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4.1k · Aug 2015
Red hot Jealousy
kairos Aug 2015
the way you looked at her,
the way you looked at me.

your thoughts for her
were as evident as the sea.

red, hot jealousy.

envy is green,
depression is gray,
sadness is blue but

red, hot jealousy.

the way you talked,
the way you smiled
i knew
that i knew-

red, hot jealousy.

it burns the world down
it consumes
it engulfs
unable to control,

the red, hot jealousy.

drives me to the other end,
makes me rage.
like a wildfire,

red, hot jealousy.

you better stay away from me.
1.8k · Oct 2015
dark void
kairos Oct 2015
dark void diffuse out of my soul,

dark void swallows me whole,
leaving, me

dark void consumes my mind,
heaving, up
dark thoughts

the darkness of the blue in our soceity
the grayness of our generation
the blackness of this world of what it is
the emptiness filling our minds

i void the thoughts
into the waste
i avoid the tears,
but they're bound to come
the void has been waiting
the insidious void
the void inside the insidious
thoughts of the void.

the lyrics thrum in my mind
and i connect the dots
from one reality to the other.
it makes a shape and i draw it out,

tearing at the dark thoughts.
and i


1.3k · Oct 2015
the storyteller
kairos Oct 2015
Let me tell you a story.
It's about a girl,
just about eleven.

and her first year in middle school just started out

she was happy, funny, bright, hard working, but like everyone else,
she had flaws. But she didn't hate herself.
she had no emotional illnesses.

one day, a boy she hardly knew asked her out.
she was flustered.
she said no, out of panic and the fact that she didn't know him.

later, he got her number and they talked.
she told him everything about her and was honest.
she could be weird and the boy made her happy.
she eventually started liking the boy.

the boy asked her out again.
the girl was tempted to say yes, but she was only eleven,
and what did she know about boyfriends?
she decided to say no.

the boy and the girl texted everyday,
although they were shy with each other at school.
she thought she was having the best year of her life.

Christmas came around.
the girl, wanting to get the boy a present,
asked him what he wanted.

he said he wanted a girlfriend for Christmas.
the girl hesitated, but he wanted a girlfriend- she thought-
she said yes, and became his girlfriend.

everyday was like heaven to her.
they hugged, and it felt like she was dreaming.
she was filled with pure joy,
each day of her life could not get any better.

the girl got attached to her boyfriend.
they texted as soon as they got home from school until dawn.
they fell asleep with "goodnights" and a smile on their face.

the girl was purely happy.

now, this continued for several months,
and the girl would get occasionally mad at the boy.
it wouldn't last a day,
because she was so obsessed with him,
but the boy never apologized.
the girl didn't like that,
but because she liked him so much,
she forgave him each and every time.

the Golden Age of their relationship was January.
they texted from sunrise to midnight.
they gave each other presents.
the girl said "ily" occasionally.

she really did mean it,
if one knows love at the age of eleven.

the girl thought that their relationship would last forever.

but February came around along with Valentine's.
the boy stopped texting her as often,
and the girl,
being so in love,
still texted the boy every day.


the girl began to cry at nights.
she thought the boy had moved on.
she cried.
she couldn't bear the thought of being without him,
because she felt so loved.
she trusted him with everything, yet the boy...
he didn't like her as much as she liked him.

the girl was overjoyed when the boy would finally text her.
even though she felt unstable about their relationship,
she couldn't imagine breaking up with him.

March second.
The girl had a friend.
her friend was a boy, and he went by the name of Lettuce.
Lettuce was also her boyfriend's friend.
The girl started telling Lettuce everything,
from her deepest worries
and her corniest jokes.

but she still loved the boy.
she was twelve by this time.

March second.
the girl decided to take a depression test
because she felt so devastated when she thought that
her boyfriend had moved on.

it turns out that she did have depression,
and high levels of stress.
she told Lettuce.

she had problems with Lettuce as well.
all she wanted was someone whom she could tell everything to,
no matter how weird or sad it was.
but she could tell Lettuce didn't really care.

but she continued to text him because she had no one else.

March sixth.
the girl was to meet the boy's teacher after school.
it was a Friday.
she walked to the classroom full of hope.
her friends walked down the ramp,
with the boy a few paces behind them.

