water.

theres so much ebb and flow.
the being "ruled" by "something"
"something" so much larger than you
but i am brought back down to the imagery of the here and now,
of my basement,
to the need for me to cast my life out like a fishing line;
to stop eating the words of others in hopes of sustenance.
to stop eating their poison,
illness; inner decay

to take the sins of others off the menu.

Can that realization be enough?
that i don't want to devour anything, anymore

Learning to not devour worlds as a life lesson.

and knowing that the world i want to be in
is the one of reminding myself that it's okay to wander,
a world of nurturance
of feeding and being fed.
Keenon Brice Sep 2016
venus wanted to not take care of herself,
she wanted to let everything that couldn't withstand time
to rot off of her

she remembers herself
in memoriam
she looks back
she contemplates why she is alive.
what she needs to do to find happiness

she scares people
demanding what she cant have
wanting the impossible

shes headed in the wrong direction
shes been headed in the wrong direction for a long time

wanting to go to the beach (at night)
because no one does 'it' for her

she's unproductive
scoping out men
needing to be creative
but not knowing how

waiting for the new moon
hoping for a new moon
wanting to be filled again
Keenon Brice Aug 2016
the expression of love and concern
made me return
Keenon Brice Jul 2016
cried in my sleep again
Keenon Brice Jul 2016
why does it feel like i haven't been mothered?
why does it feel like i was never mothered?
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