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kaylee aliberti Aug 2019
the bruises you left on her body don't even compare to the ones you left on her heart.
she trusted every word that you said,
but it was only because you forced her to.
you forced her to think it was alright
that you didn't stop when she said no,
you forced her to think it was alright
to go home in tears because of someone you
you forced her to see you again the next day,
you forced her to do the same thing every single day,
no matter how many tears left her swamp green eyes
that were once a shining emerald green.
you said yes,
and she said no.
no is a million times more powerful than yes,
but you didn't care.
you didn't stop when she tried to push you away,
you didn't stop when she screamed,
you didn't stop when she cried,
you didn't stop when she went completely limp,
you didn't care.
you just wanted to feel something,
and you didn't care that the 'something' you were making her feel
was disgust.
she went home
and stared into her mirror.
she broke it into thousands of pieces,
and she picked the broken shards up,
all of them.
they bloodied her hands,
but she didn't care.
because she wanted to end her life,
and no one cared.
her family didn't even notice the cuts on her hands,
or even the missing mirror.
they didn't hear her crying in the shower as the water cascaded over her shoulders.
they didn't know what was going on behind the mask of her relationship.
they didn't understand why she was losing so much weight,
because he told her she was fat.
they didn't understand why she had bruises,
because he hit her.
they didn't understand why she stayed,
because she thought she loved him.
but she's never hated someone
so much.
kaylee aliberti Aug 2019
when she first laid her eyes upon your twisted smile,
she immediately fell in love with you.
you told her you knew exactly how she felt,
but every word was another lie.
another lie that you used to dig an endless pit,
and you threw her in.
at first, she didn't mind,
because she was wrapped in by your manipulation.
you took everything away from her,
all her values, her emotions, her purity.
you turned your love into a nicotine addiction,
and she smoked pack after pack until it killed her.
you didn't care that you lied to her,
you didn't care that you broke her,
you didn't care that you killed her.
now she's just a girl with a real addiction
to pain.
kaylee aliberti Aug 2019
i can't write about happiness,
because i haven't found it yet.
and i don't want to lie,
i don't want to portray a false image
of something that i do not know.
kaylee aliberti Jul 2019
you say you like the pain,
because you think you deserve it.
kaylee aliberti Jul 2019
you made her promise to never do it again,
but she couldn't help it.
she tried to keep her word,
but it was her only friend.
kaylee aliberti Jul 2019
i always thought that no one would ever be able to love you better than i loved you.
i gave you my all,
but maybe my all still wasn't enough for you.
she can love you better than i ever could've.
i was wrong,
and for that,
i'm sorry.
kaylee aliberti Jul 2019
when i first met you,
everything went from black and white to the most vivid colors.
you taught me how to love,
and you said you would love me forever.
you said you wanted to grow old with me,
but you didn't even make it to my eighteenth birthday.
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