I'm sorry,
the girl's friend said.
The boy likes someone else now.
He doesn't know if he likes you anymore,
they said.

the girl felt the world crumbling beneath her.
she was numb, and it couldn't seem real.

she stared at the boy, who walked past her,
staring at her.

she couldn't believe it.
I have to be strong, she told herself.

but all she could think about when she walked back to her locker was-
what am I going to do without him?

she felt the hot tears.
it took a moment for the truth to sink in,
and when it did,
the tears came.
they dripped down her cheeks, and she cried silently,
not for the first time that week.

she felt shaky. unstable. unsure. alone.
alone to face the world.

she staggered to her blue locker and gently laid her head on it.
she didn't have the energy to turn the lock.

she cried.

her friends came up to her and said,
I'm sorry. It's okay. You'll find someone else.

but he was all that I ever wanted, she thought.
the words of reassurance made her cry harder
because she knew,
it was not okay.

she told herself,
be strong.

even after the incident,
the boy told the girl he still liked her although he liked someone else also.
the girl still loved him.

she even thought about asking him out.
she hugged him occasionally,
out of courage,
but regretted it deeply later.

for she knew that her affections wouldn't get returned.
but she still tried.

she was depressed.

she screenshotted posts about depression, love, loss, and relationships.
she still texted the boy- they were still dating then-
but she had to make a hard choice.

i broke up with him on March twelfth.
it was the hardest decision.
i felt cold and lonely afterwards.


but that's not the end.
the boy liked my friend-
the friend that was perfect-
and i felt worthless.
i felt not good enough.
i felt more depressed then ever,
crying myself to sleep every night.

i thought about taking my life.

you see,
all the poems I write
are about me,
my experiences,
my memories,
my feelings.
please respect them,
because those were real emotions.
This is the only time I've written a poem using Centered words. Or written a sidenote, for that matter.
1.0k · Oct 2015
like a waterfall
kairos Oct 2015
cry your eyes out, mi bien.
cry your eyes out.

for when the night comes,
you will be empty.
your eyes empty.

let the tears flow now,
everything will feel better.

let them rush,
let them drip like rain,
let them out.
unstoppable, like a waterfall.

cry, my dear.
i'll always be here for you.
cry to sleep knowing that someone cares for you.
i'll be here for you.
cry about everything you wish.

crying is emotion,
and being emotionless is for babies.
1.0k · Dec 2015
kairos Dec 2015
she stepped into the room,
drunk with her dreams,
her imagination filling
the brim of her possibilities.

she looked around with hope,
with all the choices swimming in her mind.

where were the unicorns?

disappointed, she sank down.

and there will be a time where she will fall,
in loss of hope,
in loss of all;

but she shall be victorious in the end
and although the room
was not her dream,

she allowed herself
to be carried away
869 · Nov 2015
i will knot
kairos Nov 2015
I will not use guilt to make you stay.
Never will I ever.

But we are tides now,
crashing against each other,
breaking each other's hearts.

The rock between us is Alaska,
the rock that breaks the wave.

We are discreet in the world.
Familiar with each other.

The truths laced under the lies,
but I don't know which is which-

stained cloth over my head,
i work to forget.

but here i am,

under the bright light.

my life has been a giant knot,

i'm trying to untangle it,
to figure it out.

the more i twist and pull,
the more caught up i am
in my own lies.
775 · Nov 2015
i fucked up
kairos Nov 2015
i ****** up

i moved on without understanding
the misunderstandings that we share
are our only understandings

i ****** up
i lied to you
and him

i lied
i ****** up

i didnt mean for this to happen.
it will untangle,
i hope.

it's okay.
the future is still bright,

but i still ****** up.
i can't escape from that truth.

i told you that i didnt,
and i have kept secrets from him.

please forgive me.
i am deeply sorry from the depth of my black, inky soul.
766 · Nov 2015
kairos Nov 2015
im drowning in my tears!!

my heart and instincts has led me to the wrong place.

i just want to stop.
because i'm so stressed.

at mealtime,
i stare blankly into space,

i'm trying to figure you out.
but i can't.

are you lying?
are you telling the truth?

please tell me.
i need to know.
my brain is hurting
and i think i'm going to cry.

you send so many mixed signals.
can you stop?
i don't need any more drama.

i've had enough with drama.
i've had enough.
708 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
Is it just me,
or are mirrors weird?

They reflect who you are;
they reflect the opposition
of your composition

Do reflections reflect
who you really are?
Or do they give
a false impression?

The flat surface
your reflection

Put your finger to the mirror
and if your fingers touch,
it is double sided.
I do say, indeed, mirrors are strange.

Why do mirrors bounce light of my reflection?
Why does my reflection reflect?
Is it trapped in,
is it trapped out?

Is there a parallel world
in which, mirrors are portals?

Is my reflection staring at me,
wondering the same things?

