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How many haunted handbooks
Will I have to read
Before I shake you ghost,
And convince it all to leave?
When will the food I eat
Ever settle in my body?
How can I learn to trust
When I am set on self-destruct?

Read this carefully
Look me up and down
Maybe you will see
Another human being

If I tried to count the times
The thought of you has crossed my mind
And how this shouldn't be
And why you've chosen me

Well tonight I grip my knees
As they're pressed tight against my chest
And I am left to feel alone
But can't go through with it
Tonight I beg and plead
Only to be free
To go back to the life I had
Why does my soul feel so bad?

One more day then one more week
Then why were you thinking you would ever want to leave
Even though it all settles to uneasy
Don't make this your eternity

I'll never learn to love
I'll never learn to trust
Read this carefully
This letter is set
To self-destruct
If now is the end,
Then this I must say:
I wish you the best,
And I hope you're okay.

If now is the end,
Dont be surprised when I cry.
Because as soon as you leave,
Half of me is destined to die.

If now is the end,
I hope you depart from my mind.
Because there's no way I can continue,
Knowing I left you behind.

If now is the end,
I suppose it was fate.
But first I must thank you,
Because you made my life great.
Then take me.
Reach out and wrap yourself around me,
Press your heart to mine, connect coronaries.

I'm not going to be the first one to leap
I'm too clumsy, I'll fall over my own feet,
And crash, tumbling at yours.

Thinking is a bad idea.
You need to catch me before I fall.
You laugh
While I cry
Do you know
How much it hurts?

To have
Someone laugh
At the thought of
Being you

Why do you
Laugh so
Am I really that repulsive
To you?

Why do you
Hate me enough
To make me hurt?
When she turned her gaze upon me,
I was a mote of dust
caught in a beam of sunlight
I was huge and beautiful
and bright.

I laughed and danced
and shone.

And when she turned away,
a cloud moved across the sun
and I was extinguished.
Our hearts speak a language
Of our very own
We speak in a dialect
Of a great love once known

My Heart, My Twin
For you, I am still

Memories awash
In the back of our minds
Of a life together
That we must, live again

Who was I to you
What did we share
Our minds cannot recall
But our hearts, know it's there

Sweet memories
They haunt me
As I recall, touching your face
I cry even now, as I see you
As you walked away

My Heart, My Twin
I promised to wait
And I'll wait
A lifetime again

For you
I have always
Been still
Copyright *Neva Flores @2009

— The End —