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you slept on the inside of the bed
I on the outside
you were cooler
I was calmer
and we talked of everything
but of course - mostly - nothing
you left early in the morning
I slept while you readied

you eskimo kissed my nose
to say you were leaving
and leaving me there
and before my smile reached both ears
you reached the door and were gone
but still there in my head
heading toward my heart
I scratch at it
The pain only grows more
but how?
The wound begins to open
It spreads from the nothing, I have in my chest
I continue to scratch at it, even against the wishes of others
I fear that this wound will do me in
I plead with doctors, to sow it up
I ask the scientists to preform tests, to fix it
I pray to gods and the universe, to calm the itch
But all reply with a solemn sorry, and a pat on the head
Now I begin to ask myself
How can I stop scratching at the wound that comes from nothing in my chest?
I have tried it all
Maybe it is not my chest that itches?
Maybe it is not my chest that has the wound?
Maybe it is not my chest that has nothing?
Maybe it's my hands that itch
that have wounds
that produce nothing
I don't know
I came up with this on the spot because my chest actually itched and I thought of writing this poem. Any comments appreciated :)
I am a man: little do I last
and the night is enormous.
But I look up:
the stars write.
Unknowing I understand:
I too am written,
and at this very moment
someone spells me out.
I awoke into
A graveyard of bronze horses
The metalwork entwined with dead roots
Upon their backs were words I could not read
About lonely hands
And a plaque was set into the stone
That I could not remove
With dry leaves blown round my feet
I wondered how I'd returned
Copyright 2013 jp
The Bible forgot
the eighth and most deadly sin,
which, of course, is Love.
© 2013 jp
Imagine what
No human mind can gauge
Count the countless years
Milleniums and miles
We had to cross
To meet

Imagine here
This fateful rendezvous
Ordained before the stars
Before old Sol
Above us there
Was christened blue

Imagine now
To culminate a love
That came so far
And finally
The merging here
Dawn awakens me
Nestled in your arm
Rested as can be
Peacefully warm

Noon I am full
Of food and love
Can’t resist your pull
Sweet as a dove

Dusk I am tired
Of all but your love
The day all but expired
Nestled warm in our cove.
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
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