What if the glass blocks me out of the parallel reality,
or rather,
protects me from the harsh, gray reality?
690 · Oct 2015
im kinda sick
kairos Oct 2015
im kinda ill from the feels i have
from the blood my heart pumps

im kinda ill from the thoughts i have
the thoughts of my mind, my heart

im kinda sick
of this same old process

that just goes on and on and on

a part of me wants to stop
a part of me wants to believe
that you are the one

even though experience has taught me the other

im tired of this way of love
sometimes i just want to stop

im so tired from the life i choose
can't i just let it loose

for a single moment
back to purity

im so emotionally tired of this pain
i dont want to love anymore

cuz it ends up the same way everytime
the same sick old way

i just want to stop caring
call me a psychopath if you wish

i just dont care anymore

call me a psychopath if you wish

i just want to be emotionless
it would be so carefree

i want to live without a care
free me from this web of tears

squeeze out the last tears
from my empty soul

you will see the black emptiness

spilling over the edges
670 · Nov 2015
kairos Nov 2015
i built myself a hard shell
for my heart

so that it wouldnt trip
nor fall

i built a wall defending my mind
so it wouldnt fray

i made myself emotionless
i'm sorry,
if you get hurt

but i made myself emotionless
so that im bulletproof

no more petty crushes,
no more loving for me

i sit back as this world of chaos

turns ourselves one by one
into a mess of misunderstandings

and tears
663 · Aug 2015
kairos Aug 2015
i take screenshots of what i feel.

when i first fell for you,
i took screenshots about love,
and happiness.

when i saw that your heart was somewhere else,
i took screenshots of
and jealousy.

when i moved on,
i took screenshots of things i found funny.

now that the beasts are thriving once again,
i take screenshots.

of the emptiness.
640 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
they say his eyes are like the sea,
having difference of depth

different thoughts on different levels
darker, the deeper you go

some say that his eyes are like the moon
reflecting the sun's light

beautiful, round, and celestial;
always there,
staring back at you.

some say his eyes are the most truthful parts about him.
they say eyes don't lie,

the gaze must waver when they lie,
they say.

she says his eyes are dreamy.
the color of the hellfire,

or vibrant as obsidian.

people always tell me,
fall in love with the eyes that you would never tire from looking at.
fall in love with the person that has those eyes.

why do your eyes hold my stare
when you're obviously lying?

I still like you, your lips shaped.
then coming forward with arms stretched.

and enveloping me in safety and warmth.

your eyes were like anyone else's.
they were nothing special,
but the camera of my world.

your eyes didn't mean much to me,
just something i avoided looking at.

it made me nervous,
in a good kind of way.

but over time,
as you started to fray from my grasp,

i looked into the devils of your pupils.
the sin behind it,
the black lies,
mangled with white pure truths.

mixing into a gray
that just blackens eventually.

where truths become lies,
you convince yourself that lies are truths;

your eyes staring,
but your thoughts lying.

your eyes were never the moon, nor the sea.
they just said what i wanted to hear,
but never
the quintessence of truths.
615 · Dec 2015
the bird and the toad
kairos Dec 2015
the old man creaked along the sidewalk,
his cane hobbling alongside his hobbling legs.

a little boy flew to him, and chirped:
my! how lovely this day is! only if my score was as lovely as today.

the old man turned slowly, eyeing him, and with his Toad of the voice,
he croaked:

oh, little boy, do not be fooled by the numbers on your paper!
for it isn't about the speed,
the perfection,
nor the quantity;
it's not about  how fast you can read a book,
or how many you have read.
if one does not understand and reflect on the story,
nothing has been gained.

the little boy tap-tap-tapped his impatient foot,
and blurted:
i know i'm not be the sharpest in the shed,
but i've never reflected on a story.

to define is to limit, the old man sang.
do not define yourself, dear one;
do not limit yourself.
how is the sky the limit when there are footprints on the moon?

the boy exclaimed:
oh! i would sure like to go to the moon!
how delightful!

the old man smiled a weathered smile,
as if it had been battered in a storm-
and he spoke gently.

i can sure see you on the moon, little boy.
do not limit yourself to the mere temporary goods in this parallel reality.
live each day without hesitation and regret,
for time is only the distance
between life and death.

make time the best you've ever had.

and now the boy,
with his bright beak-
he shone a brilliant smile.
613 · Nov 2015
I just wanted to say
kairos Nov 2015
Dear Mom and Dad,
I just wanted to say

Thank you,
for keeping me safe.
I'm sorry for being ungrateful.
I'm sorry for being arrogant,
or mean.

I'm not, and I know.
I was just quiet, alone in my world
during my hardest times.
You thought i was trying to be
and "grownup".

I was not.
I was merely thinking to myself,
about the things I experienced.
You never knew my story,

nor did I tell you.
If you made an effort to understand me,
to open up just the slightest bit,

I would've told you.

Instead, you chose to view me as you wished.
And I became that image for you,

because it is easier to meet one's expectations
more than to exceed expectations.

I became what you thought I was.

I love you,
were the words I never got to say.
You viewed me as cold,
and phlegmatic-

and I became all those things.
To keep up with my image,
to keep your expectations low,

I did what you expected of me.

