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Jun 2014 · 536
Have Faith! - Senryu
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Journey to success.
Is in the hand of oneself.
Change Today! Have Faith!
Jun 2014 · 748
My dad (senryu)
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
A strong protector
Loving and benevolent
My wonderful father
Dedicated to my dad David Hunt
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
Rejuvenation (Tanka)
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Drained of energy
Feeling old and decrepit
Need motivation
To climb out of this fatigue
Bringing rejuvenation.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
Helping hand (Tanka)
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
An orb of bright light,
Angels gathering around.
Bringing reassurance,
To lost souls in transition.
Assisting them to heaven.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Pathway (Senryu)
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
A meditation.
Spiritual pathway opens.
Embrace divine God.
Jun 2014 · 497
Darkness (Haiku)
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Moth attracts to light.
Fluttering those burning wings.
Journey to darkness.
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Out of my depth,
Swimming in the shallows.

Dragging my feet,
Hiding in the shadows.

Swallowed up in darkness,
Cloaked against the light.

Emptiness surrounding me,
I'll fight with all my might.

Tears I have cried,
a shrinking violet I've become.

Awaken my soul,
To try to overcome.

Clawing back at life,
I will conquer I will rise.

Like a phoenix in the ashes,
Expanding to the skies.
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Angel wings take flight.
Returning souls to heaven.
Spiritual release.
Jun 2014 · 13.3k
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Slipping stocking on silky smooth legs.
Wanting and yearning to turn people's heads.
Dressing up nice in a posh frock.
Knowing people will judge, people will mock.
Applying makeup like a pro,
But needing to keep the status quo.
Styling a wig to look like a girl.
Feeling the butterflies, head in a whirl.
Looking deep at the eyes reflected in the mirror.
Where is the man? can just see a glimmer.
Feeling for a moment that he does belong.
Takes a deep breath, tries to stay strong.
Feeling comfortable within his own skin.
Just slightly visible, hair growth on his chin.
He will not venture out as he's branded a freak.  
But really he's normal, maybe a bit weak.
For if he goes out people think he is guy.
He's just like me and you at the end of the day.
Some think he's bisexuality, it's really unfair.
He's just heterosexual with a little more flare.
All he's ever wanted, is to be accepted.
In this current decade still is rejected.
If you gave him a chance you'd see he's real nice.
His heart is so warm, not cold as ice.
He loves with his heart, is caring and tender.
Look deep within, he is only transgender.
Jun 2014 · 414
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Angel in heaven,
I need to thank thee. 
For your support and
watching over me.
I feel your presence, 
I sense your love. 
A divine spirit, 
Sent from up above.
I've seen you in dreams, 
And meditation. 
I know you are real, 
Not just my imagination. 
A pure white robe, 
Is what you wear.
A vision of beauty, 
With flowing brown hair. 
Piercing blue eyes, 
A gorgeous smile. 
Protected I sit, 
Chilling for a while. 
As I meditate, 
To find inner peace. 
Let my day wash away, 
Let my anguish cease. 
A symbolic gift of feathers, 
Each time you bring with you. 
Many a different colour, 
From yellow, red to blue. 
I enjoy your visits, 
Our energy blends. 
Forever you're with me, 
Until my life ends. 

Karen Wyld  -  25.03.2014
Jun 2014 · 473
A Spring In His Wagg
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Just the other day my hubby made me a brew,
but it was cold when he brought it through.
It's not very often, don't know how I dare.
As I sent it back to the kitchen in despair!

Then I was laughing as he was quite mad,
but the dog started bouncing as he was glad.
See what he did with my cup of tea,
Is give it to the mutt to fill him with glee.

Beau the dog was then off his head,
Buzzing round the house instead of playing dead.
He usually finds a spot in the sun to lay,
I hoped he'd settle down, Oh I wished & did pray.

But the irony of this tale is that now the dog,
Has a tea addiction, oh please help me god!
As every time I sit down to drink my tea.
He jumps on my lap and tries to drink it with me.

Karen Wyld
Please note: No dogs were harmed in the writing of this poem as I drink decaf coffee :)
Jun 2014 · 500
Loves Light & Dark
Karen Wyld Jun 2014
Love like foundations,
builds us to be strong.
Love is pure magic,
unless it goes wrong.
Love generates joy,
it enables us to cry.
An emotional mixture,
from low up to high.
Love's like a street drug,
Seriously sweet and addictive.
Love creates anger,
a reason to be vindictive.
Love through rose tinted glasses,
we can all be naive.
When love is lost,
we all need to grieve
Love can harbour jealousy,
when there is mistrust.
Causes ****** tensions,
passion and lust.
Although love can move mountains,
it can breed contempt.
Love can break you apart,
Or be all you have dreamt.
Without all these feelings,
life would be sombre.
Would we rather feel nothing,
or have heart break to ponder?
This emotion is powerful,
no doubt in my mind.
Love can be wonderful,
or be cruel and unkind.

Karen Wyld

— The End —