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1.5k · Jan 2014
A Lifetime to Learn
KMD Jan 2014
Looking back on my life
From this old hospital bed
I realize in my heart
That there is much to be said
Much to be said to the broken hearted
Much to be said to those who are guarded
Much to be said to the lonely and confused
And much to be said to the arrogant and amused.
Even to you who has lost with no answer why
I have something for you, so don’t you cry
You see life is weird with its twists and its turns
And I hope it doesn’t take you a lifetime to learn
Learn that money is such a trivial thing
And Learn that to fly, you don’t always need wings
Learn that a smile can go a long way
Learn that it might even make a strangers day
Learn that love is never wrong
And learn that your mistakes make you strong
Learn that it is okay to cry
Learn that it is okay not to understand why
Learn to never stop dreaming
And if you do that, you’ll learn to never stop beaming.
Learn to be compassionate and kind
Learn to follow your heart, and listen to your mind
Learn to notice the beauty in life
And learn to be generous, when there is strife.
Learn to laugh as much as you can
Learn to be your own #1 fan
Learn to listen to other people’s pain
Learn to sing and dance in the rain
Learn to keep going when the going gets tough
And learn to stay calm when you've had enough
Learn to treasure your family and friends
Learn because these people will be there till the end
Learn to keep God close to your heart
Learn to thank him from the very start
I know this must be a lot to take in
But if you learn I promise you’ll win.
I hope that it doesn't take you a lifetime to see
I hope that someday you don’t end up like me.
1.4k · Jan 2014
Worry Like You
KMD Jan 2014
you worry about what they'll think
and you worry about making the baseball team
you worry about all of the small things
you worry about plans and you worry about dreams
you worry about who you're gonna ask to the prom
and you worry about getting the answer wrong
you worry about your friends who are in a fight
and you worry about your plans for friday night
you worry about getting into your dream school
you worry about being popular and even cool
you worry about money and grades too
oh how i wish i could worry like you
you see my worries are not the same
i don't worry about fun i don't worry about games
i worry about when my next meal will be
and i worry about never learning to read
i worry about my mom's disease
i worry about it being passed down to me
i worry about my sister being cold at night
and i worry about my village breaking out in a fight
i worry about all these aches and these pains
and i worry about water wasting down a drain
i worry about never getting my journey
and i worry if i'll still be here in the morning
so next time life has brought you to your knees
remember this poem and think about me
no matter how bad things seem from your view
there's someone out there who wishes
they could worry like you.
1.2k · Oct 2016
The Bridge
KMD Oct 2016
Right now I am on this strange bridge.
A bridge in between adolescence and adulthood.
The bridge is long, but I walk fast.
Even when I demand my feet to slow down, they keep moving forward with a quickened and frightened pace,
as if they were being chased, but they are not.
You see, no one is on the bridge but me.
And that makes me lonely.
I have friends on both sides of the bridge,
but they don't seem to walk with me.
So I walk by myself.
Sometimes when the loneliness becomes too much to bare,
I turn around to look at where I came from.,
to make my heart warm with the memories.
With just one turn of my head I can hear my Dad's voice on Christmas morning, yelling that Santa came.
I can remember the satisfaction of running through the sprinkler on a warm September school night.
I can taste the hot chocolate marshmallows on my lips, the way it warmed my body on the first snow day of the year.
I can feel the grass underneath my bare feet as I weave in and out of laundry hung up on a line.
I can see the fireworks light up the July night sky as I lay on a riverbank with my best friends.
I can hear James Taylor's sweet voice flow freely though the kitchen as my mom makes dinner.
And I can remember, I can so vividly remember how it feels to lay down at night knowing that on the other side of my poster plastered bedroom wall, were people who would always and fervently protect me.
How infinite I thought those feelings would be.
But most times I can not afford to look back for long.
I must keep walking, so I turn and face the other side of the bridge.
I have no memories there.
Only my own fears,
My own expectations.
My own hopes.
I imagine what that side will look like.
A good job. Bills, savings. Responsibility.
A swanky city apartment, plane tickets to pretty places.
Wanting to make some difference but not quite knowing how.
Phone calls to catch up.
Visits twice a year.
A nice boy, a happy girl.
Something blue, something borrowed.
More mouths to feed, more souls to love.
Coffee and wrinkles.
Fighting to stay in love.
Fighting to stay alive.
These thoughts overwhelm me.
Thinking of the other side places a weighted and anxious ball in the pit of my gut.
So today instead of looking back and instead of looking forward, I choose to look down.
I see the wooden beams of the bridge, smooth and nailed carefully together.
Through the cracks of the wood I notice the raging river below.
The water looks so cold. The movement looks so violent.
I am overcome with a feeling of relief that I am not in the river.
I notice again the wooden beams of the bridge, constructed so carefully.
I bend my knees and my feet feel the sturdiness of the bridge.
I can't help but smile.
And for the first time since I have been on the bridge,
I feel so overwhelmingly thankful that I even have a bridge at all,
that I have something to walk on during this journey.
I guess sometimes it takes looking down,
to realize what's lifting you up.
1.1k · Feb 2014
i miss you
KMD Feb 2014
i miss you like the day misses the night
i miss you like a person misses their flight
i miss you when i wake up
and even more when i lay down
i miss you because you are no longer around
i miss you when the stars come out
i miss you when they fade
i miss everything about you
i miss the life we made
i miss the laughter
and i even miss the tears
how can you blame me
when you were mine for 75 years
947 · Jan 2014
I Sit Upon this Mountain
KMD Jan 2014
I sit upon this mountain
and I watch the world below
I sit up on this mountain
and wonder where I could go
I sit upon this mountain
because it's cool and free
I sit upon this mountain
because there's no one here but me
I sit upon this mountain
and I let down my hair
I sit upon this mountain
it was just too busy down there
I sit upon this mountain
and I see you worry and fret
I sit upon this mountain
and I begin to wish
I wish you would take a deep breath
I wish you would not quit
I wish I could give you a mountain
a mountain where you could sit.
KMD Mar 2014
It was the 15th day of September
that is when it all fell apart
it was then on that very dreaded Monday
that you sat down and broke my heart

