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Feb 2019 · 385
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2019
Oh, how tears lovingly stain a page
like foreign lipstick on the collar of a shirt
The ink swirls, smudges words
And soothes heartbreak.
Mar 2017 · 392
Black Out
Kaila Sullivan Mar 2017
As the darkness closes in
creating goosebumps on my skin

Then I start to feel the fear
and let drop a single tear

I don't know what to think
It's a scary feeling
and I start to sink

Will anyone hear my helpless cries
Fearing the worst
I begin to close my eyes
Mar 2017 · 747
My Heart
Kaila Sullivan Mar 2017
Here is my heart
Dancing in your palm
Hold me like a breath
It won't last that long
Mar 2017 · 468
My Day at the Beach
Kaila Sullivan Mar 2017
I can smell the ocean
the saltiness in the air
carried by the breeze
rushing through my hair.

I can see the waves
running to meet the land
as I start to walk
with my toes squishing sand.

I can hear the birds
and every flying screech
as I enjoy
my day at the beach.
Mar 2017 · 695
Summer Sun
Kaila Sullivan Mar 2017
Once upon
a summer sun
A gruesome act
has begun

A father burdened
by the torment of life
sharpened the blade
of a kitchen knife

Stuck between
his morality
he begins to weep
for his growing brutality

He led his children
straight to bed
with evil looming
right over his head

The little whispers
tingle in his ear
The growing dread
erupts into full blown fear

Fear for his children
and their small life
The whispers rising
along with the knife

His heart stained
By his destructive mind

His morals caught
in a thick bind

Not remembering
the right from the wrong

from room to room
as he soundlessly
moves along

His dark shadow
hovers overhead
right above
his children's bed

A shift in his mind
brings the knife down
The children now quiet
Their frozen faces
Lying on the ground

