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kairos Oct 2015
I feel the weight on my shoulders.

Bending forward with an

Balancing Atlas's world on my shoulders.

so young, so fragile, but

I can carry the weight
of my own problems

I'll drop mine
to carry yours
if I have to

It would be a pleasure to see the ball
rolling down

an endless hill
of sacrifice

I feel the red blood
dark blood
rushin through my veins

and in that moment,  I know-
I'm strong enough to carry
whatever you have for me

I'll carry yours too

let my Achille's heel shine
I won't cover it up

show it to the world
I'm not afraid of what's to come

go with the flow

let the events rush through my head

I stopped thinking
about every single thing

my instincts led me
to this place

and now I have to follow through
can't just stop in the middle of traffic.

I'm not tempted by Aphrodite
and all
the petty things

your words in my ear
they become boring nonsense

I go with the flow
of my favorite tune
and just let it go

let it flow
kairos Oct 2015
there was a picture of you
you were smiling

i remember that smile,
that laugh
rare, but beautiful
it created its own light

you were smiling
you seemed happy
without me
it seems like you don't need me

but it's good that you're smiling
it's good you're okay
I wish you the best.

I can't seem to ignore the fact
that you look so happy without me.
was I that easy to get over?

i can't stop the tears from running down.
I blink,
and the tears synchronize their rolling
down my both cheeks.

i will never see that smile again.
you make no effort to see me,
i will never hear that laugh again.
i will never hear your voice again.

there is an absence in my heart,
a chamber made just for you,
is now filled,
with emptiness.

how ironic.

i will never see that smile again.
never the melodious sounds from your voice
reach my ears again.
i let the fresh tears drip,

it feels so good to cry
and let go of the tension just for a moment.
my glasses have tears on them.
let the world ******* saltiness,
my bitterness,
the rancour.

do we just end like this?
i don't want to end like this.
is this truly the end?
can't I write onto our story,
a happily ever after?

i will never see that smile again.
because you have evaded from my grasp,
i know i can't make you love me again-
if it was even love in the first place-

                                                                          i breathe in.
kairos Oct 2015
use my bones as firewood
to light that passion of yours

you can use me,
**** me,
to rekindle your heart

my skin
will turn to dirt and decompose

you can use my remnants
for your own good.

because i will jump into a canyon for you,
even when you are long gone.

i will be here,
until the stars look down on me and say,
she has been standing there longer than i have been in the sky.

burn my heart.
if you need to

because i will sacrifice my flesh
for your own passion
kairos Oct 2015

to play        

with feelings                              



to *****                



and make them                                                                    



time to play with words.
kairos Oct 2015
my thoughts are dead
my soul is a ghost
inside a living zombie

my brain is dead
the brain cells are dead
from not thinking for a millennium

my mind is made up of half truths
they are lies.
but they are half truths.

for they are not truths,
and if they are not true,
they are lies.

my soul is lazy.
just wanting to sink in my puddle of tears,
sea of pity,
pool of problems.


sinking to the bottom
where i will never unravel
the tangle
of my thoughts

my skin are rags
concealing my death

it's why i wear black everyday,

because i want
to attend
my funeral

i think my thoughts should be convicted of ******.
my feelings deserve to go to jail.
my problems should be arrested,
the shoulders of my frail body

underneath the weight of the world
kairos Oct 2015
they say his eyes are like the sea,
having difference of depth

different thoughts on different levels
darker, the deeper you go

some say that his eyes are like the moon
reflecting the sun's light

beautiful, round, and celestial;
always there,
staring back at you.

some say his eyes are the most truthful parts about him.
they say eyes don't lie,

the gaze must waver when they lie,
they say.

she says his eyes are dreamy.
the color of the hellfire,

or vibrant as obsidian.

people always tell me,
fall in love with the eyes that you would never tire from looking at.
fall in love with the person that has those eyes.

why do your eyes hold my stare
when you're obviously lying?

I still like you, your lips shaped.
then coming forward with arms stretched.

and enveloping me in safety and warmth.

your eyes were like anyone else's.
they were nothing special,
but the camera of my world.

your eyes didn't mean much to me,
just something i avoided looking at.

it made me nervous,
in a good kind of way.

but over time,
as you started to fray from my grasp,

i looked into the devils of your pupils.
the sin behind it,
the black lies,
mangled with white pure truths.

mixing into a gray
that just blackens eventually.

where truths become lies,
you convince yourself that lies are truths;

your eyes staring,
but your thoughts lying.

your eyes were never the moon, nor the sea.
they just said what i wanted to hear,
but never
the quintessence of truths.
kairos Oct 2015
Is it just me,
or are mirrors weird?

They reflect who you are;
they reflect the opposition
of your composition

Do reflections reflect
who you really are?
Or do they give
a false impression?

The flat surface
your reflection

Put your finger to the mirror
and if your fingers touch,
it is double sided.
I do say, indeed, mirrors are strange.

Why do mirrors bounce light of my reflection?
Why does my reflection reflect?
Is it trapped in,
is it trapped out?

Is there a parallel world
in which, mirrors are portals?

Is my reflection staring at me,
wondering the same things?

What if the glass blocks me out of the parallel reality,
or rather,
protects me from the harsh, gray reality?
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