Sorrow attacked me like it was the plague
it made for my very worst Fall
I cried when I tired to see the color in the leaves
I slumped when I tried to stand tall

December came and December went
and still I could not feel
there were lights and love all around me
but I could not find Christmas cheer

February saw a month of pain
this feeling I could not shake
and with every stupid, flaming beat of my heart
I could feel it ache

Spring came like it promised it would
brought with it flowers and rain
and the third day into May I awoke
and my heart, it felt no pain

All of a sudden I did not feel angry
I certainty did not feel blue
because the third day into May my dear
was the day that I stopped loving you
725 · Feb 2014
If I Was a Star
KMD Feb 2014
If I was a star
Maybe then you'd see me because I'd live high in the sky
If I was a star
You would oh and aw and wish on me as I went by
If I was a star
You would write me a song, I bet it would be nice and sappy
If I was a star
I would try so hard, but still I would not be happy
If I was a star in fact
I'd be a little blue, because if I was a star my dear
I would be far away from you.
716 · Mar 2014
don't give up.
KMD Mar 2014
you are loved beyond worth
you are treasured beyond measure
651 · Jan 2015
Not A Poem
KMD Jan 2015
December 24th, 2075
The otherwise dark and grey hospital room was lit up by tiny twinkling lights that hung from the Christmas tree sitting in the corner. Strands of homemade cards lined the ceiling. Pictures of children and grandchildren lay upon the tables. Flowers were placed by his bed. This man was surrounded by love. It only seemed fitting to me that this be the way he checked out, surrounded by love, since that’s what he spent his whole life giving away to others. And how I loved this man. How it heart my hurt to see him like this now. I slowly removed my coat, hat, and gloves careful not to make any noise, even though I knew that had I done so he would still not wake up.  I crept over to sit in the chair beside his bed. It was still warm from whatever body sat there before me. Probably someone who also loved him, someone who had sat in this very chair and cried for him for hours just moments before I arrived. Someone who mourned for him. It made me happy to know he was loved fully and completely after our time together ended.
His hand felt cold and wrinkly as I placed it in between mine. It was strange to me holding his old, wrinkly hand, for it was so different than the one I had so vividly remembered holding all those years ago. I studied the lines and the creases that ran about it, proof that it had been through a long, hard-working, and good life. I then looked down at my own hands, wrinkled and weathered in the same ways. It was astounding to me all of the years we had let pass before us. Right there, sitting in that hospital room I wished nothing more than for the years to come back to us, for us to be young again. And hardly a moment passed before I realized just how foolish my wishing had been. The years had been good to the both of us. We led full and happy lives with love and laughter, this I knew to be true from the various times we would talk over the phone throughout our years. I would hear his wife cooking and his children laughing in the background and my heart would be warmed knowing that he was good. That’s all I ever wanted.
I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I watched his heart rise slowly in his chest, knowing that these beats were among his last. And what a good heart it was. I tried to prepare myself for when that moment would come. My body froze as I realized there was no such thing as preparation. How do you prepare yourself for saying goodbye to your soul mate? How do you prepare yourself for losing a half of your heart? How do you prepare yourself for a part of you, a distinct and unwavering part of you to die? It seems as though you can’t. Tears began to readily flow as my mind took a trip down memory lane. I tried to remember the last time I saw him. I believe we were both 20 years old. It was August and our last month we would ever spend together at Sunset Lake.  We spent nights sleeping beneath the stars and days singing by the water. We would swim in the rain and we would kiss in the grass. We would dance on the kitchen tiles as dinner was cooking and we would laugh when there was nothing else to do. Three months was all it took for us to fall completely and madly in love. There is no feeling in this world more exhilarating than meeting your soul mate. Discovering the other half of you, discovering the person they make you.  And yet with this feeling fresh in our hearts, we knew that it would not work. He was headed off to the music academy at the end of the summer and I too headed off to Paris for a year of studying abroad. With loving intentions we let each other move on without letting each other go.