But i still am grateful.

You may have never listened to me.
You were never there to give me advice
or give me warning.
You never shared the pain with me.

You made it harder for me,
for making it believe that I was cold, mean, egotistical,
and all those nasty things-

you only made it harder.
just remember that.

I may have learned,
but I still hurt.

I just wanted to say,
just in case I don't stick around to tell you in person.
586 · Aug 2015
kairos Aug 2015
i see my uniform on the drying rack

the blue and gray matches the
Seoul sky

the uniform represents
the unity
of my school

i am a part of it
i am ashamed to say it

i belong nowhere,
nor to no one,
but to myself.

why must u mock my feelings of disgust
of the past i have left behind
and the future that you hold

because of you,
i am united with the ones
i call my classmates

571 · Dec 2015
kairos Dec 2015
i used to hate this place when i was young
i look back at my hometown with guilt

so many memories,
good and back

and i'm not sure if i want to go back

i used to cry while i slept
and woke up feeling like i was drowning

now i sing happiness as i go
i don't look back at my fears anymore

keep your head up
let the slightest of your smile show
because that is enough for me
to keep going
551 · Aug 2015
kairos Aug 2015
i trudge through the night
the darkness behind me
i trudge for the unknown

why do i live?

i carry on
with no shelter on my back
through the black cave

i can't go on
the fatigue,
the fatigue

by my desires

i can't go on
i'm so tired

tired of having this battle,
tired of trudging on.

why can't i take a break?
no time for me to breathe?
the walls are closing in.

claustrophobia kicks in.

i trudge on,
because i can,
but i have no purpose.

i trudge on for the day
i serve my purpose.
507 · Nov 2015
kairos Nov 2015
i sigh as i try to cling to the last of our memories.

how much i loved you.

you were my world,
but i was not yours.

i was merely a period of time,
a plaything.

a paper plaything
for a paper *******.

all flat,

laughing in our paper universe

riding in paper planes.
we are made up of living things,

but we ourselves are dead.

dead laughs.
dead emotions.

like our souls
475 · Mar 2016
kairos Mar 2016
The next thing I knew
There was the salt of my own tears

It was bitter on my tongue
It stung
Like the words

It's so cold,
It's so cold

Memories gradually rush in
In the place the overwhelming feelings

As if in a trance
I begin to recall them
One by one

And tears trickled down my wet cheeks

When I realized that he was my world
And that I would never have him the way that I did before

Because when I look at you
All the others seems to drain of any colour

Everything seems so translucent around you
And I realised
447 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
you and i,
we meet under the stars

our passion for each other
burning as passionately as the stars

we meet with chapped lips,
the cold air ****** out

we burn despite the cold
we musn't stay warm.

i don't know how long the fire will last
you've rekindled me but now i'm afraid

i don't know how this will end
will this be a tragedy also?

you watch me struggle in the distance,
i've told you everything about my past

but you'll end up leaving like everyone else
so this time i'm not going to hold on as tight

i don't know how this will end
maybe i will just leave

if i leave before you do
that wouldn't hurt for me,


my heart is like my chapped lips

cracked and deprived of precipitation

i think the aridness is going to drive me wild
my mind has become a desert

blowing in the emptiness,
the cold of the nights

my heart is like my chapped lips

broken like ceramics

you have the chance to fix it,
but you have a bigger chance to break what's left over of me

i think i'll just cover up my insanity
with some chapstick on my lips

so no one sees my thoughts
that come from below and up above
446 · Jan 2016
Silver Pool
kairos Jan 2016
A delicate soul;
A rambling mind-
Never stopping to rest,
As she ponders on

The grey sky
makes the clouds seem blue
They reflect the silver pool,
make it silver among the blue

Her thoughts rush in like a waterfall
Resilience at its best,
but now they pool
at my feet

into a silver pond
in the cold moonlight
chilled with the summer breeze

Birds come and go,
they sing a sweet melody
But they will always leave
amidst the sun

Now the thoughts are a silver pool
resting in the open;
A quiet retreat,
A wordless surrender.

A mindful resistance
against resilience

An acceptance of the thoughts,
A beautiful isolation
445 · Nov 2015
November Rain
kairos Nov 2015
I sit in the warm cafe
with the socks on my knees
dropping petals one by one,
watching the November Rain

I relive my memories
as I often do
I time travel into the realm
of what I call daydream

Drop the petals one by one,
count the daisies that are left
tear the stems apart
and trample them with your boots.

