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If I could write like Edgar Allen Poe
Then everyone would know my name
Or maybe paint like Da Vinci
I would surely know his fame

But I don't have any life changing words
Or paintings to hang on the walls
They'll be no hall of fame for me
Or any other famous halls

If I could tell a captivating story
Like the stories that Mark Twain told
The things I'd write would be on display
And be worth their weight in gold

Or compose like Wolfgang Mozart
My music would be admired for years
A piece of history that will last forever
A legacy that never disappears

But if I were like any one of these here
Then my work would go unheard
And then who would tell my life's story
As my soul gives birth to word
Tarry with me here.
Dangle by the pond
like fruit of vine near season's end.
No pain's too heavy to suspend
a while; no love so ripe to send
it down before the season's end.

When this time is gone,
I am but a road
with destinations picked by those
who use it. You are but a rose
beheld by them. This time will close
and we will go the way time goes.

Tarry with me here.
Drift beside the pond
like leaves afloat in Autumn air,
like birds, like things that share
the wind. No sorrow, pain, no care
can rise with them in Autumn air.

When this time is gone
I am but a house
to be resided in by those
who own it. You are but the bows
bedecking them. This time will close
and we will go the way time goes.

— The End —