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I'm surrounded by a sea of people
As far as the eye can see
All flowing in the same direction
And just floating along, is me

I've been wading in this water
Letting it carry me any way
Not caring about which direction
And never having any say

After wading all this time though
My legs started growing tired
So finally it was time to choose
Which direction I desired

But the problem with floating along
Was that I never became aware
I wasn't really a part of the waves
I was just sort of...there

What I wanted didn't matter
The waves still moved as one
Whether I moved with or against them
Didn't matter in the long run

Then I thought I better get out
And give myself some time to think
But I couldn't see the shore anymore
And with that, I started to sink

Now I'm surrounded by a sea of people
As far as the eye can see
All still flowing in the same direction
But drowning in it, is me
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone." Robin Williams <3
Wow, I am so honored that this was chosen for daily poem and that I have received so many friendly comments.
Thank you all for your friendly words and messages, and for your love and support. You have no idea how much it means to me. <3
In a room sheltered by the passing of the seasons,
Trapped within the tempest of my consciousness,
A forbidden unravels between the two of us,
Like a wistful fragrance, losing itself in the winds.

You asked me to draw my reserved strength,
You sparked my dead empathy.
You spoke to my heart and asked it never to bleed and cry.
And then you left me by myself, alone in the face of my worst enemy, myself.

Today, as I sit under a naked full moon,
As its moonbeams pierce my solitary heart,
With the breeze running over my wounds,
My heart yearns to know where you are.

In order to fend those I loved,
I corrupted myself to become the one thing I hated,
The prey became the predator, lifted his sword,
Yet who can I embrace with my sword raised?

With your sweet words,
With the promise of your mischevious smile,
You lowered my arms.
You brought me back, but you left me alone.

I rest my psyche against the darkness that threatens to overcome my soul,
The fires you lit are long gone.
Sometimes, I think you were a cruel joke,
A jape by fate, to harden my glass heart.

Now, my raised sword serves no good,
A man wielding a sword, yet yielding his will to live,
Protects no one, he only kills.
All I want now is to rest in the embrace of cold death.

I do not know what I want anymore,
Perhaps you left me soul dead.
Nevertheless, i wish to forget,
I wish for your traces on my soul to be erased.
In light of sorrow, the moments of joy you left,
Pierce me harsher than barbed arrows.

Tell me.
How do I erase you from my soul?
Love is a Soul, Every Human Talks About it, Few Feels About it. ^^
First Day in a new school
New faces who made me a fool

Regrets to the choices i made
Rescue me from here my mind prayed

Suddenly i laid my eyes
To a pleasant surprise

An angel who hypnotized me completely
Made me fall in love so quickly

I saw you but hadn't talked
Was too afraid so i just stalked

You smiled and came to the ground
come with me i'll show you around

This was too good to be true
As we were walking through

I saw your pretty eyes
And life gave me a new reason to rise

We talked for a while
All the time with a smile

Time with you went so soon
Didn't realize it became noon

Our relationship blossomed
We were just that awesome

Slowly you became my best friend
Who promised to stay with me till the end

Often we had our fights
Which went on for nights

But after a new dawn
It was all gone

We were like a perfect match
Who stayed together without a scratch

You stayed with me during my hard times
I'll stay right by you even if i am left with dimes

The advice you gave
Have helped me save
A large number of grave errors
Which would have resulted in terrors

To talk to you was my destiny
And the memories with you are many

To have you in my life was a wish that was granted
After all the prayers i guess i had chanted
Paths really fascinate me
Guess they always will,
Whether in a clover field
Or up a grassy hill,

Is it curiosity
Or will I ever know?
Why I am filled with wonder
As to where and how far they grow?

September 3 1955
Somethings can touch you deep inside
Can make you want to cry,
Emotions that you can't describe
No matter how hard you try,

The touch of a tiny baby's hand
The fragrance of a flower,
The simplicity of a grain of sand
Or the significance of an hour,

To see the twinkling stars at night
Or taste the fresh homemade pie,
Who needs to question how or when
Who needs to know where or why?

To hear the angelus ring at six
To know that evening is nigh,
We know there's got to be
Somebody bigger than you and I.
Twilight falls across the bay
Soothes the worries of the day
As the shore adores the sea
Me for you and you for me

Stars appear across the sky
Whisper leaf and curlew cry
As the lock is for the key
Me for you and you for me

There is traffic, there is waste
Icy doubt and black disgrace
There are thunderclouds of fear
But they cannot touch us here
There are nightmares, there are wars
Broken hearts and slamming doors
There are phantoms of the mind
Here, we leave them all behind

Gentle darkness on the land
Beating hearts and touching hands
It's as simple as can be
Me for you, and you for me.
Slowly my happiness fades
Remembering every word you said
We are gonna stay forever and ever
How was i to know we were never meant to be together

This heart doesn't feel any pain
When all my efforts went in vain
The walls were broken with a chain
But it doesn't have a soul to gain

The promises you made were all a lie
Who knew it was our last goodbye
We said we'll always stay nearbye
Who knew it was our last goodbye

The memories are still very clear
You smiling and calling me dear
Who knew i would be left here
With nothing remaining but a tear

My body was left cold as ice
For which i had to pay a heavy price
The heart filled with words you said
Is left with nothing but a soul dead

I imagined my future which had a clear picture
With you in my life as my wife

The promises you made were all a lie
Who knew it was our last goodbye
We said we'll always stay nearbye
Who knew it was our last goodbye

Guess we were never meant to be together
Yeah i believe i could do so much better
Without you near my sight
I could reach new height

The pictures still remain framed
In which you had me tamed
But the memories slowly erase
When it starts in a fresh place

The promises you made were all a lie
But i promised i would never cry
As life goes on slowly and slowly
We know who deserve to stay truly

The last goodbye still haunts me
In the park near the tree
But that phase was in the past
Now's the time to have a blast
The day still haunts me
It gives me chills and creeps me

You sat there in your home
Opting out to go and roam

Suddenly the bell rang
And you quickly sprang

You opened the door
And there were four

Men with knives
Who were after your life

You screamed loudly
The men said proudly

No one can hear
Your despair

One man came ahead
You ran near your bed

The man caught you quickly
And sliced through you sickly

You screamed in pain
As they cut through your vein

Soon you were dead
As the gang fled

I got a call
Saying it was all

Over and the job was completed
My gf was dead who cheated

I regret this till the date
Of doing this which changed my fate

I was soon caught and arrested
The court had me tested

Whether i was insane
But they don't know my pain

And now as i am locked up
I regret and decide to give up

The decision to use a knife
Is how i am going to end my life

— The End —