My remembering was suddenly interrupted a quiet knock. I turned around to find a middle aged woman standing in the doorway with a coffee in her hand. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes that were drooping with exhaustion and moist with sadness. Her lips curled into a sweet smile as she saw me sitting there.
“You must be Danny’s daughter, I am terribly sor” before I could finish the woman pulled me in for a soft embrace.
“Thanks for visiting. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but he appreciates all these visitors. How did you know my dad?” Her voice sounded strangely like her father’s, sweet and poetic. Almost song-like.
“Oh, me and your father are old friends. He was a very, very good friend to me.”
“He is a sweet man isn’t he? I’m sorry how rude of me, I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Winnie Baker, I am Danny’s oldest daughter.”
My heart stopped. Suddenly I could not find air to breathe. The room started to spin and I felt the tears begin to fall. Only more now, and faster.
The woman was clearly caught off guard. “Oh my, are you okay? Can I get you some water?” She said. The sadness on her face suddenly replaced with worry.
I mustered up the courage to speak, “Oh dear, I’m fine, I’m fine. I just must get going now. Please forgive me.” I walked over to his bedside and leaned down to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” I whispered. And with that I began to move for the door.
“Merry Christmas!” I heard his daughter yell as I exited, the confusion apparent in her voice. I wanted to say it back, for she was such a sweet woman, but I just could not find a way.
I attempted to wipe away the tears and as I made my way down he hallway to the waiting room. Nurses dressed in holiday scrubs shot me looks of sympathy on my way. Oh how I wish they knew what these tears were really for. As I approached the waiting room I smiled when I saw my husband sitting in the exact chair that left him in some 45 minutes ago. He smiled too when he saw me. And there he was, my other great love. My husband of 50 years, my partner in life, the father to my 5 children, the grandfather to my 13, the love of my life. No, he was not my soul mate. My soul mate was lying in room 315 dying. No Steven was not the man who’s my heart fit with exactly, like two pieces of a puzzle. Steven and I are were not perfect. But we loved each other so deeply that it did not matter. He got up and walked over me and embraced me in a hug.
“How is he sweetie?” He asked as he kissed my forehead. Steven knew all about Danny. Never once was he threatened by the idea of him. Steven was a godly man like that. In the beginning I often thought about what my life would have been like had I lived it with Danny and not Steven. Danny and I were so selfishly compatible that our lives together would have been just us. We would have traveled the world and played music and wrote books and we never would have had time to create something outside of us. I was not meant to be with Danny, he was my soul mate, but he was not the one. I created a life with Steven, full of problems, fights, children, laughter, and love because we were individually unique and together complete. Looking into my loving husband’s eyes in that waiting rom I realized I would not have it any other way.
“He will be gone soon. But he led a happy life. And I am so glad I was able to say goodbye. Let’s go home dear.”
He took my hand, “Let’s go home Winnie.” And with that we began to walk. Somewhere in the distance I heard a clock tower stick midnight, and with that we walked through the doors into the Christmas night.
635 · Jan 2014
Wake Up
KMD Jan 2014
Today I did not wake up to breakfast in bed
I did not wake up by the sea
I did not hear your familiar voice
I tried and still I could breathe
so I mustered all of my strength
and I made myself stand
I looked down at my body
and saw that I had two hands
I used those hands to switch
that light right near the door
and all of a sudden I saw a roof
and I even saw a floor
Lots of clothes lay upon it
they looked so pretty and warm
they were pieces put together
not like my heart that felt so torn
then the strangest thing did occur
as is stood there on my floor
I found a piece of glass
