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Karen Newell Aug 2014
I am Narcissistic.
and, God forbid,

Wordy and Witty.
Sharp when I'm mad.
I cut to the bone
and make loved ones sad.

I dance with the Capitan
and assorted other crutches.
I swear to Myself
I'm not caught in their clutches.

I don't like decisions
or making a stand.
Sometimes accused of
My head in the sand.

I'm also overly Optimistic :)
Here is another version of  Who I Am
Karen Newell Aug 2014
Fire Walker
Angel Talker

Tree Hugger
Technicolor Dreamer
Imagination Jumper

Long time Barber
Recent Photographer

Twisted Big Sister
Missus of the Mister
Wicked Stepmother
to Some
Auntie of Others

Armchair philosopher
Always a Poet
and my Friends
mostly think
a Know- It-All
but in a nice way:)

Karen Newell
Karen Newell Aug 2014
Did you travel to Atlantis?

I Journeyed there last night.
I glimpsed
a Mother and a Daughter
in a silvery sort of light.

They held a rectangle of metal,
a mirror of some kind.
They stored up all of the images
reflected in their minds.

Did you travel to Atlantis?

I saw a figure along the path
and wondered.
If it might be you?
Standing in the star beams
as if you didn't have a clue.

I tried to crack it open,
to capture all I had seen.
To hold this new found wisdom
and ponder what it could mean.

Did you travel to Atlantis?

Was it ever really there?
Or only conjured in the visions
on the planes of who knows where.
Arrrrrrg! When rhyming gets in my head it doesn't stop! I feel like the Dr. Seuss of New Age :D
Karen Newell Aug 2014
Implosion upon Implosion.
Vibrating inward concentric circles
birthing the Blueprint
of God's Mind.

Collective Unconsciousness.
Electric Memory
firing through the Limbic Brain
teaching Life on Earth.
Binding our Human Ancestry.

Egos believe
in separate perception.
Preferring unique above all.
Pushing our concentration
Outward not In.
Remembering to forget
We are One Experience.

Those who Remember
See the Soul
Karen Newell Aug 2014
Plucking vibrations
into the air.
Strumming, strumming,
softly soothing.
Combing, combing,
gently smoothing
the neglected tangles
of My Mind
Karen Newell Aug 2014
These are the life lines
of generations,
of friends and family,
of past, present and future.

Those are the lay lines of this life.
Only in my own mind.

An Egos' snowflake
of mortal experience.
Karen Newell Aug 2014
Come Carlos,
take me again
to your Desert,
the land of
Peyote and Palo Verde.

Datura Dreams,
Little Smoke,
teach me the Way
of the Master.

Shape shifting
I followed your Flute
and never turned
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