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As it approaches 10 PM
I put the world on hold
I log out of everything
Switch on a song where
They warble and talk about
Love and it's frailty
I reach over to my mobile
Select 'Switch Off' from
The various options
Lights seem too harsh now
Something in my heart squeezes
My stomach tingles
Briefly I wonder why I feel this pain
Today was a perfectly alright day

As I open a window and start typing
Trying to vent this clenching
This horrific, cancerous pain
Hoping that it'll be enough for me to
Hold on for another night
Enough to keep the nightmares away
Just for one more night
Now my very body protests
Against the thought of school tomorrow
It'd like one day, a whole day
Spent sleeping on it's back, looking up
Up and away, where the clouds are,
The setting sun and the stars now
The moon shining bright
Nothing but a cool breeze and a hammock
That nestles me for one whole day
No calls, no noise
Simply, the sound of silence
Whispering in my ears
A lot of contradictory lines, but it made perfect sense in my head.
Keep the fame
Keep the glory
But pass over the mike
And let me be heard
Over the din of chaos
The marching boots
The crying voices
Breaking headlines
And singers warbling about love
Let me be heard
For I am the Person
Who in complete anonymity thrives
Lives without the spotlight
The glamour, the money
Another face among a billion
Nothing too eye-catching
But pass over the mike
It is time for the Person
To be heard
Over the loudness of anonymity.
Just found the above link. I highly suggest you look at it. :)
Our lips should always be able to meet,
Seeing you is like de'ja'vu everyday,
When we touch in any way,
Everything to me pauses,stops,plays then repeats,
Still loving you even after our ends meet,
I love you from my heart's very core,
My heart is strongly sore
but love is so strong I feel not-a-thing anymore,
I always am thinking of what can be true,
Without you I've not a clue what to do,
but to search,find, and love you.
 Aug 2012 kas k
Ashe L Bennett
I don't remember, any more,
The exact shape of your hands
As I held them in mine,
Caressed them,
Memorized the length of your fingers,
The depth of your calluses.

I don't remember, any more,
Exactly your height, how much
Taller than me
You were, where
My head rested on your chest
When you held me tightly close.

I don't remember, any more,
Your scent, when we lay together
Creating our own
Magic rhythm,
Matching our heartbeats as we
Touched the sky, together.

I don't remember, any more,
The sound of your voice, calling
My name as though
It were a song
Within itself, a precious treasure
You valued with all your being.

And I don't remember, any more,
The color of your eyes, the shape
Of your lips,
How your eyes crinkled at the corners
And your laugh, as you told me,

"I love you."
Copyright by Ash L. Bennett, 2011
 Aug 2012 kas k
No Perfect Life
 Aug 2012 kas k
I wasn't given a perfect life.
No life that can be organized and easy.
I don't have a cookie-cutter life.
It will never be like theirs.

They all tease me for being busy.
I can't spare anytime.
They all think that I am lazy for not showing up on time.
They don't know the real reason why.

I never thought I was normal.
But they all know that now.
I never wanted to be normal.
That they don't know.

I wasn't given a perfect life.
No life that can be organized and easy.
I don't have a cookie-cutter life.
It will never be  like theirs.

So, now must I say that I am sorry?
For not having their life?
So, now should I beg for forgiveness?
Because I am different?

I won't say that I am sorry.
For not having a life like theirs.
I don't want their forgiveness.
I never wanted to be normal.

I wasn't given a perfect life.
No life that can be organized and easy.
I don't have a cookie-cutter life.
*It will never be like theirs.
 Aug 2012 kas k
Michael Crody
Cold dead grasp of a
decaying zombie witch.
Harlot in youth, grows to a
Dead diseased *****.
Green teeth protrude from
Dead black gums,
Infected festering flesh
Swollen with old blood.
Run Run Run, until your bones bleed
Crash to your knees, listen for the horde.
Wait to be ripped to bone.
Enjoy the silence, no need to scream.
Rotting nostrils flare stripped of skin.
Red eyes filled with blood stained pus.
Yellow nails, packed with dirt
Open sores, rash ridden pores,
Leaking viscose fluid.
Reeking with filth
Foot steps quake the ground
Their scent fills the air
Your caught in their stare.
The devil rings the bell
Thirteen ‘o’ clock,
Your trapped in the,
Cold dead grasp of a
Decaying zombie witch.

— The End —