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KB Jun 2014
Whispering in the dark,
So no one hears a sound.
My feet are trembling,
As I crash into the ground.
I don't know whats wrong with me,
I've become somebody that I'm not.
I've become this person,
Who never has a happy thought.
Whats wrong with me?
Am I really this messed up?
Who am I going to be?
When right now I feel so dressed up.
I act like something, somebody,
That I am never going to be.
I'm screaming on the inside,
Let me out so I can finally be free!
Free from this need to be,
A perfect somebody.
KB Jun 2014
For so long I kept you under the water,
For so long you’ve tried to break the surface.
I don’t want you to win,
But I’m tired of fighting you for my space.
Only one of us can be in control,
If it’s you, both of us would surely fall.
So I will try to keep you deep beneath the surface,
So that I do not lose it all.
KB Jun 2014
I am desperately trying to cling to life,
But I am running out of reason to do so.
I am desperately trying to reach the light,
But darkness is all I have to show.
This is your fault and mine as well,
Mine for letting you get the best of me.
But I will desperately try to fight to be free,
From the clutches that hold onto me tightly.
KB Jun 2014
I am like a toy that's broken,
And I can't find the pieces to fix me.
They are lost to the darkness,
Never meant to be found, lost entirely.
I can't find my way out this time,
No one to save me from my hell.
I am done, I am unsavable,
I am now crawling back into my shell.
KB Jun 2014
I feel so empty,
Doesn't anyone see?
I feel so hurt,
I need someone to set me free.
Just someone who cares,
So freely about me.
KB Jun 2014
Every day is a new day,
What you've done before today,
Will always stay the same way.
But there's always one thing to say,
Every day is a new day.
KB Feb 2015
Don't put words in my mouth,
I won't let you control me that way.
Get away, keep out of my space,
I don't want to hear your voice today.
Don't you ever think that you'll be in charge,
I and I am in control of me.
So take your useless words and leave,
Go away, stay away from my territory,
Because I and only I control me.
KB Jun 2014
If a heart could speak,
     What would it say?
If a mind could be free,
     Would it fly away?
And if I liked you,
     What would you do?
I would hope,
    That you like me too.
KB Feb 2015
I live inside a world,
That I'm not really in.
I walk inside a place,
With emptiness within.
I want to get out,
I want to be free.
I live inside someone else,
Waiting for somebody,
To come and rescue me.
KB Jun 2014
What will it take,
To make you see,
I'm not the person,
That you want me to be.
What can I do,
To prove to you,
That I can be,
Whatever suits me.
And I will do,
Whatever I want to do,
It doesn't matter about you.
And I will be,
Whatever I want to be,
Cause you don't matter to me.
KB Jun 2014
I'm going crazy in this life,
I'm going crazy in my mind.
I'm losing control of everything,
My sanity, I just can't seem to find.
Am I really this lost and confused?
Do I really not have a clue?
I'm going crazy, crazy and insane,
I'm acting like a lunatic here waiting for you.
KB Jun 2014
Your words are useless, the truth is dead,
I can hear the lies in lines you’ve fed.
Your actions have told us all,
That as a leader, you’ve left us fall.
Now you want us to again take your side,
But all our faith in you has died.
I wonder what you can and will say,
To redeem yourself somehow, someway.
Because right now your truth has come out,
Showing an ugly side to what you’re all about.
So should we put up with your lies again?
Or should we put your ******* to an end?
KB Jun 2014
Life is like a flower that grows,
Life is like a river that flows.
But the life I would want for me,
Is a bird, spreading its wings, flying free.
KB Jun 2014
I regret not being the person,
That you need me to be.
I regret not opening up,
And letting you see the colors of me.
I regret that I chose him,
When instead of should’ve picked you.
I regret not telling you how I feel,
And the trouble I put you through.
I regret the mistakes I’ve made,
The pain I caused that I can’t undo.
My biggest regret though,
Is that I didn’t let myself give into you.
KB Feb 2015
Politicians, they are the ones who lie.
Make you believe, the **** that they say.

You are the liar, the one I had believed,
I opened my eyes, I wiped the lust away.
I saw your truth, I saw your deceit,
I saw you were stripping the innocence from me.
I wanted to hate you, I wanted to love you,
I wanted to waste your existence permanently!

Politicians, they are the ones who are selfish,
They will make you part of their possessions.

You are the one, filling up my head with promises,
Leaving me with all these ******* obsessions!
I want to wash away, the memory you left,
Every part of you in me, is something I've burned.
I will take back everything you took from me,
I was deceived! But now I have finally learned.

