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Jan 2014 · 958
The Dance of Dreams
To dance within your heart of dreams,
and touch the soul of a loved one dear.
Feeling the fire of passion in your blood,
to hold their loving body near.

Two souls, once meant to be as one,
Being loved, only to remain forever apart.
Hoping forever to be reunited in the end.
within your true lover’s arms,

Your soul filled with longing.
Loving, yet never to know true love.
A part crying out for the chance, to
move to the beat of love, life’s endless dance.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Jan 2014 · 622
Fall of Life
My thoughts have turned to fantasy of a dream I wish to live.
As a sapling, into a tree grows with branches reaching to the sun.
It’s countless leaves offering shelter to the creatures scurrying below.
So it is my fantasy and dreams offer protection to my tortured soul.
The season changes, setting the leaves ablaze, reflecting the fire that lies
here dormant. Within a body and mind riddled with pain.
Shining out from eyes that have refused to age. Some see me as a woman
past her prime, but to look closer would reveal a heart that beats with a passion
which is sublime.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Butterfly’s Kiss
Her breath flutters softly across his skin,
with the light airiness of sweet innocence.
Like a butterfly’s textured wings flutter,
as it drinks the nectar of the flowers.

Touching her inexperienced lips to his lightly,
her tongue exploringly tastes of his kiss.
Burning with a flaming desire for this man,
yet terrified of the fire within herself.

She can hear his whispered words of love,
just as she can feel it in his every touch.
Longing to let him still the raging tides,
that are rushing to the surface of her mind.

Desperately she pushes him away,
while an inner voice begs him to stay.
He gazes at the tears, the agony of indecision
in her eyes, knowing she will go, his heart aches.

As she runs from him across the grassy slopes,
he staunchly watches as she tries to escape
two hearts destined amongst the stars to be joined.
He cries out “ We shall never again be free!”

She pauses, stilled by the raw pain in her lover’s voice.
Throughout eternity his touch she shall feel.
As she turns and disappears, he feels the flutter
against his lips of a butterfly’s kiss.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
From my Dark Watcher series:

Evil rage strikes forth from his soul,
raw with the pain of rejection.
Reaching out to callously feed on another.
Caught in a web of deceit so lethal as to –
infect the lives of the innocent with his poison.

He cripples their future with angry words, painful blows,
Castes them out with vile actions of revenge-
destroying all their dreams.

He tears at the last vestige of hope,
till there is nothing but darkness, and despair,
dragging them into the same pit of rage
that swallowed him.

Love and hatred embraced in a pitiful-
dance of conformity,resignation in every step.

Contagious venom leaks from one to another,
creating a bane of evil, so corrupt, and secretive,
the damage-sometimes irreversible.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski

This may be difficult for some to read, as many shall see themselves within the written words, either as the perpetrators or the victims of  abusive relationships.
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
Megan Rae
A day, not so very long ago,
our lives were made complete.
GOD sent us such a blessing,
a child so soft and sweet.

A gentle, pretty little girl,
With a smile that catches your eye.
Chestnut hair, and a button nose,
eyes as blue as the morning sky.

As he looks down upon this
Earth of yours and mine.
He knows he sent an Angel,
as a blessing and a sign.

As I watch you grow
I come to realize,
How very special you are
In your Grandma’s eye.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
For my Granddaughter, I love you.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Touching of Two Hearts
Her words ignite a fire in his blood as
thoughts of possessing her fill his mind.
He knows not how she is able to touch him
with the miles so vast between them.
But her words are as fingers of passion,
leaving a burning trail across his skin.

She speaks the language of lovers as old as time,
with a desire so intense it rages beyond control,
filling his heart with a glorious love, and a warmth
that reaches deep into his soul.
He knows this to be the only way his love for her
he can embrace, for the vows she has spoken before
him she knows she can not disgrace.