that let me see even more
inside the glass there was a girl
she seemed a little upset
and all of a sudden I felt my hand
reach out and cover my chest
inside my chest there was a thud
my hand felt its bump
and for the first time in a long time
I felt lucky that I woke up.
560 · Jan 2014
I Did Not Know
KMD Jan 2014
I did not know how smart you were
until your voice did not fill my ears
I did not know how strong you were
until there was no one there to calm my fears
I did not know how funny you were
until the day I couldn't hear your laugh
I did not know how I blessed I was
until I wished that you'd somehow come back
I did not know how talented you were
until no one's music could set me free
and I did not know how much I loved you
until you were no longer there to hear me.
507 · Mar 2014
A Stranger's Kindness
KMD Mar 2014
As the hours crept into the early morning
and the darkness turned into frost
I began to ponder the possibility
that I could very well be lost
In a foreign land I found myself
not a clue as to what I should do
not much money in my pocket
not many miles left in my shoes
I let the fear take over my body
I let the tears fill my eyes
wasn't long before I sat my American *** down
and then began to cry
No hope left in my heart
no reason to stay calm
all I wanted was to go home
and **** I missed my mom!
all of a sudden my pity party was disturbed
by a gentle hand on my back
there stood a middle-aged Japanese woman
and kindness she did not lack
with what little English I imagine she knew
the woman began to talk
she asked me if I needed help
then took my hand and began to walk
the woman took me to a map
explained where I must go
she handed over a train ticket
with a smile that made her glow
stunned by this stranger's kindness
perplexed by her reasons why
I boarded the train and watched
as the woman waved me goodbye
"wait!" I found myself yelling
as the train began to roar
"how can I ever thank you?"
I yelled with my head out the door
The woman titled her head and smiled
much like mothers do
she said "I have a daughter
who very much reminds me of you"
with that the train sped up
the woman was soon gone from sight
never would I seed her again
and never would I forget that night
it has now been five years
living, I have done a lot
I have been to many places since
but that woman I have not forgot
A stranger in passing, maybe so
  I doubt she would recognize me today
but she is engraved into my heart
and forever there she will stay
You see a stranger's kindness is warm and familiar
it takes a person home
perhaps that is why yesterday in the airport
I decided to create some of my own
There stood an Indian woman
a crying baby in her arms
holding a giant map with one hand
looking exhausted and alarmed
People rushed by one by one
not stopping at any cost
it was then that I walked up to her and asked
  "Ma'am are you lost?"
452 · Feb 2014
A broken world?
KMD Feb 2014
You my friend are so quick
To point out that we live in a broken world
But have you ever stopped to look
In the hearts of the boys and the girls?
You see kids don't see the world
Like adults so sadly do
They don't see the pain or the grief
The senseless tragedies we go through
They don't see gay or straight
They don’t see rich or poor
They don't know quantities of money
They simply just ask for more
Childhood is spent learning right from wrong
It is drilled into their core
Daddy told me not to hit
So tell me, why would they understand war?
Kids do not judge
They do not separate us from them
They do not stand on their high horse
Deciding who to save and who to condemn
To them the world is simple
It is not senseless, it is not dumb
It is not this horrible thing
That they’re constantly trying to escape from
So go ahead and call this world broken
Call it what you will
But some time ago you were that kid
And life, baby it gave you a thrill.
You saw it as a masterpiece
And each piece the perfect fit
So maybe seeing the world this way
Is the very way we fix it
430 · Feb 2014
Kid I Love Ya
KMD Feb 2014
Kid I love ya
have you heard?
it's written in the sky
it's in the pages of my word
Kid I love ya
how much you ask?
to put into words,
an impossible task
Kid I love ya
for how long now?
well that's easy
how long have you been around?
Kid I love ya
but why me I am so sick and old?
because you are my child
i watched your life unfold
Kid I love ya
but right now I must go
I need to get back to heaven
so I can welcome you home
KMD Mar 2015
I hate that you like the songs I like
boy it has been two years
I have cursed and wished and gave you away
and yet somehow you are still here.

