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 Sep 2012 kas k
Chelsea C Reef
 Sep 2012 kas k
Chelsea C Reef
So you might think that I am moving on
And maybe I am, so to say
Your cute smile and your blue eyes
Don't bother anymore
But my heart still hurts
And I miss you you killed mine

Don't listen to that last stanza, ***
You killed me everytime you smiled
My love was secret from you
It drove my friends crazy
How much I liked you and you could not know
Unless you felt
What I
 Sep 2012 kas k
Ari Pevensie
I waited there for hours long
Not knowing what was going on;
They thought it better that way.

I loved you dearly but now you’re gone
Like the last breath of a lonely song;
My heart is aching with the pain.

Now you’re gone I’m feeling blue,
All I think about is you;
You showed the world to me.

Your teachings help me so thank you
You showed me everything, old and new.

I wish you were still here.
Now the trees seem much more tall
Since you left I’ve started to fall
Into the depths of despair.
And I’m still waiting for you to call.

But I know I’ll hear your voice no more
Or see your smiling face.
And now it is on my bed I lie,
Wishing that you didn’t die;
Leaving me here by myself.

Now all I can do is start to cry,
I cannot stop, although I try
Because you never said Goodbye.

Your death leaves me with heartache
That no one can heal,
But yet your love leaves a memory
None can steal.

You may be gone,
But never
I wrote this poem shortly after my best friend was killed. I didn't know what else to do.
 Sep 2012 kas k
Lily Pandera
 Sep 2012 kas k
Lily Pandera
My beer is close.
With each
sway of the swing
I am closer.
 Aug 2012 kas k
michelle njuguna everyone thinks they know how it feels
and they say if you were to go,they'd follow..
behind you like you grew a tail..
tales to tell..
lies to spew,
words in the air ladden with contempt,
sound loud in the echoing silence.
ding-**** bell.
everyone lies
and im number one.
ur just a pawn in her life..
and you,you dont matter in his,
fire,molten rock..
keep lying
push me further into my brimstone cell.
wen it doesnt make sense,then its true.
everyone lies
and im number one...
 Aug 2012 kas k
i've been writing rather lengthy lately
bout love, life, and better days gone by

i reflect often
and remember fondly
the sweet scent of you
and tho i try not to, i do

even tho it being so,
so long ago, i do, ahhh,

and you, are long gone,
with someone else
somewhere else
doing something else,

you, living life anew,

who knew...
that i would be the one

thinking wishing hoping
thinking wishing hoping
thinking wishing hoping...

i've been writing rather lengthy lately
bout love, life, and better days gone by...
She came to me crying, Scared alone and confused. I held her tight and let her cry. She wiped her tears looked at me and said I can't believe he is such a ****. He really hurt me and I thought he loved me. All I could do was look at her and say Honey it's okay to hurt and okay to cry and no matter what happens in our lives I will always be just a phone call away.
We have our ups and downs in life. Our joys and our pains. One thing that we have that will never change is our bond.
I told her nothing you do and nothing you say will ever change my love for you.
When you hurt I hurt when your happy I am happy.
Men come and go, Parents will upset us, and times will be stressful,
but as I look at you now and how far you've come I cannot help but smile and feel very proud of you.
Proud of who you've become and you will grow to be.
Proud of your choices and proud of your accomplishments.
Proud of how you stand tall and proud
I tell you now
I will always be your best friend
The person you can call when you are mad
to scream and yell and vent
The person you can call to cry and let me feel your pain
The person you can call and  I will pick you up when your down.
I am proud to call you Brachel
friends love
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