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1.5k · May 2010
KAT May 2010
Yellow bird Yellow Bird
Only knows one tune
A lovely song that goes unheard
Good bye to soon
The fate of a fallen crow
Fly away; go back where you came from
You are a yellow bird with an electric glow
It's not worth losing for a black bird from the slums.
Salt in an open wound
Yellow bird stays and Hums along
Hollow bones flying far above the ground
A heart that stays true and strong
Only has room for one love song
(c) 2010 I wrote it so please don't steal it
1.4k · May 2010
KAT May 2010
the m word

Misunderstood misfit making my way to next monday morning, minute by minute. Many may call it the mainstream kind of life. My mind maybe misleading, maybe only to myself. Mauve colors in meadows make me mesmerized. Mind over matter, boredom melting away. Made up make belive, make up with me. Mistakes being made, measure up Misfire...misery make it meet you. You might think it is modest.          Mute minute......I'll still take it.         Mirror-----              Miraculous mistake made mother. May I make a toast to your magnificent majestic miny me. Magnify meaningful memeries in the membrane    

Mighty all Mighty monument...I'm the monalisa.

(c) 2007 Performed in the Pink Lace Sofa Play
1.3k · Jun 2010
KAT Jun 2010
Oil spills over
Over it's all over
Run little fish run
We have come
A *** did de dum
Die, today is  a good day
No place to hide
rust colored  grains of sand
Reminds me of another land
Where our ancestors fought
Blood stained beaches
Torn Limbs apart
Fighting this fight
Terror seeps through out foreign streets
What's ours is ours, now give it back!
*** did de Dum
Oil Spills over
Spilling right Into our laps
Painting red hands black
Childlike minds that couldn't hold a rhyme
OR rhythm of a true beating heart
Drive just drive
Can anyone fix a leak?
(c) 2010
930 · Jan 2011
KAT Jan 2011
I am the Bird and you are the Bee
Waiting patiently for the flowers to bloom;
We set and watch the trees grow roots.
This confident laugh is contagious on most sunny days.
You enjoy playing on that; I know you do.
Singing a song, I wrote for you.
Stamped, sealed with a kiss, and let the breeze do the rest.
All my life I have waited to lay in the grass and count stars with you.
I am the Bird and you the Bee
Your honey is sweet and I am stuck to you with golden glue.
All these lives we have lived to finally be alive.
As free as a bird in love can be,
I love you, I love you, I love you
Honey bee
I will sing my song
You can hum along
Our love is a story, ready to unfold.
(c) 2010
892 · Jul 2010
Coughing Up a butterfly
KAT Jul 2010
I just coughed up a butterfly.
Oh and here comes another smile.
Look down before contact is made.
A tiny giggle slips
Meeting with those eyes again
my cheeks match my lips
I seen you looking
look away
Brush the hair off my shoulder
Open smile with nothing to say
Breathe deep
breaths are shallow
I know it is snowing
But I swear I am melting
If you know you are doing this
How can you do it with a genuine sparkle?
That smile you do with those eyes
Oh I am mesmerized
816 · May 2010
fire angel
KAT May 2010
When I dance the outer realm seems to disappear.
What once was is no longer a fear.
Flames dance on my body as my body intertwines with fire.
Making passion, displaying love, exposed desire.
Heat rising, keep dancing to the beautiful song.
Burnt hair and char coaled fingertips, this is where I belong.
Underneath the midnight light.
Ickarus taught me to take flight.
Fueling my fire takes more than one match.
With needle and thread he made a patch.
Blindfolded we played with fire.
Love made me this lair.
-Kelly Tibbets
(C)20 10
767 · May 2010
Desert Rain
KAT May 2010
Nothing is more rewarding than when it rains in the desert....
So Long So long
Waiting to be cleansed
Washed clean my ***** hands
Washed clean my filthy mouth
Cut to pieces, Still my teeth it holds
bite down bite down
April showers wash my face
Cleansing my soul
I stood so long in the heat
Tumbled for days in the wind
So many many days till the desert rain
Drink the water
Waited so long to speak these words
Many Months wanting to just breathe
Cotton mouth and dirt in my teeth
Sun stained skin  in the midnight shower
Sing Play
For today the flowers can once again grow
The clouds combusted
tears of happiness
rolling off the half bloomed trees
waited so long for
Such a beautiful awaking relief
Desert Rain
(c) 2010
753 · Jul 2010
falling in love over coffee
KAT Jul 2010
Under covers seeing me for the first time
My whole body is trembling.
Are you really Mine?
My little heart is racing, and my soul is singing.
Your fingers gliding over my skin.
Pulling me closer, my lips quiver as they kiss around
Looking through my eyes as if you are gazing out not in.
My head is in the clouds and my feet are far from the ground.
I found where love has been hiding all these years.
Waiting seemed like eternity but I want you to have my forever.
I will love you as long as you let me, through happiness and tears.
All yours till I have no more forever’s
720 · May 2010
fight # 103
KAT May 2010
"You don't know what love is...
No maybe not, but I do know you are breaking my heart"

See you in Hell
Do these words ring a bell?
Never remember to forget
I would laugh when you would say that.
You with your silver tongue and me with a base ball bat.
**** me, but it was your true love that drug you down
I was waiting on the step in my evening gown
While you drank away
Drank Up that love of yours until the very last day
The fights are memories just the same
I miss you regardless, no ones to blame
(c)2010 I wrote it so please don't take It.

— The End —