Quiet like the November Rain
just think silently to yourself
play the event in your head
relieve the emotion

Drop the petals one by one
Count the numbers you have tallied
mark the little lines on the sheet
sing along to the November Rain

Let your memories drift you away
to the far islands of the realm
I'm so gullible
and that's what makes me so vulnerable

Drop the petals, one by one
count the remaining as they come
predict what'll happen before they run
out of the petals to drop
421 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
the night impends onto us.
the smiles are unaware of the darkness,
but the oblivious will continue to grin.
it is cold, our minds shiver.

gravity brings the night down.
our discouragement the night down,
the night is our defeat.
but we must win.
satan is waiting, depression insidious to our fall.
we must stand up,
no grave shall cover us all.
no grave shall bury our hopes, our dreams, our love.

we must survive.

bear compassion.
bring the light among our corrupted society.

there is a wall behind a mirror;
someone's situation may remind you of your own,
but they have a story of theirs.
listen to the sweet words that tell the tragedy of irony.

bear compassion.
for we, alone, are not enough to survive the night.
for it is our own thoughts that bring it onto ourselves;
we must ward off the night,
provide each other light.

after all,
even the moon shines brighter than the darkness-
we can perceive our thoughts
in the midst of the mist,
the fogginess of the fog.

the beast of the nights,
our thoughts of the nights,
they consume us from the inside,
they are insidious,
we are engulfed in the sulfuric flames
as we provide fuel to our deaths.

stop those thoughts,
the nightmares of our deep,
410 · Dec 2015
kairos Dec 2015
the purest amidst the lies,
the truth among the dark.

shaking behind the screens
smiling out of fear

*so, cold
410 · Oct 2015
smile again
kairos Oct 2015
there was a picture of you
you were smiling

i remember that smile,
that laugh
rare, but beautiful
it created its own light

you were smiling
you seemed happy
without me
it seems like you don't need me

but it's good that you're smiling
it's good you're okay
I wish you the best.

I can't seem to ignore the fact
that you look so happy without me.
was I that easy to get over?

i can't stop the tears from running down.
I blink,
and the tears synchronize their rolling
down my both cheeks.

i will never see that smile again.
you make no effort to see me,
i will never hear that laugh again.
i will never hear your voice again.

there is an absence in my heart,
a chamber made just for you,
is now filled,
with emptiness.

how ironic.

i will never see that smile again.
never the melodious sounds from your voice
reach my ears again.
i let the fresh tears drip,

it feels so good to cry
and let go of the tension just for a moment.
my glasses have tears on them.
let the world ******* saltiness,
my bitterness,
the rancour.

do we just end like this?
i don't want to end like this.
is this truly the end?
can't I write onto our story,
a happily ever after?

i will never see that smile again.
because you have evaded from my grasp,
i know i can't make you love me again-
if it was even love in the first place-

                                                                          i breathe in.
407 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
the tears drip




blinking lashes.


one drip down the cheek.
one drip down your nose.
one drip down your chin.

drip, drop.


eyes squeeze.
one last tear.

lashes open,
forehead crinkled,
cheeks shiny and wet,

tears like rain,
they come down.
405 · Aug 2015
ha ha ha ha
kairos Aug 2015
it's so ironic
that i spent up until 1am just to talk to you

i used to sleep everynight with a smile on my face
and holding that last
to my chest,

feeling so loved
and in love

ha ha ha ha

how distant we are now
its funny just thinking about
our past
and what we've become

it hurts to think about it,
but its also ironic

that i thought we could be something more
but i realize now


we couldn't have

you were already gone

im gone now
405 · Aug 2015
kairos Aug 2015
i will sleep
like everyone else

falling in sleep,
while everyone else
falls  in love

there will be a day
when i will sleep
an endless death

you will see the smile
on my lifeless face.

i am lifted to the clouds,
oh take me to the rainbows,
dont search for me-

i'll already be gone.

401 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
I love you,
i hate you

the song sings
as I sing
singing about you
the song about us

you said this song reminded you
about our old messages.

so sweet,
sweeter than sugar,
the sweetness in my bitter tea-self.

the song captures perfectly
about how i was jealous
and you liked someone else

those were innocent times,
less honesty,
more politeness.

more hurting,
less trust,
but friendzone.

friendzone where safety was provided
no hearts were broken
and everyone lies.

i listen to this tune and it reminds me about everything.
400 · Jan 2016
kairos Jan 2016
she cradled her heart
on the mattress of lies,
and the frames of guilt.

the blanket of ignorance
failed to give her warmth.

her scars,
and the dried blood
in the arms of her cold body-

she cradled the hurt,
with slow tears down her cheeks.

wishing to forget
every breath of her existence

her hair ceased to hold her lies,
and her eyes didn't hide her green anymore.

