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7.6k · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
You have me convinced,
Just by admitting you wonder.
A bit of you… just a little bit…
Yet still more,
Than ever I could have hoped.

Lifetimes ago, had only I known,
When I am older…
But what of now?
You're persuasive.
So much more than you know.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
2.8k · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
I think I’ve found your heart
And it’s beating me senseless.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
2.4k · Feb 2011
The Blackbird
Katie Eustace Feb 2011
Just the other morning I watched a blackbird.
It flitted through the unexpected sunshine,
Drawn, as they are, to the feeder in my garden.
This one, though, overshot its path.
It was flying so fast,
It didn't see the glass.
Death was instantaneous.

This morning I saw death of another kind.
Ethereal, yet just as unexpected.
"Maybe I got complacent, maybe I didn't think."
And the centre of my body is flickering.
I didn't expect to find flaw,
I couldn't have seen the fall.
Death comes slowly

and now it's down to you.

(c) Katie Eustace 2011
2.1k · Jun 2011
Katie Eustace Jun 2011
Broken and left,
but left by force
And now it's murky,
I can't see the course.

With you, without you,
You think you know better
But my feelings are contained,
in an unwritten letter.

The communication age,
is too much for me to bear
There's nothing I can do,
Without a reminder of you there.

In one way, in all ways,
in any way you can
You're sorry, you love me,
I'm ruining our plan.

I'm trying to keep sane,
Trying to just stay alright
But I feel like I'll surrender,
to the weakest of your fights.

I'm supposed to just go back to you,
Cause you've got "so much left to give,"
"You can't just move on,
and forget the life we planned to live."

I haven't forgotten
You've just turned it rotten
(c) Katie Eustace, 2011
1.3k · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
How come I always,
Get so caught up?
Wrong people,
Wrong places,
Half-empty cup.

You seemed an exception,
Like things were finally right.
I never,
No, never,
Even put up a fight.

I wish I had, now,
I could’ve had so much more.
If I could only,
If only,
Have just walked out that door.

With just a simple “sorry,”
You left a hollow in my chest.
I understand,
Please, understand,
You have to “do what’s best.”

And then there we both were,
Civility a struggle.
There’s her,
There’s always her,
I’m too much for you to juggle.

So all I’ve got now,
Are your footprints on my heart.
I miss you,
So much now,
Let’s go back to the start.

(c) Katie Eustace 2009
1.2k · Dec 2012
Sad Eyes
Katie Eustace Dec 2012
I can't be alone,
So I'm cradled, I'm held,
But my feet are just left

You're nothing to me, you're
Nothing to me.
You're nothing
To me, you're necessary.

I need you to be here,
I need you to go.
And I need to leave, and be
On my own.

But I don't know how!
To do things my way,
I don't know how
To not depend.

I'm clinging, I'm hanging, I'm
Clutching at straws.
I shake, pry open
My own clamped jaws.

And as I walk away again,
So much of me dies.
Forever the girl
With the sad eyes.
(c) Katie Eustace, 2012
1.1k · Dec 2010
Katie Eustace Dec 2010
The shower doors won't close properly,
and neither will
my eyes.
The water's getting in
The soap's getting in
The fear's
"He wanted her."
Past tense, I tell myself,
Let It Go.
And I have to, cause the water's
running cold.

I'm grumpy, upset, annoyed at you,
I'm in a bad mood
Angry? No, not angry. Never quite
angry. Never (quite.)
He loves me, he keeps telling me.
"He tells you all the time."

I don't know why
I Need this doubt.
But it makes me need to
(c) Katie Eustace, 2010
1.1k · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
I don’t know if I’m happy;
because I didn’t remember right away,
Or upset;
because I definitely feel weighted.

“It’s just a number,” I reassure;
just a number and just a boy,
And everything;
(Almost everything) that I’m missing.
That I lost.

I don’t know if I like that I;
remember, as I do,
Or if;
I like the privacy of it.
Of knowing.
Of you not knowing.

