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106 · Jan 2019
trying to keep the peace
alex Jan 2019
i’ve got a sweet tooth
that you steal every few days
and i roll this bitter taste
around on my tongue
and ******* it i’m just so sad
and i’m so ******* sorry
that you’ve made me hate you
because i love you
so much that you have too much power
i’ll always race to save you
and you know it
and that’s how it will be
forever and ever
and ever.
m. you’re never going to really get it.
103 · Nov 2018
alex Nov 2018
it’s so romantic
thinking about wasting time
just because i love being with myself
this score of music
makes me dizzy
overcome by the smell on your clothes
you roll up your sleeves
and i love you unconditionally
imagine how much stronger i could love you
if i loved me
jcl and myself. “love & war in your twenties” by jordy searcy. ”the more i live i am convinced everyone just wants to be in love.” such a beautiful song.
alex Dec 2018
i’m sure my shoes will slide off my feet
without the velvet straps
and the wind will slip in
through the knits in my sleeves
and my lipstick will end up
on my chin
and my mouth will go numb
craving a new taste
but this anger that i’m harboring
is fruitless and useless
i just like it
so **** much.
m and everything else i guess. i’m just frustrated today and i can and will find a way to be annoyed. i wish i could stop being like this but some days i just want to be grumpy. can’t i have that?
90 · Dec 2018
alex Dec 2018
i do it all for the noise
that it causes
treat it like a
kick it like a
my beauty sounds like a yawn
i'll put us in story mode next time
so maybe we can finally dance like we mean it
falling asleep to the thought
of travelling back in time and
meeting a beautiful face
that i don't love nearly as much
as i love yours
i'll wade through my sad memories
and you'll comb through yours
and we'll know we could have done things
so much differently
but that would mean we wouldn't be here
sitting cross-legged on the living room floor
fingers twisted and hearts broken
fixing a world
that never wanted to be fixed.

we rise from the wreckage
and i love you just enough
to know that you love me too.
this isn't about me.

— The End —