I hate that you like the songs I like
I hate when you tweet a verse
it irritates me to no  freaking end
I liked the **** song first.

I hate that you like the songs I like
still, after all this time
the past of singing them together in the car
is a past that I have left behind.

I hate that you like the songs I like
perhaps i should not dwell
but why is it when a song is speaking to me
it is speaking to you as well

I hate that you like the songs I like
it causes me to feel and to think.
I hate that it has been two years since I have seen you
and somehow our souls are still in sync.
427 · Oct 2014
KMD Oct 2014
i'm mad at the world
for doing this to you
and i'm mad at myself
for not loving you more
and i'm mad at you
for not sticking around
yea i'm mad at you
for not sticking around.
409 · Nov 2014
Connor and I
KMD Nov 2014
Connor and I fell in love outside the touch of time
Connor and I fell fast and Connor and I drank wine
Connor and I would swim in the summer rain
we would gaze at the stars and wish on the planes
Connor and I danced while dinner was cooking
on those kitchen tiles, where nobody was looking
Connor and I would hide in the trees
we would kiss in the grass, we would sleep in the breeze
Connor and I broke down on old gravel roads
Connor and I is what happens when passion explodes
Connor and I spent just 3 weeks together
Connor is the boy I will remember forever.
402 · Apr 2015
KMD Apr 2015
some call her a friend
for her loyalty never wavers
she's always there to listen and to laugh
she never runs out of favors

some call her a giver
for her generosity never seems to run out
her heart too big not to share
Giving is what her life's about

some call her a fixer
for she knows all the remedies
be it a scrapped knee or a broken heart
she'll care for you endlessly