So let it be here that he has her love,
for he knows he can never say goodbye.
She has intertwined her thoughts with his,
touched his heart with fingers of love and desire.
He understands that in her heart and soul a
lifetime of love for him alone resides.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
The Realm
The air is brisk, all the leaves the color of flames,
as they send off sparks to incite the heat of desire.
Watching as they sway like lovers dancing in the wind.
The sun reflects off the pond as if sprinkled with glitter.
Ducks swim amongst the flickering lights as if they
were a ballet that never tires,

A path leads to a magical gazebo that has withstood
the hands of time. Etched into its body are the words
of lovers written in rhyme. What wonderful secrets
this old wood must have heard told. All the kisses
and whispered  endearments of lovers so bold.

Stolen kisses, forbidden embraces, anger, frustration,
laughter and tears. this place had to have seen it all,
in it’s many years. Touch the wood and feel all the warmth
of love and desires it holds. Each grain protecting a memory
of one of many in its fold.

So come with me my friends, walk along its trodden paths.
Stroll with me into the Realm of love and fantasies.
Listen to the winds of change, dancing through the leaves.
If you listen close you just might be able to hear, a lover’s
soft laugh or maybe the falling of a tear.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Web of Fantasy
Trapped within my web of fantasy.
Floating upon the sea of desires.
Searching for the master of dreams,
to set this lady’s heart afire.

A touching of the minds
and a seducing of heart.
Loving them tenderly,
only to quietly depart.

Mesmerized by the fire,
caught within the dancing flames.
No thoughts of the costs,
no casting out of blame.

Thinking not of the future,
with no regrets of the past.
Living in the precious moment,
letting one feel my touch.
Just to end my torment.
Trying only to make it last.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 1.9k
Freckle or a Flea
Duke was admiring his puppy self in the mirror,
when upon his nose a bright red spot did appear.
Turning his head first to the left, then to the right,
studying his nose and this strange red dot so bright.

His young Master Ryan had red dots across his nose.
“Freckles” Ryan had told the pup, with eyes so sad.
So if it was a freckle it was also bad.

Ryan,  his best friend was human, you see.
Duke was a puppy, one day a dog to be.
Humans sometimes got freckles.
Dogs sometimes got fleas.

He remembered another time,
When he had found a flea.
That was so long ago.
But not like this one, that
in the light seemed to glow.

Maybe if he barked, it would go away.
“ WOOF!” He said, and still it stayed.
Scared, his master Ryan he went to find.
lying his head in Ryan’s lap, he whined.

Ryan looked at his pup and laughed with glee,
a the red spot on his puppy’s nose he did see.
Duke looked up and was surprised to see,
that Ryan had hundreds of the same red fleas.

In the room Ryan’s Mother came,      
“So this is where my glitter went” She exclaimed.
Ryan laughed at his Mom and Duke was relieved.
This strange red spot that had made him so bitter,
was not a freckle or a flea, but only red glitter.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
For My Grandson Ryan
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Loss of Innocence
From my Dark Watcher Series;

You touched my skin, with hands of a lover,
though you had not the right.
You took that, which belonged only to me,
without any thoughts of foresight.
You talked to me with evil lies,
taking away a child’s’ face.
You brought a deadly fear into the heart,
which no amount of love could erase.

Sword of passion, you destroyed an innocent,
replacing a trusting heart with shame.
Tearing my world apart with every touch,
whispering that it be in God’s name.
My soul now empty, forever searching
for that, stolen so ruthlessly in the past.
Trying to heal, yet finding it hard to believe.
Seeking a future, an oasis, in a desert so vast.

How? Once again I ask of you,
could you so callously abuse my trust?
You took an innocent faith, and my love,
Casting it out with the fulfillment of your lust.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 599
Who are we?
But a mere whisper amongst
a universe of unspoken words.
A thought never voiced, yet heard.

Breathing shells, encasing hopes
and dreams.
Hearts that are easily shattered by the
silent screams.

Who are we?
A tear swallowed in a river of pain.
A smile given with nothing to gain.
Gentle touches that shout of love.
The ability to find peace in the
tender coo of a dove.

