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 Mar 2014 Kailey
Timothy Brown
the end
of a busy
from where I was standing
I could see sun reflecting
off auburn hair and a green dress.
and the wind carried a scent of sweet
honey, vanilla lotion and Jasmine
An Etheree is a 10 line poem wherein each line contains the number of syllables corresponding to that line.
© March 11th, 2014 by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
 Dec 2013 Kailey
Anna Swir
Our embrace lasted too long.
We loved right down to the bone.  
I hear the bones grind, I see  
our two skeletons.

Now I am waiting
till you leave, till
the clatter of your shoes
is heard no more. Now, silence.

Tonight I am going to sleep alone  
on the bedclothes of purity.
is the first hygienic measure.  
will enlarge the walls of the room,  
I will open the window
and the large, frosty air will enter,  
healthy as tragedy.
Human thoughts will enter
and human concerns,
misfortune of others, saintliness of others.  
They will converse softly and sternly.

Do not come anymore.  
I am an animal  
very rarely.
 Dec 2013 Kailey
Katrina Wendt
I can lay
right next to you
and never touch you

I can see you smile
from across the room
without kissing you

I can watch you
leave the room
and resist hugging you goodbye

But sometimes
when I'm next to you
you have to ask me to move away

Because for a few minutes
I let fantasy get confused with reality
and I lean against you during a movie

And it's so warm
your arm and mine, touching
for that minute I'm at peace

But when you ask
of course I make room
Because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable

And if you weren't my friend
I would probably try it
just once, to know what it would be like to kiss you

But ideally,
I'll get over this
and when I am, we'll still be friends

So in the meantime
I try not to think about kissing you
and I only hug you when I have reason to

What I'm saying is
I will do what I can
to keep myself sane and our friendship intact

But just know
that with every look I give
I wish I could give so much more.
 Nov 2013 Kailey
Everytime I see you,
My heart is trembling, my mind is bewitched
Then triggering me to smile
It’s like making me speechless and stationary
As if I’m injected with a ******.
I feel happiness to being bashful when I catch a glimpse
I hate feeling this way.
I want to cut down this sense of insanity
But I am weak to breakfree
You’re such a wonderful thing to be stayed away from.
It’s strange why I had this likeness on you
Maybe your smile, the calmness of your face or so.
I can’t let you get out of my head now.
I think I’m pretty caught off-guard.
 Nov 2013 Kailey
 Nov 2013 Kailey
as we laid side by side in that september,
staring to the sky
hand in hand, palm in palm, arm to arm
i watched the rain fall into my eyes
and did not blink

it was as if my mind knew not to fear the feeling
it was only but foreshadowing of the months to come
and the universe's way of paying it forward
giving me reserves to support
the freeing flood of tears that were soon to come

and as the **** broke, the flood charged on
our trust shattered
let the cries commence
 Nov 2013 Kailey
Catherine Paige
She thinks you light up the sun.
You think she turned on the stars.

She adds beauty to life already grand.
You make her happy in a way she hasn’t been.

She’ll be loyal.
She’ll be loving.
She is broken.
She is learning.

You’ll be funny.
You’ll be musical.
You are different.
You are needed.

She is…
You are…

In love.
This was written in 2006.

— The End —