She is so many things to so many people
Like her, there is surely no other.
So how very lucky am I
that I just call this woman my mother.
399 · Mar 2014
If I Could Go Back
KMD Mar 2014
If I could go back
I'd go to that very dreaded day
I would find that scared little boy
and I would take him away

Hand in hand we'd go for a walk
I'd tell him it's not too late
that his actions in those next few moments
dear boy they would carry weight

the weight so heavy it can crush a soul
a feeling you will not shake
and with every beat of your heart
you will feel it ache

eventually you will grow old
you may even move away
you'll  find a girl and fall in love
but the pain I promise will stay

the guilt will grow with each passing moment
you'll despise the courage you lacked
and one day you'll awake as a man
who wishes that he could go back

I would then stop and let the boy think
hoping my words made sense
that all of a sudden he would have a change of heart
and run to his friend's defense

My heart would smile when he did just that
he turned around and ran
I would drop to my knees with joy
as the tears of relief began

If I could go back
I would not do things the same
and hopefully I could change the man
that 12 year old boy became
395 · Mar 2014
KMD Mar 2014
ever since the girl was small
she dreamt of places afar.
ever since the girl could walk
she's been off chasing the stars.
night after night,
year after year
the girl kept her pace,
for fear that if she stopped for a moment
the gaze would leave her face.
every person she met was a friend,
every place she learned to call home
people wandered why she did it,
but for her to live was to roam.
they did not understand why she chased the stars
they said that the girl was lost
to them the stars were not worthy
you see stars do not have a cost.
chasing stars is an an impossible task!
the people would shout and condemn
but little did the people know
that is precisely why she chased them.
384 · Oct 2014
KMD Oct 2014
are you deep within the stars?
are you lying in the ocean?
Riley you're still captivating
all of my emotion.
did you get lost on your way to heaven?
are you sitting at a table with Jesus?
Riley, Riley I miss you.
Riley, where can I find you?
where can I find you?
where can I find you?
"the sharp knife of a short life"
352 · Mar 2015
KMD Mar 2015
we have become so accustomed to complaining
so reliant on finding misfortune
so utterly fixated upon
blowing a bad thing out of proportion
351 · Nov 2014
KMD Nov 2014
some moments
big or small
demand to be held onto
they scream and they yell to be held onto
and yet it seems it is these moments
that we choose to let go.
344 · Mar 2014
out of words
KMD Mar 2014
boy I've been out of words
and you've been out of touch
and i've been wondering
if this is gonna be enough
so i whisper to myself
that we'll be okay
but we both know we're broken
and won't do nothing about it
338 · Sep 2015
KMD Sep 2015
Like a bowling ball
crashing down an olden wooden lane,
thinking of you
sends shattering pain throughout my body.
reminding me of just how uncomfortable it is
to live without you.
338 · Aug 2014
Take Your Sweet Time
KMD Aug 2014
I don't know where you are
and I don't know where you've been
I do not know your name
or the color of your skin
your story I've never heard
your laugh is a mystery
your trials and your demons
just an unknown vacancy
see the world thinks we are strangers
but i feel you here in my heart
we were meant to find each other
we were destined from the start
but much life I have to live
tribulations I must endure
before you my dear
come knocking on my door
so I will wait forever
patience will become my friend
until I finally find the road
that leads me to our end
see you too have a journey
one just as important as mine
my love, be safe
and take your sweet time
333 · Apr 2014
KMD Apr 2014
it's true
that there will be a day
in the future
it may be near or far
and on this day
things will be better than they are right now
in that moment
the feelings of
they will be gone
in their place
will stand feelings of
and love
how cool is that then
that you have this day to look forward to
320 · Oct 2014
looking at the moon
KMD Oct 2014
looking at the moon
ah what a beautiful sight
it's white light in all this glory
brightens up this cold winter night

looking at the moon
as it watches over the stars
must be nice to have such company
loyal even from afar

looking at the moon
oh what joy it brings me
my soul is set on fire
this sight sets me free

but looking at the moon
does have its accompanying sadness
for how i wish i could go sit with the moon
and  for a night leave this madness
317 · Feb 2016
This Spot in Space
KMD Feb 2016
I am only in this spot once a year.
This fleeting moment of latitude in the sky,
this position in space,
this view of our sun.
It will come again,
about 365 days from now.

