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KajaDigk Nov 2016
While you sleep on your pillows
You will always dream of willows
By Kaja Digk
Nov 2016 · 327
Mother's Advice (couplet)
KajaDigk Nov 2016
Don't scratch your lung
While sticking out your tongue
By Jama Digk
Nov 2016 · 380
Father's Advice (couplet)
KajaDigk Nov 2016
Don't pull the hair
Of an angry bear
By Fraga Digk
Nov 2016 · 293
KajaDigk Nov 2016
Hard and solid water
As noisy as can be
Ice cold and freezing
Lumps of hail on the roof
By the Digk's
May 2016 · 277
Here Is A Book
KajaDigk May 2016
Here is a book
What's the book?
The Jungle Book
Who's it by?
Rudyard Kipling
Oh Mr Shere Khan you better watch out
Here is a Book
What's the book?
Anne Of Green Gables
Who's it by?
L.M. Montgomery
Look at all the Green at the front
May 2016 · 2.6k
The Pom Poms Of The Puppies
KajaDigk May 2016
There's a Pom Pom there's a puppy
Where's the Pom poms? Where's the puppy?
The are  stuck together Pom Pom puppy!
Wait there is two!
Pom Pom puppies!
Made by me!
May 2016 · 592
The Jungle Book Mix Up
KajaDigk May 2016
There's a lot of jungle books five different kinds
The movie's 1 and 2
The real life movie and the books of the books
The author is Rudyard Kipling
First published in 1894 The Jungle Book is very famous
Out of them all my favourite is the one in the actual book its self
May 2016 · 436
Rikki Tikki Tavi
KajaDigk May 2016
At the hole where he went in
Red-eye called to Wrinkle-Skin.
Hear what little Red- eye saith:
Nag, come up and dance with death!
Eye to eye and head to head
(Keep the measure Nag).
This shall end when one is dead
(At your pleasure, Nag).
Turn for turn and twist for twist-
(Run and hide you, Nag).
Hah! The hooded death has missed!
(The sad one betide you, Nag)!
By Rudyard Kipling
May 2016 · 520
Seal Lullaby
KajaDigk May 2016
Oh! Hush you, my baby, the night is behind us,
        And black are the waters that sparkled so green.
The moon, o'er the combers, looks downward to find us
        At rest in the hollows that rustle between.
Where billow meets billow, there soft be your pillow;
        ah, weary wee flipperling, curl at the ease!
The storm shall not wake you, nor shark overtake you,
        Asleep in the arms of the slow-swinging seas!
By Rudyard Kipling
May 2016 · 510
Tiger Tiger
KajaDigk May 2016
What of hunting, hunter bold?
         Brother, the watch was long and cold.
What of the quarry you went to ****?
         Brother, he crops in the jungle still.
Where is the power that made your pride?
         Brother, it ebbs from my flank and side.
Where is the haste that you hurry by?
         Brother, I go to my lair- to die.
By Rudyard Kipling
May 2016 · 658
Maxims Of Baloo
KajaDigk May 2016
His spots are the joy of the Leopard: his horns are
            the Buffalo's pride.
Be clean, for the strength of the hunter is known by
            the gloss of his hide.
If you find that the bullock can toss you, or heavy-
                browsed Sambhur con gore;
You need not stop work inform us: we knew it ten
                seasons before.
Oppress not the cubs of the stranger, but hail them
             as Sister and Brother,
For though they are little and fubsy, it may be the
              Bear is their mother.
"There is none like to me," says the Cub in the pride
             of his earliest ****;
But the Jungle is large and the Cub he is small. Let
             him think and be still.
By Rudyard Kipling
May 2016 · 514
Night Song In The Jungle
KajaDigk May 2016
Now Chil the Kite brings home the night
          That Mang the Bat sets free -----
The herds are shut in byre and hut,
          For loosed till dawn are we.
This is the hour of pride and power,
           Talon and **** and claw.
Oh hear the call! - Good hunting all
           That keep the Jungle Law!
By Rudyard Kipling
Oct 2015 · 312
The tree with one leaf
KajaDigk Oct 2015
Once there was a tree with one leaf
The tree with one leaf has one flower
But it has two children on each side
Story not true
KajaDigk Oct 2015
What a day I had today
Three dinosaurs came out to play
I had to make some food for them
And one last thing I have to say
They were really very mucky today
The dinosaurs were toys
Apr 2015 · 790
The Bella
KajaDigk Apr 2015
Bella is my cousin
she is two years old
she has short, black hair
she is very naughty
Bella is my cousin
she is  two years old
I love the Bella cause she's my friend.
For The Bella. The Bella's real name is Isabella.
Apr 2015 · 753
Marvellous medicine
KajaDigk Apr 2015
Fiery broth and witch's brew
Foamy froth and riches blue
Fume and spume and spoondrift spray
Fizzle swizzle shout hooray
Watch it sloshing, swashing, sploshing
Hear it hissing, squishing, spissing
Grandma better start to pray.
By Roald Dahl
Mar 2015 · 668
Scary stuff
KajaDigk Mar 2015
one afternoon I was relaxing in bed
when I came out,
a tarantula jumped out of the cupboard
after Mum killed it with fright
There was an earwig
Mum thought it was a
cockroach but it was an earwig
scary stuff frightens me but I
don't mind
For my Mum Jacqueline
Mar 2015 · 764
My garden
KajaDigk Mar 2015
my garden has lot's of flowers
like the red cannas lily, jasmines,
white gardenias and marigolds
all types of different flowers
I love my garden because it looks
for my Mum Jacqueline Kesner
Mar 2015 · 973
KajaDigk Mar 2015
a small speckled visitor
wearing a crimson cape,
brighter than a cherry
smaller than a grape
a polka dotted someone
walking on my wall
a black hooded lady
in a scarlet shawl
by Joan Walsh Anglund

— The End —