Politicians, they are the evil beings destroying humanity,
You are the politician, who destroyed all the purity in me.
KB Feb 2015
Skin, every time our skin connects,
It makes my heart beat just a little faster.
Every time I feel your breath on my neck,
I know my thoughts are headed for disaster.
I can't shake it, I cannot think straight,
Cannot fight this feeling inside you give me.
Every touch you make, and our skin connects,
The connection takes me higher, drives me to ecstasy.
Every time, you run your fingers through my hair,
The connection makes me mad, sends me into a frenzy.
Pure extreme bliss, from the feeling of you against me,
Taking a part of me, leaving me wanting so much more.
And when I say goodbye, you leave, and the bliss is gone.
All I can think of, is the way your skin felt on me, moments before.
KB Jun 2014
The Truth
I wish that I could say that I am over it,
I wish that I could say I was fine,
But the truth of the matter is,
I am going out of my mind.

I wish that I could say that everything is great,
That I’m doing well, I’m doing okay.
But the truth that I am afraid to admit,
Is I feel like I am losing a little more of myself each day.

I wish that I would’ve never looked your way,
Cause the moment I did, I couldn’t look away.
And the truth that I wish was a lie,
Is that I love the games you play.
KB Nov 2015
I ask you for your time,
I beg for you to give me stability.
You give me what I want to hear,
But in the end, it doesn’t do **** for me.
This dissonance is the confusion,
Your writing is my catastrophe.
My thoughts are in a tangle,
This web you weave is deadly.
Take my soul, my sanity,
Go ahead, **** the life right out of me.
Because I begged you for something solid,
But you couldn’t give me stability.
Now I am living in a state of delusions,
From the lies you told to me.
KB Jun 2014
A grin comes to my face,
Knowing you'll go down tonight.
I will never back down,
From this crazy hatred fight.
You think that I will fail,
That you will win it all.
But I will do my best,
To stand and not fall.
Cause tonight is my night,
And I will win this fight.
KB Jun 2014
You’ve got me under your spell,
Now I am paralyzed by you.
I am trying to fight this spell I’m under,
But it seems there is nothing I can do.
You always speak the words,
That I wish you wouldn’t say.
I keep falling into your games,
The ones you know you play.
Can’t you just let me go?
Won’t you take your hold off of me?
I’m asking, I’m begging,
Please take your spell off of me,
My enemy.
KB Feb 2015
I shouldn’t have left you see, the skeletons in the closet,
They were meant to be hidden, to be forgotten.
But there they are, creeping up on me,
Always suffocating the happiness within.
I am screaming, take the demons away,
Or just end me, I don’t want this pain today.
I want to tell you I'm a different person,
I wish I could be the expectation you need.
But I am only this broken human being,
Far from the perfect expectation indeed.
KB Jun 2014
Who are you, when you’re with her?
I wonder if you would act differently.
Is every touch, every look, every laugh,
The same, as when you’re with me?
I have no right, to want you as my own,
You have no right, to have me as your own.
Not when you have her, and as long as you do,
You should go and leave me be alone.
But instead of me being smart and saying no,
And telling you straight where you can go,
I keep pulling you right back to me,
And wanting you so very desperately,
My Enemy.
KB Jun 2014
You are the one I want.
You are my enemy.
You are my addiction.
You are the one I should let be.
You drive me crazy,
You put me on the verge of insanity.
You are the one I wish I could hate.
Why do I put up with the things you do?
I can’t seem to give you up.
        YOU, YOU, YOU,
**** you, I can’t stop thinking about you.
KB Jun 2014
I will not admit,
That I am you,
And you are me.
I will always deny,
That we are one,
It’s the truth I won’t believe.
Cause in my mind,
We are separate,
You and I.
This is how I will live,
Always fighting the truth,
Always living a lie.
Cause I can’t admit,
That we are the same,
You and I.
KB May 2014
You are the one who holds my hand,

The one who keeps me up, helps me stand.

You are the one, who keeps me from climbing the wall,

The one who is there for me thru it all.

You are always there for me, good or bad,

Always with me, whether I’m happy or sad.

So thru it all, I’m glad you are the one standing beside me,

Even if you are the who causes most of my insanity.
KB Jun 2014
Creative thoughts for this useless rhyme,
I try fighting you all the time.
You're pulling me down,
Dragging me to the ground.
I'm quickly losing this fight,
I'm letting you own me tonight.
I've got nothing left in me,
I'm feeling so useless, so **** empty.
Fights over, you win, you're too deadly.

— The End —