These words read similar to those of an adolescent stuck - questioning nature and the depths of inner hatred.
I find it hard to believe that my time is best served within a second adolescence.
My dilemma: does my disdain for the excuse of adolescence stem from my belief of a phenomenological experience, or am I protecting a self-perceived inadequacy?
Standing between answers at the narrow tip of truth* is emotionally draining.
Some say knowledge is power, but I know better.
Knowledge is power for those with the strength to grow amidst the plague of humanities decay. For me, it is a reason to shrink further into apathy.
* I use the word truth lightly. I know it is controversial, but I don't believe in a universal truth. I do believe that truth is relative and that what I consider to be true is actually not true for others. I have found no one that actually stands in that opinion when their own beliefs are questioned, even amongst the individuals i respect the most.
Truth, popularly speaking, is a means for one group to claim superiority over another. This goes beyond religious and spiritual beliefs (think justice and U.S. intervention, and et cetera).
Although I don't think the practice of horrific acts is fair, someone considers themselves justified to carry these acts out. Who am I to say they are right or wrong. I would prevent such acts given the opportunity but I can't condemn them for who they are. The world is ****** up. **** your fairy tale. If tragedy in the most horrific form is wrong, the universe would not allow it. Just like we aren't suppose to fly like birds, unaided by machines. If we were supposed to - we would. Again, the world is ****** up no matter who we blame it on and we all contribute to it. So, I guess I'll see you in hell - or not.