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Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
The author has a story to tell
whether its romance, fiction
poetry or horror
in his own mind is where he will dwell

So many topics to choose from
drama, comedy
non-fiction, or on life
he wants to be greatest not just hum drum

To grasp his readers attention
and coming back for more
he takes  you on a journey
for this is his authentic invention

The sweet sounds of Johan Sebastian Bach
His story has only begun
a beginning of a tale
it must be firm but yet solid as a rock

Weather he writes a poem or a book
placing you in with his words
that are penned
he captures you with his  rod reel and hook

He sits back and takes a drink
wine or beer
brandy or whiskey
he gives himself time to think

The author has only one fear
not writers cramp
or running out of ideas
just the dead line as it draws near

He tries his best to stay on the beaten trail
not to lose his train of thought
he stays on point
for he knows he cannot fail

As the deadline comes to a cease
he over looks his work
kisses the pages
for he completed his masterpiece
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
In the mists of my awaking you come to me
softly and slowly with out warning
is this real of what I see?

Dancing on the clouds above
softly across the midnight sky
together;  like a beautiful flying dove

Our eyes making one single connection
piercing with passion
on the water is a perfect reflection

Two bodies acting as one
gliding, sailing
pressed, intertwined
from you I never want to run

In the midnight sky I hear our favorite tune
the sweet sound of music in my head
pieces of my heart you prune

This cannot be, no more perfected
I will cherish this moment
only the beginning of what is being erected

In this exact moment in time
caught up in the rapture of you
it can be everything except for a crime.

Please I beg, never let me slip away
here in the midnight sky
we dance and in each others arms we stay.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
I'm not sure if this is the right place
and even if its the right time
but no words needed
for I can see the expression on your face

My mind wanders in places unknown
the deepest and darkest abyss
already have the answer just by your tone

I give up for I have no other option
left in confusion
left in awe
I question myself to places I have been

Words are mere words nothing more
what else should I do kneel to beg on the floor?

Below the standards I will not fall
hurt is a promise
death is certain
emotions flare but this deal was very raw

Should I sell my soul to win your embrace
and kiss your passion
living your dream
wishing it was me in her place

No spoken words of a goodbye
felt betrayed
a knife pierces my beating *****
no honesty just a bold face lie

Nothing more I can do for your mind is made
I will leave silently
with a trail of petals
in the shadows I will begin to fade
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
A promise is meant to be kept to the end
its an obligation
a contract if you will
not to be broken not to bend

My promise is quiet simple but all to real
love you forever
sharing my soul
for my heart you did steal

Give you my hand
give you my flesh
loyalty, honesty
passion, and trust

Truth is all a virtue I must uphold
respect, commitment
hold you and keep you safe
bring you back to health when you catch a cold

Communication will all be a must
no secrets
no lies
all for you my heart will always lust

Partnership, friendship
a love affair
keeping you intrigued

From hell to high water this promise I will keep
to be there at your waking moment
at your sleeping side
no boundary that I wont leap

All or nothing but I prefer to give my all
or crazy ideas
but my love for you will never go into a stall

This is my promise to you and only you
till my life comes to an end
my love, I will always ,always be true.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
In the third round beat like a dog
seeing double vision, head in a fog
blood running down
hoping to win this one last round

Sound of the bell rings its chime
to win in a sub-mission this one time
tired as hell but have to push through
what else is a fighter to do

Punches hit like a on-coming train
have to stay focused even in pain
knocked down put in a hold
doing everything that was told

Have no more energy inside
on this rush what a ride
doing the best one can do
in a choke turning blue

Have no choice have to tap out
hold it as the the ref shout
illegal hit to the head
different approach should be used instead

This is it down to the wire
hands  and legs feel like they are on fire
lost this fight but cant win them all
still standing in this brutal brawl.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Here is a little poem of love sent your way
to the four most important people in my life
in your lives my love grows and here you all will stay

From the time of each of your births I was in bliss
holding you for the very first time
with tears of happiness on your heads I did kiss

Couldn't wait till I held you in my arms
counting each finger and every toe
from this day forward I knew I had my lucky charms

So precious and beautiful; from me you will not be taken
I'm so very proud to be called your mom
my wonderful girls Brittney, Tiffany, Bridgette, and Laken

Years have gone by so quickly it seem
your all almost grown to live your own lives
no mater the distance you will always be in my dream

Brittney your 20 and your a beautiful woman in college now
I give you support and do your best
what ever you do please don't throw in the towel

Laken your 18 and you too are in college just like your big sis
set your goals but too far where you cant reach
even though were miles apart I send you this kiss

Tiffany your 14 and your first year of high school wow where did time go
don't be breaking those boys hearts
but,  always remember let your true self show

Bridgette your 13, andmy youngest and the last of them all
so pretty and smart hope to follow your big sisters
just remember if you need me just give me a call

As for my truly wonderful girls I love so dear
I miss you with all my heart and soul
Please do your best and don't have any fear

Happiness is the way to unlock the heart with a key
never doubt yourselves my loves
Love to you my precious ones Tiffany, Laken, Bridgette and Brittney

Love always Mom
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
How could you have stolen the innocence of a child
that is so precious and pure
twisted and insane man
for this cruel act no child should endure

Obviously you cant be in your right mind
the pain that this child feel
evidently the devil was inside
what satisfaction did you get from that deal?

Have you no regret? have you no remorse?
the damage you caused the pain inflicted
perfect picture of a monster
in this child's mind you have depicted

Your words caused harm your actions even worse
the silent tears fell from this child's face
what did this precious little one ever do?
now the memories cannot be erased.

Painful cries for help to anyone who would hear
there was no such thing as 911 back then
no hope for the evil to stop
no angel from heaven did God send

Many years later that child did confronted you
acted liked you didn't remember a thing
my dear * now your past and gone
I hope for all eternity you hear painful cries that this child sing

Hopefully you will pay for your hanius crime
may the lord seek no mercy on your soul
may he condemn you for all eternity
rip your soul apart one hundred times fold
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