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Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
Crushed up light bulbs,
inhaling glass
because **** man,
whatever gets you high.
Although often,
it just makes you low.
chop , tap
You're off to neverland,
for a few hours
'till all the pixie dust is used up
and you are just a
shaking sweating infant
waiting to be fed.
They say getting high,
doesn't make you trip,
it widens your vision,
and allows more information
and light
to enter your skull
Dilated pupils
it opens your
third eye
they say.
Maybe thats why
the world looks so much better
after a few lines
Dedicated to Autumn Nolen and Katie Ormsby*

Sewed little pink stitches,
all over my broken heart.
Soothed my worries
with sweet words
and reality T.V.
I had forgot how important,
friendship is.
Late night talks and afternoon hikes,
little black dresses and curling irons
Our hands interwoven,
laughed through dark streets,
and bright rooms.
Smoke and sunshine and sisterhood.
I am so thankful,
to have friends like you.
exhilaration pumping through my arteries and shyness clouding up my mind.
my shy eyes and nervous smirks. you look at me and i look away.
i look away.
holding hands until the creases between our fingers sweat. you kiss the tips of my fingers.
sitting in the park at three in the morning and i could listen to your voice and watch your lips all night.
sing me to sleep. lay down your head. i run my fingers through your hair.
kissing. my body tingles. stomach whirls. head spins. i am floating.
and then i give myself to you. swallowing temptation. i cry. you understand.
you understand.
you say that you can see in my eyes, i am sad. always sad.
it's okay. he repeats.
i like you. he says. i'm sorry, i just like you. he repeats.
you accept me. i am dreaming, i am dreaming i am dreaming.
long walks along the canal and piggy back rides.
you impersonate the terminator. i sing the arctic monkeys.
meeting your family. my cheeks are red. i feel welcomed. still uncomfortable.
i am awkward. i am awkward. i am awkward.
traffic on the freeway. arizona sunset. i tickle your hands.
you drop me off. awkward kisses. sadness.
the feeling of knowing someone for a long period of time but not knowing someone at all.
i am laying in bed. i like you. i am frightened. you are my enough.
negative anticipation and i am swimming in my pool of fear.
please don't hurt me.
breathe me in.

— The End —