Who are we?
But the rustle of a soft breeze, that creates
ballets through oak leaves, or just the
imagination that allows us to be.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Sunshine and the Rain
From my Dark Watcher Series;

You came into my life,
offering me your heart.
I could be what you needed,
and be loved and protected,
I felt it could be a good start.
Your hands taught me pleasure,
the same hands also brought pain.
Your words could bring the sunshine,
but more often they brought the rain.
I looked to you for answers,
for you were older in age.
Then I began to see in you,
the ghost of simmering rage.
Fear and control, gains respect,
you would righteously boast.
Searching for your goal with
cruel words, and hands,
only to succeed in hurting
the ones you claimed to love most.
So much goodness in you, so
much love and tenderness.
How could such a good-hearted man,
show his family they meant so much less?
Now your children are almost grown,
the woman you love wants to leave.
Now you feel the need in you, to
say the things she needed to hear.
Let her know that you love her,
and always want her near.
You know in her heart there are feelings,
though she is pushing them away.
Can you close the gap between you
before those good thoughts also fade?
She says “I wish I could say, that I can
forget the past, that all I want is for this
relationship to last.
But pretend I will no longer do.
I don’t want my sadness, or decision
to cause you anymore pain, I just have
a great need in my heart for more sunshine,
and much less rain.”

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 675
Dark Watcher
From my Dark Watcher Series

Standing in the shadowy dusk,
watching sadly as another love dies.
Tears of blood being silently shed,
from a heart torn savagely apart.
So much pain and despair inside.
Arms reaching out as if to hold,
a loved one near enfolds only air.
Fearful sobs, there is no reprieve.
The sheen of a blade as it glistens,
in the dim streetlight’s afterglow,
arches above a heart laid bare.
Reaching out a hand to capture,
the soul as it flees the body.
One more of God’s beautiful angels
again to be felled by love…
Sealing his black bag of souls,
as another tear falls unchecked.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
A Shielded Heart
From my Dark Watcher Series;

A heart carries a shield, which to hold at bay,
the demons of the night, that want to play.
Warding off the tears, that joins the game,
with feelings of hate, giving birth to shame.
Swords drawn, the duel begins once more,
sheathes of angry words, slamming doors.
Ruthless sparring that cuts to the soul,
their points dipped in poison, take their toll.
Lethal cuts, rivers of tears that run red,
through gouged cliffs of unknown dread.
Spiteful jousting of controlling speeds,
that ****** deep, to finish the fateful deed.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 490
The Lady Who Walks the Lane
As I look upon your face,
pale in the midst of bleak pain,
I think of the love in you for
this lady who walks the lane.

My heart asks, “What do you see
when your eyes this lass do follow?
What feelings flow through your body,
to make your breathing so shallow?

This hurt she inflicts on you
allows her to invade and reign,
the love you’ve stored away
for this lady who walks the lane.

A touch of her hand on yours,
the sight of tears upon her cheeks.
When another’s love she yearns,
and for his touch she does seek.

Cherishing the feel of her, fingers
running through her silk mane.
Wanting only to nourish your love
for this lady who walks the lane.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 744
Flames of Desire
The fire that burns deep,
an inferno that glows red.
Flames that burst forth,
scorching wherever they tread.

Sending out the heat
that incites passion's need.
With each embrace, every kiss,
the rage of fire must feed.

Words of love set the scene.
A single touch excites the pair.
To sear deeply within the soul,
igniting the blaze of ****** affair.

A smile that glows in the light of day,
to kindle with a hint of a heart that cares.
To glare out from a sweltering body with
glints of passions, that into an inferno flares.

To melt within the embrace of love.
Roasted by a glance so bold.
Reaching out to grasp every moment
of the illicit feelings you must behold.

Baking within the throes of ****** desires.
A body racked with trembling needs.
To set forth-thwart the rules of life-
with the spilling of loves boiling seeds.

Kathleen Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 697
Who am I?
The woman, or the character?
Was I born of flesh, and bone,
or merely a figment born of a
lonely writer’s imagination.

Do I not see this woman I appear to be?
Were these eyes, with which I see
created for me within a mother’s womb, or
merely a mirror image of what you wish to see?

