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1.1k · Oct 2012
Kate Oct 2012
you let him walk over your heart,
you let his lies sink into the past,
never will you forget the damage that gave you your scars,
unable to breathe, unable to let go...
never being able to betray your heart with the truth of his words
it's not sinking in just yet, it hasn't taken over your mind
his lying and his games, even he admits
i dont persuade you to relinquish him but...
why hold onto the cause of your pain?
why be regarded as second best?
why follow his every step?
you're not letting go sweetheart, that is easy to see
but the sooner you let go.. you will realize that you can be free...
700 · Mar 2013
Kate Mar 2013
you fill the hole that he left behind
you keep my heart beating on time
everything he said you've shown me that he lied
if someone cared as much as what they claim they'd be there for you at every moment of the day, you my love have taught me that
everything you have done for me has put his love to shame
you have given me reason enough to rid my mind of his name
his face, his voice, his eyes and his games
i loved him and i probably always will; a love that strong doesn't ever disappear for good
and now i know how it feels to be on the other side, to have someone love me for all of time.
572 · Feb 2013
you're gone now
Kate Feb 2013
is it too much to hope?
is it too much to say? that being with you, takes me away somewhere far beyond any length of the world, beyond space, beyond a time or a place...
is it too much to dream, to wish and to think?
is it too much to hold onto what you left me with...
a memory, a name, a trace of your soul, three words; no meaning, the leftover of another girl...
damaged and broken, pulling away threads
sewing you back up was a priveledge; to watch you mend
then unravelling your heart and your mind
swapping your trust for my lies
flinching whenever you called me 'mine'
was it all just the wrong time?
537 · Feb 2012
Kate Feb 2012
Hearing the rustling of the leaves outside,
Hearing the cries of the night time sky,
Seeing the stars for the very first time , like souls that have been captured
to guard your side.
clouds overshadowing the light and the dark,
Hiding the souls away from the eyes of your heart,
The leaves keep rustling to keep you awake
While the cries continue until sunrise breaks.
526 · Oct 2012
Kate Oct 2012
I'm stuck in the past
holding on tight, trying to make it last
cant let go. can't move. can't think.
my emotions never seeming to take the hint.
I'm supposed to realise now that you were never there, you never cared.
I can't get to that point, I've tried and I've tried.
but at one point in time you called me mine.
you said you loved me but at what cost?
I let myself care to much, I showed you every side of me that I could. I exposed myself, just like you knew I would.
why did I even bother? what makes you so great? you're just the boy who made my heart break.
Not once did I fake how I felt for you, I was everything you thought you wanted. I was honest and true but somehow you just didn't have a clue.
Not a clue what you could do to me. No idea of your effect, you're everywhere and no where at the same time. I just can't seem to get you out of my head.
I've cried and cried, I've shed enough tears for two.. while you're out there now, smiling like a buffoon, having the time of your life, moving away with the breeze. Yet here I sit. Waiting. Always waiting, hoping that one day the breeze blows you back my way.
491 · Feb 2013
be my light
Kate Feb 2013
sometimes its the light at the end of the tunnel, that pulls me through the day
is it possible that, that light seems like it's lifetimes away?
waiting, hoping, dreaming of a time when you, my love, get to hold me and i get to call you mine
be my light to get me through my day, be the sun on a cloudy day
pull me through this storm and out of the rain,
let me dream, let me live, let me hold onto another day
don't let me go, hold on tight
make these insecurities take flight- far away to the point of no return
please baby, dont ever let me go
be my light, be my shooting star
be the wish i make when i closed my heart.
489 · Oct 2012
forever and always
Kate Oct 2012
time to say goodbye, in the end i was the one who let go...
yet the memory of you will always hurt me so,
your heart beat on a cloudy day
the way your eyes lit up when i said your name
your arms wrapped around me keeping me safe...
holding on tightly at the end of the day, hoping to ourselves that everything would turn out okay,
trying to make it work out time after time, threw our sparks into overdrive...
our emotions got played, when our hearts remained the same.
i hurt you so much and i had so much to say,
i loved you forever and always.
Kate Mar 2013
today was the last day that i called you mine, the last day that everyone elses judgements were overthrown, from now you are nothing.. you are no longer known, just like everyone said you were.. a waste of space, standing alone.
you brought it on yourself sweetheart, i was there when no one else was, you've forgotten that.. thats clear to see.. you no longer crave or need me
you've begun to turn your world upside, it no longer spins round and round.
i had faith in the guy that loved himself, because i knew that no matter what he'd be okay
but now, you've caused your own demise, and i cant help but wonder why.
i loved you with everything i have, now all i can do is wonder how you got into this mess.. when did the light of the world get turned off and how did you manage to fall.. fall away from me, fall into despair.. to leave behind everything that once mattered without a care.
were you ever really here?
those times i stuck up for you and always put you first... was it all for nothing? or was i under a curse? i dont know what to do now, i dont know how to cope.. because for a long time you were the centre of my universe.
436 · Feb 2012
not me
Kate Feb 2012
I try, to hold back the tears..
That have been smothered with your lies
But everytime I close my eyes your dreams become mine.
I can't be who you want me to be, so hidden and confined
A girl who gave love a chance only to be defined..
434 · Oct 2012
Kate Oct 2012
loving someone so much it hurts
it feels like a tearing at the nape of your throat
the butterflies in your stomach stay afloat
and the redness in your cheeks remain a permanent tone
the shaking in your voice and the trembling in your hands
give away the anxiety,
betraying the secrets of your heart
as you bite your lip to get it to stop, you're forced to laugh...
the smile stays frozen in place, your blood stays warm...
your heart races...
everything else begins to slow down
and all thats left is you and him
and the trust and love you have just found...
430 · Nov 2012
Kate Nov 2012
I still don't know what's right, I thought things would change now. I thought you'd be my light.
To guide me through my days, to hold me tight..
To fight all my battles, standing by my side.
You don't seem interested now.. I don't think you ever did in the first place. So where does that leave me my love.. holding onto something I've misplaced. I love you. More than what you need to know, because I can already see it in your eyes.. you're already to go. To drift away to another time, another place, to someone else ... A different face.
What can I do now? What can I say? I thought you were the 'one' .. and obviously that's not the case so please don't fake. Don't pretend to love me. Don't pretend to care. I can't stand being lied to and I can't handle being unaware... Unaware of how you feel, what you think, what you do.. when you go back home. What am I to do? Distance will drag us apart.. the miles will come between us, we will end up hating each other.. blurring into memories, being played as re runs.. through my mind over and over, I will try to fit it together. What went wrong, and if I could have done anything better and if we wasted all the time we spent together.
Honey, you need to tell me what to do. Because I honestly don't think I could go on, without you.
419 · Feb 2012
losing hope
Kate Feb 2012
Sometimes its easier to breath in and out,
and dream of the life that you can live without.
393 · Feb 2013
first love?
Kate Feb 2013
Sweetheart you're untainted, untouched, undiscovered land... living on all kinds of trust
Never have you experienced lust
You're cautious and wary not strong and rough
I don't know what to gather of us
I've experienced and changed so much
I don't want to ruin this but I don't know how to teach you and then create us
I need someone who knows what they want and I need someone who knows how to get that - not discover what it is to love...
I've broken promises, I've loved more than once
And you my dear; have no idea of what it takes to experience that much
I don't know if I can deal with the pressure of being your first love.
367 · Feb 2012
Kate Feb 2012
I used to think you took my breath away,
then I realised I was just suffocated
In your lies.

— The End —