she stared at her reflection,
her scars and bruises
on the very thing that kept her alive

the pain,
so intricately woven

with the purple blood
and the dark veins

and the alive muscle
that pumped for every breath of her existence-
397 · Nov 2015
i guess it don't
kairos Nov 2015
i guess i shouldn't care
but I do

i keep telling the world that i'm strong
but i'm breaking inside
and no one knows

i guess i should move on
but nothing is clear

nothing is clear


why did you lie to me?
i know you did a thousand times

and i've believed you every single time that you did, but

why did you lie to me?

you knew i've dealt with these in the past.
you knew it would hurt me.
but why?

i'm so tired.
i'm so tired of the lies you tell me.
it's probably not true this time either.

i know i shouldn't care


i do.

i've trusted you.

i've trusted someone in a long time.

i trusted, even after the lies you told me.

i know i shouldn't care.

but what am i?
a plaything?
an object?

why are you doing this to me?

do you want me to cry every night?
for trusting you?

you knew that i was gullible.
must you use it against me?

because i guess it don't hurt,
but i guess it does.

the heartburn is still there.


why do you do this?

i thought you cared.
i thought you genuinely did.

but in the end,
no one does.
395 · Aug 2015
When it was gone
kairos Aug 2015
i thought it was gone,
please tell me it has gone.
for the darkness fills
the empty void
once the light is gone

leave me be
the thoughts
leave me be

no rest for me,
no peace for the hard working?

i tried so hard.
harder than the sun.
and when i wanted the rainbows
i created the gray.

was it so bad
to be in love?
when u let go of the string
it stung

thank you.
for bringing the rain.
to see all my flaws
and the holes in my life

u opened my eyes
to the darkness of the world
thank you
to let me see the darkest corners of the room

i thought i was cured
i was laughing.
i was happy.
i loved the sunlight and the warmth
the waves resisting against my hold

i was wrong
its back
chasing me
nowhere to run?
no where to escape?
with a single push,

its, back-

the dark beast of my nightmares
consuming from inside
the flames around me
makes me

i cant go on
cant cease to exist
when i go to sleep
i want to never wake

you can find me above the rainbows.
where i'll be peacefully sleeping
don't wake me up from my dream.
it's the best i've ever had.
394 · Dec 2015
kairos Dec 2015
reaching out to brush away
a single thread of gold from her face,
his smile stopped the winds to hear his smile sing

her hair, threaded with gold.
she was broken as the sky below,
but threaded with hope-
resurrected from the grave of her dreams.

dancing with the ghosts,
in the flowering white dress,
glints of guilt framing her thoughts

broken, but with desperation
for a new inauguration
with a radical definition
to her adoration

rekindle the candle
let the rage be cooled
into a fiery calmness

he stopped to hold her delicate soul,
put it in a cast until it mends as a whole

broken, but for the better
to be made renew

destroy with a purpose
destroy the askew
to squeeze out the last adieu
380 · Aug 2015
a psa
kairos Aug 2015
you know,
everyone should realize
depression is a serious problem.

it's a mental disease.

it takes away one's hope, dreams, and its lovers,
leaving him shattered.
wanting his life to vanish.

so take a look around you,
observe the beautiful flowers in the garden,
quench the thirst of the wilted,
cheer up the lonely.

your words could make a difference.

do not dwell in your own sadness,
your nose stuck in a book
of all your problems.

help others with theirs.
it could make a difference.

it could save a life.
380 · Oct 2015
plane ticket
kairos Oct 2015
the scrap of paper
holds so much hope

in seeing everything
seeing sunlight
feeling joy

but i now don't hold a reason to go
get on that sickening plane
where my home was,
is now my heart's grave.

everything would remind me of you,
everywhere is a landmark of all our conversations.
the desk is our whisper to one another.

maybe we write poetry to communicate to the soul,
not to the brain,
but to the heart.

maybe we don't have any other way to sing.
maybe we want our story to be shared.
maybe no one would listen.
but i'm here,
I'm here,
and i will listen.
to the thoughts of your mind.

you were that person to me,
i confided in you,
seeked advice,
and whom i shared memories with.

what happens to all the memories you hold?
will they fade?
but they are too vibrant to fade.
i want to hold them tight, so that i could relive them.
the times of gold, the times of light.

i relive the memories,
each and every night-
the moment of your warmth,
the smile on your face.

i remember your laugh, your dimple, your eyes
i can almost feel them,
although i haven't felt them before.

if i take a plane,
with my ripped ticket,
will my heart mend?
my soul is still broken,
and i am left to decay.

if i take a plane back,
will i be strong enough to endure?
i can't hold back from staring at you.
i will regret it,
but i will stare.

will the tears hold back?
will i be crushed?
will my soul wither?

how do you feel?
are you fine, as you say you are,
but are you suffering, too?
with me?

if you are,
can we make it easier for us?
if you are struggling too,
is it too late to apologize?

