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kairos Aug 2015
do u ever have
that one feeling

that one feeling
you hate

when your romeo
is thousands
of miles

or either when
the conversation you've been waiting for
with the person you love the most
and he just brushes you off? carelessly?

and when
you're just feeling down
you just need encouragement and a hug from him
he reads your text,
but doesn't reply?

doesn't it just **** you when
the person you're in love with
ignores you,
doesn't talk to you
for days? weeks? months?

don't you just hate the feeling?
that sinking feeling in your heart?
that heartache, not a physical disease,
but an emotional one?


i do.

but worse,

i have it right now.
kairos Aug 2015
you know,
everyone should realize
depression is a serious problem.

it's a mental disease.

it takes away one's hope, dreams, and its lovers,
leaving him shattered.
wanting his life to vanish.

so take a look around you,
observe the beautiful flowers in the garden,
quench the thirst of the wilted,
cheer up the lonely.

your words could make a difference.

do not dwell in your own sadness,
your nose stuck in a book
of all your problems.

help others with theirs.
it could make a difference.

it could save a life.
kairos Aug 2015
the bus bumps against my head
the music blasts in my ear

the tunes im obsessed with
they calm me

i hold that book to my chest,
your name written in the palm of my hand-

i smile,
wondering what you would do if you were
next to me
that very instant.

even though we're thousands of miles away
distance isn't supposed to keep us apart.

or so they say.

distance doesn't bother me, as it does for others
i keep smiling about you

thinking about you

living with you in my heart

i wait for the day i go back and visit,
we can finally see each other

i imagine,
me, glomping you in a hug
a smile on our faces
you, cracking jokes at my shoes and my
new knicknacks

i smile

maybe we could hold hands
talk about everything
enjoy the peace
where time and distance arent chasing us

my daydreams take me to that memory

it was your birthday,
you're wearing your pink, collared shirt

i remember the softness of that first hug
when i felt heaven collide with the beings on earth

the blue lockers smiled down at me

the world didnt seem like such a bad place anymore

if only you were there with me
kairos Aug 2015
i still remember
the text from december

about how you wanted someone special
i gave in,
and said yes

months later
you have moved on

and i remember march 6
as clear as day.

i walked to the rooms
excited for whats to come
because i were to see
a classroom of yours

she comes running out
im sorry,
she says.
but he has moved on,
he has forgotten about you.

i saw your figure

coming down the stairs

i was struck
by lightning

you came down
and walked past me

bewildered and confused,
i walked away

and as i took my last sane steps,
my sanity slipped away

the tears rolled down my cheeks
i felt alone,
i felt lonely
left abandoned to face the harsh world

it was that moment
which i lost my identity
i began to cover myself up
with fake smiles and plastic laughs

i walked back to my locker
my legs jelly, my eyes a water spout

crying silently to myself.

i laid my head on the blue door,
i remembered
that you used to come here often

after school

to come check on me
and to send me gifts

i laid my head on my locker door,
feeling the world crumble around me

the tears slipping down my cheeks
i cant stop
make it stop

that was the last day of my sanity.
kairos Aug 2015
it's so ironic
that i spent up until 1am just to talk to you

i used to sleep everynight with a smile on my face
and holding that last
to my chest,

feeling so loved
and in love

ha ha ha ha

how distant we are now
its funny just thinking about
our past
and what we've become

it hurts to think about it,
but its also ironic

that i thought we could be something more
but i realize now


we couldn't have

you were already gone

im gone now
kairos Aug 2015
i see my uniform on the drying rack

the blue and gray matches the
Seoul sky

the uniform represents
the unity
of my school

i am a part of it
i am ashamed to say it

i belong nowhere,
nor to no one,
but to myself.

why must u mock my feelings of disgust
of the past i have left behind
and the future that you hold

because of you,
i am united with the ones
i call my classmates

kairos Aug 2015
i take screenshots of what i feel.

when i first fell for you,
i took screenshots about love,
and happiness.

when i saw that your heart was somewhere else,
i took screenshots of
and jealousy.

when i moved on,
i took screenshots of things i found funny.

now that the beasts are thriving once again,
i take screenshots.

of the emptiness.
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