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My skin is bruised
My body abused
Your hands at faults
With torture I waltz

My soul has been used
You stand by amused
I open the door
For you to take more

The walls came down
The fire was lit
In this sea I drown
Can't seem to quit

Stay leave stay leave
Both bring misery
Live breathe live breathe
Hollow for eternity
Why does the ice
Want to melt away
Why roll the dice
With aces and eights

Why does the smoke
Want to rise high
Knowing that it won't
Ever reach the sky

Why seek laughter
In this empty shell
When we know that after
We'll end up in hell

Through my veins
My sweet morphine
I might go insane
In the morning

Oh but I don't care
Do your worst devil
Refuse I wouldn't dare
A chance to be special

I'm a unique grain
Of sand on the shore
A unique drop of rain
In a strong downpour

I'll deal with it tomorrow
Whatever the consequences
I'll rebuild in sorrow
All these broken fences
Sunlight glimmers
The birds cry
Water and earth
Both collide

Peaceful waters
Set in your ways
Time is life's father
Subject to change

Wind howls
Waves crash
The beast growls
Teeth gnash

Forever in this agony
Forever in this rain
Forever it shall not be
It is subject to change
tired legs, winded lungs
weary eyes and dry tongues
yet we go on

chasing and chasing
what, i don’t know
racing, racing
current against boat

all I’m after is what i had
whats history is not past
across the water i see green
velvet black darkness gleams

never to be had
it is not meant to be
the past is in the past
like us lost at sea
mother nature is unforgiving
with or without you always spinning
dragging you down deeper and deeper
remember when you used to be eager
map in hand leading the way
barely breathing at the end of the day
hoping wishing grasping for some
feeling like from when you were young

we all start at the top of the hill
running only on what we feel
the wick is short and the wind is strong
your fire will not burn for long

are we just brought to reality?
sentenced to live in this gallery
full of lost and forgotten dreams
hopeless still we chase the green
never to be reached, a desert mirage
mistakes and failures form a collage

a sorry thing we like to call life
spent sitting around and getting high
what more is there to do

the sands of time wear on the soul
until you are but a bottomless hole
everything drained, nothing left
used and abused a victim of theft

look out for yourself
if ever you were
taught a lesson in life
this one is sure
no one will stop, and no one will care
trampled on, no one there

a lonesome road
crowded you still walk
completely alone
with only the rock
you kick on the way
to guide you through
and keep you sane
through and through
Just one lonely pair
Of tracks in the sand
The wind whips my hair
My toes feel the sand

My throat is on fire
The worst kind of burn
Swallowed my desire
Revenge has its turn

My eyes are stinging
So bloodshot and tired
No strength, I'm leaning
Devoid of required
Certain will power
Faith purpose and drive
My mouth has gone sour
Lackluster is life

Monstrous waves crashing
Pushing me farther
The current lashing
Under the water

Will I ever reach
The water surface
Waves crash on the beach
Nobody jealous
A tendency towards
Self destruction
From thoughts and words
Seeking interruption

Anywhere anything
More hurt but more things

Nothing left the same
Carved out on my skin
Your sickly name
Buried deep within

More pain to treat pain
Distraction is a must
Call me insane
Only myself to trust
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