I love you, were the words I never had to chance to speak.
But I'm sorry.
for all the pain I caused you,
the weight,
the pain.

you'll be fine without me.

but i still miss you.
379 · Aug 2015
March 6th
kairos Aug 2015
i still remember
the text from december

about how you wanted someone special
i gave in,
and said yes

months later
you have moved on

and i remember march 6
as clear as day.

i walked to the rooms
excited for whats to come
because i were to see
a classroom of yours

she comes running out
im sorry,
she says.
but he has moved on,
he has forgotten about you.

i saw your figure

coming down the stairs

i was struck
by lightning

you came down
and walked past me

bewildered and confused,
i walked away

and as i took my last sane steps,
my sanity slipped away

the tears rolled down my cheeks
i felt alone,
i felt lonely
left abandoned to face the harsh world

it was that moment
which i lost my identity
i began to cover myself up
with fake smiles and plastic laughs

i walked back to my locker
my legs jelly, my eyes a water spout

crying silently to myself.

i laid my head on the blue door,
i remembered
that you used to come here often

after school

to come check on me
and to send me gifts

i laid my head on my locker door,
feeling the world crumble around me

the tears slipping down my cheeks
i cant stop
make it stop

that was the last day of my sanity.
377 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
I feel the weight on my shoulders.

Bending forward with an

Balancing Atlas's world on my shoulders.

so young, so fragile, but

I can carry the weight
of my own problems

I'll drop mine
to carry yours
if I have to

It would be a pleasure to see the ball
rolling down

an endless hill
of sacrifice

I feel the red blood
dark blood
rushin through my veins

and in that moment,  I know-
I'm strong enough to carry
whatever you have for me

I'll carry yours too

let my Achille's heel shine
I won't cover it up

show it to the world
I'm not afraid of what's to come

go with the flow

let the events rush through my head

I stopped thinking
about every single thing

my instincts led me
to this place

and now I have to follow through
can't just stop in the middle of traffic.

I'm not tempted by Aphrodite
and all
the petty things

your words in my ear
they become boring nonsense

I go with the flow
of my favorite tune
and just let it go

let it flow
374 · Oct 2015
the waves
kairos Oct 2015
the waves
of the sea

the tides
of emotions
washing over me,
washing over me.
over my head,
until i can't hold on anymore.

clouds of thoughts
bouncing around,
clouding my brain
with voices.
the voices.

whispers in my ear,
whispers everywhere,
not by ghosts
but by myself,

i shall try to love my crooked neighbor,
oh the crookedness,
with my crooked heart
my crookedness
crooking my view of the world

my crooked tides,
the crooked sea.

the crookedness of us all.
370 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
my ship travels
around the world

exploring new places

my ship anchors
itself to places i like

i anchor my mind,
my soul,
my thoughts-
to the land i am devoted to

sometimes the land will stay faithful,
sometimes it won't;

sometimes the land sinks
loses its grip

sometimes i float away
by the force of the

sometimes i drift
loosen myself a bit

because the land has lost itself.

i am a tree,

i grow in places
and spread my roots deep down

sometimes i loosen my roots
because the soil isn't fertile enough

sometimes the soil
loses its topsoil

leaving me unprotected

sometimes i am a moon
wishing to be alone

allowing myself to be enveloped by darkness

being absent from reality,
for once;
365 · Nov 2015
kairos Nov 2015
i want to run away
where they would never find me again

i want to escape my past
my regrets
and my memories

sometimes death feels like the better option

i can catch others
but why isnt anyone here for me

it's ok,
you didnt know

you are too pure, innocent, foolish
you dont understand pain

what the boots have turned us into
a pile of colorless leaves

a mush of grey leaves
with a dark soul

for a vivid mind
363 · Aug 2015
kairos Aug 2015
i am lost in a sea of colors
my head unable to wrap around the chaos
my thoughts swimming in the sea
ungravitational, floating away

oh, find me somewhere over the rainbow
where i can escape the world
promise me that you'll meet me over the rainbow
so that we can share the bliss of peace

who am i when the beasts inside
consumed my identity
because of them
i created a mask for myself,
and ended up losing my identity

i smile to hide it, i laugh to fake it
wondering why the world doesnt care
it doesnt care
it just revolves
its doing its job

im the careless one

find me over the rainbow,
oh the light of colors blinding me
when my time has reached its end
i am welcomed to the skies

take me over the rainbow
where pain does not exist
and i forever wait for the day
i will escape
344 · Oct 2015
Imagining Dragons
kairos Oct 2015
dreams shine bright,
like all dreams do,

they shine bright
in your mind,
illuminating even the darkest of your thoughts.

dreams are hopes
a game of tag
where we chase and chase
but the game never ends

we hope one day
to accomplish our dreams
whether it's a job,
or changing the world.

each dream shines bright,
shines bright in the darkness of the world
it can brighten up the evil
that is bound to be within us.

do not discourage others' dreams.
do not discourage.
it might be their only source of light,
and how will they survive?

do not laugh. do not mock.
for we are all only human,
wanting to be more, but wanting to be less.

chase the stars
in hope of becoming bright.
341 · Oct 2015
Storyteller 2
kairos Oct 2015
Depression got better of me.
I started acting weird and random and pretended to be "obsessed"
with unicorns and other whatnot.
I stopped talking to Lettuce because I knew he didn't care about me.
I still like the boy, although he had moved on.

