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When you love someone who is not there
Your mind will learn to create
Draw images of how everything should be
Erase ones that depict how it actually is
Eventually you will forget what is real
And what is make believe
You will convince yourself
That you are not forgotten
And that even though you haven't heard from him in days
He still thinks of you
You will tell yourself
That you are still wanted
Regardless of the fact that you barely want anything to do with yourself
You will somehow believe that someone else does
He will not tell you though
You have to remind yourself that he is too busy
Too involved even for a hello
You will have to remember
That his life never intended on having you be part of it
And that you
Will probably never be a part of it
You will constantly be reminded of every time you were promised future
And your wanting for it will become unbearable
You will lay awake at night like you always do
This time tasting of more than just alcohol and regret
You will swallow your own tongue wondering why fate never seems to be on your side
Thinking maybe you were never meant to love in the first place
That meeting him was a mistake
You should have known better anyway
To fall for a guy
With a heart already occupied
You know all too well
That there is not enough room in one for two
And you are the tenant with the most vacant body
Stop trying to fill yourself with things that don't exist
You will need to recall
Every single time you have built yourself up
Your expectations piling above you
Never anticipating the crash
You always seem to be staring blank eyed
When everything around you crumbles into disaster
You learn to pick up the pieces
And glue them into something decent enough to look at
Your mind is still painting pictures
On a canvas that will most likely never be tangible
And you will be reminded of it when you're laying in bed
And your hands grab for someone who is not there
When you love someone who is not there
You will spend every second of the day
Searching for them in crowded rooms
When in reality
You know
They weren't there to begin with
And they probably
Never will be.
I want to bang my head against brick
Until I feel something
And other times
I want to bury it in ice
So that
I don't have to feel anything
At all
I am wondering
When these highs
And lows
Will come to
A halt
And if feeling
Will ever be more
Than just
Black and white.
It is 1am
And I am a combination
Of alcohol and thoughts
Too many words and heavy eyelids
I stand at bar
With drink in loose hands
As some attempt conversation
And I
Smile quietly
With vacant eyes
Because there are plenty of people
In this room
That could fill this empty capacity
Put end
To this gap of desolation expanding inside of me
There are plenty
Who I could find momentary comfort in
Possibly even more
But I
Am too blocked off
To call myself open
Too shut down
To even listen to small talk
Or friendly dialogue
The truth is
I am too hung up
On distance
And romance that is more than likely
To never work out
To be able to make the effort
To love someone other than taken
I am so good
At setting my heart on situations
That have been set long before my prescence
I am skilled
At attempting to love person already satisfied
I will never be neccesity
Only drunken shell of girl
Searching through a sea of bodies
For someone who is not there
For someone who will probably never be there
This routine
Of bourbon and late nights
Of strangers and recurrent introductions
Will continue with frequency
But I
Will remain
It is 1am
And I am
Still hoping for something
That is perpetually
Upon an house I once fell
old and worn but standing tall
I walked to the open door
shouting out if anyone was there
but no response, not that I could hear.

Dark hallway stood in front
with a flicker of light from the room to my right
a library I had entered
shelves of books, table and chair
with a photo of me standing their

The door I had come in through
shut behind me with a thunderous bang
making me jump but I was already scared

The candle light began to dim
picked up the photo I chose to do
who had been watching me, who took this
who's house were I standing in.

A voice I swear I did hear
"turn it over" a whispered voice called out
no one in the room with me
no electronic equipment I could see

I turned the photo, a message I did see
"You shouldn't have entered, your trapped like me"
I ran towards the door, too creepy an house, to weird an owner
but the door was gone, vanished it be
the candle flickered and finally went and in the darkness came the voice
"You shouldn't have entered, your trapped like me"
I tried something different here but I don't think it worked out right, what do you think.

This was inspired by The Raven written by the great Edgar Allan Poe
What does virtual have over real
a virtual world can't give you realism
you can't run against the wind on a hot summers day
or go to the beach and play
you can't dig a giant hole and then get left upset because it's time to leave
you can't feel the snow hit your face, or the feeling of excitement when school is closed

you will never learn from the past if every time you fail you can reload
you'll never get that feeling when you first fall in love
you can't feel pleasure from eating a box of chocolates
or feel guilty for breaking your promise
In a virtual world you'll never get to feel surprise
or upset when someone breaks your heart
you'll never truly understand what it means to be a live

In a world where real is real and virtual is virtual
I would choose the real world with all its good and all its bad
If freckles were lovely, and day was night,
And measles were nice and a lie warn’t a lie,
Life would be delight,—
But things couldn’t go right
For in such a sad plight
I wouldn’t be I.

If earth was heaven and now was hence,
And past was present, and false was true,
There might be some sense
But I’d be in suspense
For on such a pretense
You wouldn’t be you.

If fear was plucky, and globes were square,
And dirt was cleanly and tears were glee
Things would seem fair,—
Yet they’d all despair,
For if here was there
We wouldn’t be we.
the rose
is dying the
lips of an old man ******

the petals

mysteriously invisible mourners move
with prose faces and sobbing,garments
The symbol of the rose

with grieving feet and

against the margins of steep song
a stallion swetneess    ,the

lips of an old man ******
the petals.
my mind is
a big hunk of irrevocable nothing which touch and
taste and smell and hearing and sight keep hitting and
chipping with sharp fatal tools
in an agony of sensual chisels i perform squirms of
chrome and execute strides of cobalt
nevertheless i
feel that i cleverly am being altered that i slightly am
becoming something a little different, in fact
Hereupon helpless i utter lilac shrieks and scarlet
I wonder
How it is possible
That I am able
To miss something
So terribly
That I
Have never had
Has never
Been mine.
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