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Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Before I was born I almost didn't make it into this world
Over something that was done on a spontaneous act
Did you ever think about your unborn child
no matter how you look at it abuse is abuse and that's a fact

All children go through triels  of learning when growing up
mother's are suppose to be there to give support
you are a guardian sent from god to over see
not to inflict pain or suffering and cut their lives short

How can you say that Im your daughter that you love
all you did was beat me down every chance you got
so many bruises, cuts,scars and excuses you did not take blame
I was in the path of your cruelty when your temper went hot

You are not my mother I wish you were not
so my tears I cried wishing and praying that this wasn't me
All your anger, all your rage it was me it was directed towards
abuse is abuse in all its many forms don't you see

You hurt me in more ways than one. what was your evil plot?
wishing that you didn't have to take care of another child
you said I was out of your control and i misbehave
if you didn't want me then adoption you should have filed

Now that I'm grown living my own life I do not speak your name
I have 4 girls I love so dear Never once I follow your step
My children will never see how you truly are
I was your rag doll and in your prison you have me kept

To this very day I have a warm loving heart to share
If I have to face you again I will not hide for cover
I will not take your abuse not more time do you hear
I will face you woman to woman for you are not my mother.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
All my life I was beat, hurt, and knocked down
bruised, choked, slapped,and hit
not only that I was kicked while I was down.

Do every thing that was told by commands
feeling not important to any one
Just being that punching bag that stands

Calling for help and for hope so many time
wishing my life was over
for my life isn't good enough just a living crime

I asked myself why me what did I do to deserve
I even asked God do me a favor
Please save me a spot in heaven please reserve

Hoping that all this would come to a end
I wish not to go on any further
nothing can heal my pain no happiness to mend

Abuse in all it many forms I physically, mentally endure
from my parents and every man I ever loved
For me to end this hatred and suffering there is only one cure

Maybe in death I will finally be at peace
wont have to search for love
and all this crap will come to a cease

True love is all I wanted more and nothing less
for someone to love me
and to tell me how pretty I look when I wear that dress

For I am broken and shattered cant put back together
all I want is a piece of mind
as far as I see it hell is here on earth that's for sure

I question God and in front of him/her I will stand before
why was I singled out from the rest
An answer I request nothing less noting more
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Remembering the time I laid  in green meadows
with the sun shinning on my soft face
feeling God's warmth around me
showering me with his wonderful embrace

Hearing the chirping bids high in the tree tops
seeing many of his creatures big and small
the mountains singing its beautiful songs
eagles fly high above me to his mate I hear it's call

The mountain waters trickle with out care
sky so blue I can see the heavens above me so clear
these are the memories I wish not to forget
not too far I see a momma doe and a baby dear

Grazing in the green meadows wild and free
glancing at Gods precious creation he release
here I would love to be frozen for all eternity
in a place that's so beautiful God's greatest master piece.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Your my best friend and a true one indeed
may you prosper, may you succeed
every thing you do in all your endeavor
may your legacy live on for ever

For you are the most talented writer I know
in your writing your passion does show
such deep caring feelings of a bleeding heart
no need for new beginnings or a fresh start

So gifted in so many ways I send this dedication
your poetry and writing needs no justification
my friend your intelligence bestows me
your written word blows me away don't you see

There is no obstacle no boundary that you can't leap
your mind is always working even in your sleep
once I think you come out with another great piece
endlessly you top it off and hopefully this will never cease

Never have doubts your so much better than that
in complete silence your music will never go flat
my friend do not falter do not don't go astray
when you reach greatness all this will be at bay

Your young, talented and the greatest writer
they adore you so will others as you become mightier
for your a true inspiration to the writing community
in this world that very few know of you bring unity

Your my best friend and a true one indeed
may you prosper, may you succeed
every thing you do in all your endeavor
may your legacy live on for ever
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
Once there was laughter and then came the tears
memories that haunt him that he cannot rid
heart full of resentment, a head full of fears

He lives with himself a ghost living in pain
tragedy struck with out a thought out plan
he finds comfort alone in the cold dark rain

A terrible crime that is tearing him apart
his queen of darkness visits his nightly slumber
her whispers are calm and soft with a knife in her heart

She torments him at the stroke of the midnight hour
he feels cold shivers up his spine when she appears
she comes to him poring a black rose petal shower

Her expression is vacant, her face the color of Irish white
her lips red, her eyes blue tears fall on his neck
burns him like acid, he tell him self it will be over at first light

He awakes to a burning sensation on his skin he does feel
knowing his queen of darkness had made her appearance
on his chest lays rose petals he knows this was all to real

He cant sleep once again for the clock will strike its hour
the days turn in to night so quickly it seems
she will come once again showering him with her favorite flower

Night after night the torment repeats itself for he cannot escape
confused in a horrible state of mind for hes about to lose
his queen of darkness whispers "for eternity you are my soul mate"

His cries and screams of the nightly terror leaves him insane
her job not yet completed she leaves another mark
night after night she visits him in his house on Ivy Lane

To endure one more night he wishes not to go through
the scars left upon him he wants this to come to an end
in his bed he ponders not knowing what to do

The gates of agony she unleashed on him like flood
his queen of darkness stands over him showing no emotion
then she smiles at him with a knife in his heart laying in a pool of blood.
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
The recipe for chocolate dipped strawberries
fresh ripen strawberries red and plump
given by the sugar plum ferries

Belgian chocolate wrapped in a 1/2lb bag
carefully selected picked by hand
just for you was written on the little tag

Place a pan over the heat on a low setting
wash the berries but be gentle and soft
to perfection of confection you are heading

Take the chocolate pieces one at a time
place them in the pan to slowly melt
be patient everything is just fine

Stir the chocolate in a very slow pace
careful now don't let it burn
this isn't a cook off or a race

When the chocolate is melted remove from heat
next you dip the strawberries till its covered
then place your berries on cookie sheet

Place berries in a cool place so it don't melt
freeze the rest of what you didn't use
I believe a little bit of bliss you felt

When you and your man are cozy in bed
have your confection ready to be served
give one to him so you can be fed

I'm sure he will ask where did learn this
all you have to say from a recipe
then you give him a passionate kiss
Kathleen D Weibe Nov 2009
I don't know where, where to exactly to begin
Being judgmental should be a mortal sin
Don't look at me like I'm outrageous
Alopecia Areata Isn't contagious

My spots maybe be small, big and round
But there is always someone who has it in your town
Alopecia Areata doesn't discriminate
Any one can have from birth to 108

I have no clue why it had to pick me
Genetic, Stress or just Hereditary
All I know that there isn't a cure
I've tried all the treatments that's for sure

Hair follicles are in a sleeping state
When I lost all my hair was the icing on the cake
Doctors really don't know why
But when they told me all I could do was cry

Found myself all alone and in pain
Thought I was going to go practically insane
Made a few call and met a friend
Slowly my hurt and confusion came to an end

I've come along way not to hide my head
Use it as a strength and to my advantage instead
If you don't understand and want to know more
There is valuable information out there that's for sure

Don't hate me because I have almost no hair
You can talk and giggle honestly I do not care
The smirks, whispers, and goofy looks
One can educate themselves by reading a book

There might be a slight difference between you and me
When you notice an Alopecian don't look at them any differently
I'm still alive and sent from above
Alopecians Such as my self Value the true meaning of love

Next time you see and Alopecian Walk by
I implore you do not hesitate to say hi!!

— The End —