There was also this guy who sat next to me
in English and Social Studies.
he sat next to me for about the whole year.
I didn't talk to him much in the beginning,
but we started talking more during class.
he would steal my books and erasers and tease me.

I eventually started liking the guy, even though I still liked the boy.
The guy and I eventually started to message each other,
although we didn't talk often.

he found that I liked him one day, somehow.
and I knew who he liked- it was the Ms. Perfect of the grade above me.
I pretended not to be hurt.

I told the guy about my depression and the incident with the boy,
I told about my anxiety,
and he was understanding.

he understood my thoughts,
and he always had advice and the words of reassurance.
the messages we shared made me smile,
although inevitably,
I was hurt someway
or the other.

despite the scars, I fell into the hole,
the hole we call Love,

there was superglue in the bottom of that hole.
334 · Nov 2015
my name
kairos Nov 2015
i love the way you say my name
it just sounds surreal

can this amazing person actually be saying
my name?

there are others with the same name as me.
is he talking about me?

i love the way you say my name.
the way you pronounce it,
it's so perfect.

i get butterflies,
because i haven't heard you call me by my name in a while.
i get butterflies.

my name sounds so sweet coming from you.
it sounds beautiful.
i love the way your voice creates my name.
333 · Nov 2015
kairos Nov 2015
what is your biggest fear?

whisper it in my ear,
so that no one hears.

i'll melt them all away,
with my sunshine tips
of my blossom hands.

i'll keep you warm during the coldest nights,
keep you company in your fearful times.

i'll be the place you call home.

my personality may look dark,
but trust me,
i am as fluffy as the clouds watching you.

what is my phobia, you ask?

i'm afraid of being the type of person i hate.
that would make me the biggest hypocrite in all-time hypocrisy.

but sometimes i feel the meanness
in my dark blood

i hate those who are judgmental and narcissistic.
what if i am one of them?

i hate so passionately,
that i may be judgmental too.

what if i'm stuck in a maze of my own suffering
that i do not realize that the door
is in another's maze?

i fear.

we fear.

but we will get over them together.
let's be strong.
332 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015

to play        

with feelings                              



to *****                



and make them                                                                    



time to play with words.
318 · May 2019
my secret identity
kairos May 2019
i have an identity that i keep hidden;
a secret life
that nobody suspects.

at dawn,
when the owls are sleeping,
and even the moon is dozing,
i'm awake, stiff on my bed,
eyes unwilling to rest.

my secret identity is a bully.
i yell,
you're a disappointment
you're numb
you don't deserve this
are you ever thankful for anything?

the victim shys away and covers her ears;
she doesn't want to deal with this tonight.
she cradles into a ball,
hugging her flaws tight.

but i whip her until tears of red form on her back,
push her until she falls.
i whisper into her ear,
and she shows no response.

when the sky breaks with sunlight,
i stand in front of the mirror
observing my battle wounds from the night.

my shattered bones will heal,
the tears in my heart will mend,
and the scars on my back – they will disappear.
but the bully comes back every time,

haunting me with her relentless whispers.
312 · Oct 2015
kairos Oct 2015
by what,

or ourselves?
our motivations?
for others?
out of love?

rhetorical questions.
bounce the thought around in your mind
dwell on the shrouds of chemicals
that make up every thought of yours

from place to place,
exploring the unknown,
you are a sponge.

drive yourself.
don't let anyone else drive you.
for you the driver,
owner of the car-

it's always dangerous when a passenger
of your mind
steers for you.

for you are going their path,
not your own.

i encourage you,
build a path of your own.
into the thick,
311 · Aug 2015
join me
kairos Aug 2015
do u ever have
that one feeling

that one feeling
you hate

when your romeo
is thousands
of miles

or either when
the conversation you've been waiting for
with the person you love the most
and he just brushes you off? carelessly?

and when
you're just feeling down
you just need encouragement and a hug from him
he reads your text,
but doesn't reply?

doesn't it just **** you when
the person you're in love with
ignores you,
doesn't talk to you
for days? weeks? months?

don't you just hate the feeling?
that sinking feeling in your heart?
that heartache, not a physical disease,
but an emotional one?


i do.

but worse,

i have it right now.
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