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kairos Nov 2015
when you drop yourself to the floor,
pick yourself up
because it's okay

everything will work out,
i promise

this road will help you later in your life,
and you will see
how it trained you
and what it has made you

i know you want to take a break
i know you probably just want a moment peace,
but keep on going,
you're strong enough

when you're feeling exhausted
or stressed

read this poem

whenever you're feeling down
remember someone cares for you

we all feel this way.
it's not just you.

it's okay,
i promise.

light the world up with your smile.
kairos Nov 2015
i love the way you say my name
it just sounds surreal

can this amazing person actually be saying
my name?

there are others with the same name as me.
is he talking about me?

i love the way you say my name.
the way you pronounce it,
it's so perfect.

i get butterflies,
because i haven't heard you call me by my name in a while.
i get butterflies.

my name sounds so sweet coming from you.
it sounds beautiful.
i love the way your voice creates my name.
kairos Nov 2015
Dear Mom and Dad,
I just wanted to say

Thank you,
for keeping me safe.
I'm sorry for being ungrateful.
I'm sorry for being arrogant,
or mean.

I'm not, and I know.
I was just quiet, alone in my world
during my hardest times.
You thought i was trying to be
and "grownup".

I was not.
I was merely thinking to myself,
about the things I experienced.
You never knew my story,

nor did I tell you.
If you made an effort to understand me,
to open up just the slightest bit,

I would've told you.

Instead, you chose to view me as you wished.
And I became that image for you,

because it is easier to meet one's expectations
more than to exceed expectations.

I became what you thought I was.

I love you,
were the words I never got to say.
You viewed me as cold,
and phlegmatic-

and I became all those things.
To keep up with my image,
to keep your expectations low,

I did what you expected of me.

But i still am grateful.

You may have never listened to me.
You were never there to give me advice
or give me warning.
You never shared the pain with me.

You made it harder for me,
for making it believe that I was cold, mean, egotistical,
and all those nasty things-

you only made it harder.
just remember that.

I may have learned,
but I still hurt.

I just wanted to say,
just in case I don't stick around to tell you in person.
kairos Nov 2015
I sit in the warm cafe
with the socks on my knees
dropping petals one by one,
watching the November Rain

I relive my memories
as I often do
I time travel into the realm
of what I call daydream

Drop the petals one by one,
count the daisies that are left
tear the stems apart
and trample them with your boots.

Quiet like the November Rain
just think silently to yourself
play the event in your head
relieve the emotion

Drop the petals one by one
Count the numbers you have tallied
mark the little lines on the sheet
sing along to the November Rain

Let your memories drift you away
to the far islands of the realm
I'm so gullible
and that's what makes me so vulnerable

Drop the petals, one by one
count the remaining as they come
predict what'll happen before they run
out of the petals to drop
kairos Nov 2015
im drowning in my tears!!

my heart and instincts has led me to the wrong place.

i just want to stop.
because i'm so stressed.

at mealtime,
i stare blankly into space,

i'm trying to figure you out.
but i can't.

are you lying?
are you telling the truth?

please tell me.
i need to know.
my brain is hurting
and i think i'm going to cry.

you send so many mixed signals.
can you stop?
i don't need any more drama.

i've had enough with drama.
i've had enough.
kairos Nov 2015
i guess i shouldn't care
but I do

i keep telling the world that i'm strong
but i'm breaking inside
and no one knows

i guess i should move on
but nothing is clear

nothing is clear


why did you lie to me?
i know you did a thousand times

and i've believed you every single time that you did, but

why did you lie to me?

you knew i've dealt with these in the past.
you knew it would hurt me.
but why?

i'm so tired.
i'm so tired of the lies you tell me.
it's probably not true this time either.

i know i shouldn't care


i do.

i've trusted you.

i've trusted someone in a long time.

i trusted, even after the lies you told me.

i know i shouldn't care.

but what am i?
a plaything?
an object?

why are you doing this to me?

do you want me to cry every night?
for trusting you?

you knew that i was gullible.
must you use it against me?

because i guess it don't hurt,
but i guess it does.

the heartburn is still there.


why do you do this?

i thought you cared.
i thought you genuinely did.

but in the end,
no one does.
kairos Nov 2015
i sigh as i try to cling to the last of our memories.

how much i loved you.

you were my world,
but i was not yours.

i was merely a period of time,
a plaything.

a paper plaything
for a paper *******.

all flat,

laughing in our paper universe

riding in paper planes.
we are made up of living things,

but we ourselves are dead.

dead laughs.
dead emotions.

like our souls
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