I do feel something, I don’t feel safe;
in the knowledge that I’d still take you back,
But you’ll never ask.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
1.0k · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
You slap my hand and then we’re soulmates,
With “i love you” on a screen
And a hammer on a string.
It’s a secret mission,
A written-out scene.
It’s an undisclosed location,
And we’re shrouded in smoke, and
3am mist, and
Each other’s giddy company.
It’s fire in your eyes, and
It’s blood in my mouth, but
I volunteered to be your victim.
So I smile at Temptation,
And Danger licks her lips.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
1.0k · Oct 2011
Katie Eustace Oct 2011
Lost in a desert of rights and wrongs,
With a list of pros and a list of cons.
I can't quite tell my left from right,
But I can't stand here figuring it out all night.

I know what you need, and I know what you want,
Yet you're stubbornly wearing these terms back-to-front.
You confuse me, you use me,  you tell me it's Love,
But falling for your charms is something I could be above.

So I'll make myself happy, in my own ****** way,
Even though you won't support me, no matter what you say.
Leave him alone, leave me alone, please just let us be,
And you can do what you want, without a word from me.

For the first time in forever, I can feel a sort of trust,
But it isn't meant for you, and it's certainly not for "us."
I want to cut you out of me, for more than just right now,
And for the first time in forever, I'm starting to see how.
(c) Katie Eustace 2011
946 · May 2011
All The King's Horses
Katie Eustace May 2011
You've left me without
the capacity to care
***** my trust and left it just
Lying there.

Looking for a
Reason. Any reason.

You ****** me
****** me over
****** her,
in your head.

I'm fatigued, and I'm
Jaded, and I'm
Betrayed beyond repair
And for all the king's horses...

I thought you had changed.
(c) Katie Eustace, 2011
937 · May 2010
To Justify
Katie Eustace May 2010
It's what I wanted,
What I always wanted.
(That's what I keep telling myself;
repeating it.

But now I don't think,
that I want it anymore.
I think.
It's scary, and it's
difficult, and it's
Full of Meaning.
I do still want
And this makes it easier.

To justify.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
911 · May 2010
The Deal
Katie Eustace May 2010
Shake on it, high five, and then
Seal it with a kiss.
"Greatest Couple Ever"
With a grin or a metal face.

And we're so very close now, but it's
Baby Steps and uncertainty.
Because you're in love with ideas, and I'm
In love with impossibility.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
828 · Apr 2011
Coming Around
Katie Eustace Apr 2011
It's almost two weeks,
"It feels like two years!"
It feels like
Maybe it's your ego
Maybe it's my body
Maybe we can forget it
and just
"I can live without him,
I don't NEED to be treated
that way."
But I want to wash your hair
And that'd be less awkward
if we were
I want to make your feet better
I want to make you feel better.
I want to bake together,
cookies and treats
I want to bake together,
in the foreign sun's heat.
I want you to learn
How to give me a massage
Because I know
that it'll make YOU feel good
**** it.
******* it.
We're meant to be
(c) Katie Eustace 2011
752 · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
"You smell like chocolate."
Yes, but
You smell just the same
As you always have. And
It makes me forget
That I'm not
To care.

I'm half over you, but
Still trying to get
Don't let me.
I'd just blame you.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
729 · Mar 2011
One Tree
Katie Eustace Mar 2011
Two years past, and
one year since.
But it's the latter we celebrate,
the former is
whispered. It was
Confusion and Cruelty.
It was apologies, and
We're safe, now.
I'm safe, and
I feel so. In your arms,
out of your arms,
but they're never far away.
Tá domhan úrnua againn,
and we won't mess it up.
We don't fear the future.
We recall without worry.
Now is harder, but we're saving it
for later.
There's so much to do
and so much to not,
and we've intertwined individuality.
I can't see the border,
but I don't really try.