Yet, I do not ponder the position of the Earth when that day comes.
I do not think about the curious path our orbit continuously takes me on.
But I do ponder the position of my restless soul.

Will I still love you then?
In 365 days when I apathetically see the sun in the same way as I see it today,
will the longing to be close to you still form a burning hunger in the depth of my gut?

Will I still be living within the frigid walls of the Glass City?
Or will my wandering heart find the courage to take me to the place in the pictures.
To a new time zone,
to an unassuming cafe
where the uncomfortable sensation of not knowing a soul in sight
will cause the very act of asking for a cup of coffee to fill my being with pride and satisfaction.

In 365 days when my planet finds itself in the exact same orbital point it finds itself in today,
will I have found a way to suppress the need for the world's approval.
Will my thoughts be worthy without their validation?
Will my actions activate without their observation?
302 · Nov 2014
KMD Nov 2014
and i swear i could have stayed in that moment forever
but that's not how the world works
the world is constantly moving
it is constantly changing
so we too then move
we move far and away
and we change
we become new people
and do new things
but our memories
they don't change
they don't move with the world
290 · Sep 2014
Perhaps my love, perhaps.
KMD Sep 2014
perhaps it's up with the stars
perhaps it's hidden in a book
perhaps it's right in front of our faces
and we must open our eyes and look.
perhaps it's stored in an old dusty attic
maybe in the farthest crevice of our minds
or perhaps these answers that we so fiercely pursue
we were never meant to find,
289 · Sep 2014
a mother's love
KMD Sep 2014
I wanted you to learn
in a way I never could
I wanted you to try
in a way I never would
I wanted you to travel
things I wanted you to see
I wanted you to experience a world
that was never given to me
I wanted compassion to fill your heart
and knowledge to fill your mind
I wanted you to believe in a God
that I myself never could find
I wanted you to never feel inadequate
never a moment where inequality would exist
I wanted you to have it all
no opportunity would go by missed
My baby I wanted these things for you
I wanted them since that very first day
I wanted these things for you
And that is why I gave you away.
286 · Aug 2014
Take Your Sweet Time
KMD Aug 2014
I don't know where you are
and I don't know where you've been
I do not know your name
or the color of your skin
your story I've never heard
your laugh is a mystery
your trials and your demons
just an unknown vacancy
see the world thinks we are strangers
but i feel you here in my heart
we were meant to find each other
we were destined from the start
but much life I have to live
tribulations I must endure
before you my dear
come knocking on my door
so I will wait forever
patience will become my friend
until I finally find the road
that leads me to our end
see you too have a journey
one just as important as mine
my love, be safe
and take your sweet time
284 · May 2014
Last Trip Around The Sun
KMD May 2014
so scared of the very act of dying
that you often forget to live
so scared of getting hurt
that you often forget to forgive

so many words you keep inside
for fear of what they'll say
so many dreams left undreamnt
because you're holding out for one day

so much time spent in front of a screen
waiting for a virtual like
so many trips not taken
the timing was never right

so much of the world you haven't seen
so many people you haven't met
some live in places of poverty and war
yet you choose to politely forget

when the buzzer finally goes off
and the good lord calls you up
will you be satisfied with this life?
will you have done enough?

you see each day here is a gift
so live it like it's special one
because dear friend you will never know when
it's your last trip around the sun.
252 · Nov 2014
KMD Nov 2014
and someday
one of them is gonna turn around
and love you back.

— The End —