When I say the words “ I love you”,
is it my heart speaking, or the
emptiness of pen against paper?
Do I even possess a heart, do we?

When I cease to exist, will you feel my pain?

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 2.5k
Thistles of Defeat
From my Dark Watcher Series;

Lost in a nightmare world,
tangled in a vine of despair.
Held tightly in it's thistles,
my heart has been laid bare.

Bleeding from the sharpened thorns,
tears of sorrow, run ****** down my cheeks.
Where is this merciful God?
Relief from this pain is all I seek.

Show me the door to eternity,
that lies beneath the towering elms.
For this world holds no more peace,
and bids me enter your realm.

Ripped apart by Heavens fury,
I travel the path of dark dreams.
For the light of this soul is lost,
floating amidst life's turbulent streams.

Cast out upon the crying winds,
beat into the rustic earth.
Enfold me in the safety of your arms,
and lie me in the place of my rebirth.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 685
Tormented Darkness
From my Dark Watcher series:

I walk within the darkness,
a soul ****** to search,
throughout eternity, lost to
the ray’s healing light.

A cold that has invaded,
and thus holds reign, over
a still heart that cries out for peace.
How is it then, that as I gaze into your eyes,
passion’s inferno burns deep.

A shimmering of warmth,
to soften Hell’s wrath?
Or a dream that refuses to fade,
into the mists of eternal darkness.

Moistness I feel, as she lays her
alabaster cheek against mine.
Is it her tears, or my own?
As I close my eyes upon the coming
of dawn, she lies within my embrace.
A forbidden love forever mourned.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 542
Silver Webs
Dedicated to mother’s around the world:

Silken threads of errant dreams,
from her delicate hands flow.
Forming a trail, forever crisscrossing
gently across our feeble lives.

Touching but momentarily, yet
leaving a tender braid of steel,
with which to search out and find
another tenacious wisp of string
with the never-ending need to bond.

Every step she takes, another decision.
Trapping all in a web of mixed visions.
fantasy and reality, tightening the minds,
kneading the strength into each strand.

As tears fall from her weary eyes,
to create translucent beads of silver,
by which to light the way for future
generations, so they may grow.
Knowing of no dreams for herself,
only this, an eternity of weaving.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 410
Color of Morning
From my Dark Watcher series:

Where is the color of morning?
It has left me standing within it’s shadow.
No sun’s smile, coaxing me to follow.
No longer does it wake me with its warmth,
or touch my body with its heated fingers.

White dove that once sang to me so sweetly,
Now quietly perched, dressed in gray tatters.
Has time lapsed into eternal mourning,
To lie still upon deaf ears, nothing heard,
Will it also, one-day cease to matter?

Where is the morning dew that
once kissed these dry parched lips?
Life’s replenishing moisture, that
lent color to the paleness of night.
What I would not give, but for a sip.

I once walked free amongst the flowers,
their buds opening to my caress.
Silken mounds willingly ****** forth,
to satisfy a knight’s craving hunger.
That my heart knew one, I must confess.

A sharpened thorn amongst the beauty,
its piercing sharpness cutting into flesh,
bringing forth a festering wound, death.

Where is the color of morning?
She resides in another’s arms, I’m told.

Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Sand Dreams
Sultry dreams on hot summer evenings,
as wishes on moonbeams take their flight.
Spiraling upward to dance amongst stars,
in a glorious ballet that has no finale.

Ocean’s receding tides cool a body,
heated by a lover’s ardent touch.
With joyful laughter as the couple play,
at the edge of Mother Earth’s bath.

Hand in hand as eyes meet and cling,
hungrily  beneath a brightly lit sky.
Passion ignites the fire in their hearts,
setting the embers to glow once more.

Sinking into the sand as hands and lips,
discover  each other’s hidden treasures.
Excitement explodes, as love’s scent upon
the breeze is inhaled deliriously by both.

Dawn’s rising sun brings reality, replacing
love’s aftermath with lonely indents in cool,
wet sand, which the tide quickly fills and levels,
Till no sign remains, of a fantasy shared by two.

By Kathleen M. Kohl/Levinski

— The End —