We're safe now.
(c) Katie Eustace, 2011
696 · Sep 2010
The Worry
Katie Eustace Sep 2010
It's as soon as you leave, that
The Worry
It's never been there, it's always
been there.
Because I know just what
You're capable of.
I know too much, I don't know
enough, but still
More than I should.
And as you lay there, sleeping,
I know that this
is how
it's meant to be, it has to be, it Needs
to be.
It Needs to be.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
691 · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
Tie a knot in my bedpost
And bury my feet in your floor,
With yellow hands
And fanged eyes in your smile.
I don’t want to let go,
But forgive me if I ask.
I miss you,
Even when you’re right here.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
681 · May 2010
The Short Straw
Katie Eustace May 2010
I wonder how she's feeling,
And if she'll ever know.
I'll invite her to the wedding,
And see if she will go.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
664 · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
I can't take it,
Don't want to shake it.
Give me a fast-forward button,
Or a reason not to need one.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
629 · Jun 2010
Katie Eustace Jun 2010
Sturdy, solid and utterly
Unbreakable, it's meant to be
Forever. It's going to be
Forever. It's a fact,
Or so we take it.
Crystal clear,
And yet strong as diamond.
Time is not a problem. Time is not an
Of which we have
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
627 · May 2010
From the Outside
Katie Eustace May 2010
Drinking, smoking, skipping college,
Getting into fights that you don't start,
You put play before your work,
But that's just the way you are.

"Get out of my sight" or off the stage,
Your wink is soft, your anger's hard,
It seems to most, you've lost control,
But that's just the way you are.

I don't fit in, I never have,
You rebuke me, leave a mark,
Chancer, messing, cheeky, sly,
But that's just the way you are.

Yet all of this, and all of you'd
Miss half your worth by far,
It's senseless and you won't agree,
But that's just the way you are.

"How did she end up with him?"
And when did all this start?
Your play is work you want to keep,
But that's just the way you are.

And so we'll wait to tell the world,
Our lethargic, secret plan.
Sure, I could take it in my stride,
But that's not the way I am.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
602 · May 2010
The Play
Katie Eustace May 2010
And you're going to stage me, you said.
Us, and you'd love me to go along
to it - with it, but I don't want to
put you off.
They'll share our secrets, unknowingly.
They all will.
Medicine cabinets in the rain,
collecting water, dripping
secrets, and were you a song
you'd hold significance.

(c) Katie Eustace 2010
588 · May 2010
And Yet...
Katie Eustace May 2010
You’re upset,
So everything is
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
584 · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
It's not jealousy,
He's mine, I'm his,
But still I don't like,
How pretty she is.
(c) Katie Eustace 2010
577 · May 2010
Wild Things
Katie Eustace May 2010
You are where the wild begins
You’re the stub of all my sins
You’re the steps around the bend
You are how the world must end.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
565 · May 2010
Hidden Heart
Katie Eustace May 2010
Even so,
I love that you asked.
Just because you shouldn’t, but also because
I like
to think
it really does work.
You’re wild, and
untamed, and
electrically charged, but I want to be your battery.
We misspell words to look like your name,
But it can’t be as good as the real thing, or
you, and it doesn’t match up.
We like the same things,
But only when
it matters, and also when
we’ll get in trouble.
I want you to be serious but I think it might
And not in the way your kisses do.
I want you to find me, beat me up,
And make it better with your teeth and your hidden heart.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
536 · May 2010
Katie Eustace May 2010
Let me climb into your lap
And kiss your eyes closed
Because I love the way they shine
And I don’t want them looking
When I follow your rules
And you break mine.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009
526 · May 2010
The Future
Katie Eustace May 2010
Dance me to the sound
Of everything we could have, but don’t.
Whisper to me the sweet everythings
Of anger, and hatred, betrayal
And technical terms.
Take my hand in yours;
Give me a button sequence,
And write your name.
Switch song and try sing along.
But it’s called the future,
And you don’t know the words.
(c) Katie Eustace 2009

— The End —