Wiping the dripping knife
Relieved for his children's life

And once he saw
what he had done

He buried them
the summer
Feb 2017 · 401
Old Flames
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
She clasped death
tightly between her fingers
with soot in her lungs
and regret in her eyes
Feb 2017 · 466
The Revenge
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
I seek revenge
of the deepest kind
It is the only thing
that consumes my mind
A wild feeling
overcomes all thought
Pouring out of the cracks
for the thing I sought
With a tight grip
losing control
drinking up revenge
sip after sip
the battle to fight
is taking its toll
Fury over mind
no time to make amends
I seek the deepest kind
of my
Feb 2017 · 421
The Mist
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Swirling around
in your head
coating your eyes
from seeing
and saying what needs to be said
It covers your face with a thin shield
blocking your ears from hearing
and using the words you wield
Sealing your faith
Locked up tight
without feeling to list
no words in sight
and nothing to be said
It's just the mist
swirling in your head
Feb 2017 · 325
Make Way
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
A crack of bright light
led the way for the storm
The smack of a drum
signals the warning
Seconds pass and the world
makes room for nature's destruction
The quick, loud thump of the raindrops
falling and splat
The natural forces running into each other
They collide
The Earth ripped and torn
as it makes way
for the storm
Feb 2017 · 315
A Form of Art
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Words work their way into my soul
Filling the gaps that hardness stole
A beautiful form of art
The speaks love, sadness,
and other emotions to my heart
Beating in time
Many mountains they climb
and people they teach
Spoken in different tongues
In my head
Words are flung
Different meanings
Many lives words should fill
Feb 2017 · 538
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Washed up on the banks of despair
Just infected and unaware
Undeterred and determined
The infection spreads its flames
Lighting up the body
Shooting fire through the veins
Frozen by disease
The shards
Erupting from your skin
The vaccine slowly working
Washing the body of dirt and sin
Tired and sluggish
The branches of infection
Reaching to touch the sun
Spreading its roots below
Then coming to a slow
And the infection walks to the finish
After its long enduring run
To finish the ***** job
To reap and to scare
You're just infected
and unaware
Feb 2017 · 634
The Edge of Heaven
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Rosy red petals
the crumbling smell
so sweet
as you run
they get crushed beneath your feet
the intoxicating scent
brings you back around
to repeat the wrongs
redemption never found
The dripping of dew
falls upon the dirt
your soul mixed with desire
a rush that's bound to hurt
Dreams swirl down the river
while you run towards the ledge
collect a little sliver
before you meet the edge.
Feb 2017 · 371
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
A welcome, a welcome
that wasn't skillfully planned
I welcome you to Blunderland
Mistakes, mistakes
not in short supply
with consequences
and hopes you won't die
"Off with you head,"
the Blunder Queen said
while you run
each step becomes a mile
Hurry, hurry
you need to see Cheshire's smile
Searching for the 'pillar's winding smoke
Running around
before the white rabbit smoke
It's time, time
The escape has come to an end
You can't leave from Blunderland
You cross the ocean
filled by the drop of a tear
and I want you to know
we're all mad here.
Feb 2017 · 379
The Rising
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
A peaceful song
The bird did sing
While taking off with fiery wings
Praising the sun
The bird did glow
Asking to be strong and young
And from the ash
The bird rose
Now young and free
Risen from ash and stone
The bird sings to the sun alone
Taking off with powerful wings
Rising into the new morning sky without end
The Phoenix died
And was born again
Feb 2017 · 519
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Just like many things
you start right from the ground
A flight taking off
to fly the world around
Or a flower digging in
to clutch the dirt below
The leaves unfolding
as it starts to grow
The ocean pushing sand
Recycling the gritty floor
Creating change
Adding the rush and the roar
A crawling little baby
Palms follow every tile
Slowly raises to stubby tender feet
and erupts in a zealous smile
Sky high buildings
Built from down low
Towering above the people
Who wait on streets below
The map of a faraway land
Buried by the mark of an X
With treasures to be found
Just like many things
You start right from the ground
Feb 2017 · 758
A Poem in Motion
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
A poem in motion
is interesting
As it walks among the lives
of poverty and greed
It stops at those who are always in need
even those who don't show it
And asks them to be
their own special poet
Feb 2017 · 419
The Secret
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
I walk across land now sea
to seek what was always mine
just a secret that's for only me
before I cross the line
I look past the clouds and sky
to seek what was always mine
just a secret that won't soon die
before I cross the line
I run over rock and stone
to seek what was always mine
just a secret interred in bone
before I cross the line
I jump, I walk, I even fly
just to catch what was always mine
and when I finally reached the line
across from land and sea
I realized that the secret
was just not meant for me.
Feb 2017 · 537
Heavy is the Heart
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Heavy is the heart
That knows of love
but has never lived it
Tired is the mind
Filled with knowledge
Never spoken
Feb 2017 · 262
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
And all the stars looked down on me
trying to teach me the language of the universe
Not wanting their wisdom to pass me by
I decided to abandon my darkness
And join them in the sky
Feb 2017 · 253
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
Magic dust
Like sprinkles on soft serve ice cream
Cold to the touch
Covering the ground in an embrace
it sparkles under the sun
Still Falling
Cold crystals
Like frozen tears
on a white, white face
Swirling down
in a misty spiral
Small silent secrets
Always falling
Until it ends
Leaving behind
cold white feathers
And the sun shines brighter
Heating up
Until the little gifts are gone
And all you have left
Are memories
of that cold day
Feb 2017 · 309
Dead Girl
Kaila Sullivan Feb 2017
She takes a breath
without air
Looking around
with a closed eye stare
A lifeless face
A silent sound
An ending taste
of the world around
The rich earth her bed
And a stone for a pillow
Where she will forever
lay her head.
Oct 2016 · 283
Going up in Smoke
Kaila Sullivan Oct 2016
She loved cigarettes
More than she loved life
The only thing to bring her warmth
Was to light her lungs on fire
Oct 2016 · 329
Ride the Wave
Kaila Sullivan Oct 2016
I ride the waves of deep emotion
and cherish the calm shores of endless devotion.
The rocking boat of moving time
A harmony in all ways sublime.
The rough waters of darkness and betrayal
A rocky feat that has no room to fail.
The crashing of your heart's desire
Don't let the choppy waves put out your fire.
Shine the light that helps you believe
but a calm, quiet ocean can always deceive.
Overpowering you in one quick stride
It is the way of life;
enjoy the ride.
Oct 2016 · 509
Weaving Colors
Kaila Sullivan Oct 2016
The rich brown
soil clutches
at the earth
the bare trees
splintered wood
waiting in the gloom
the birds singing
in a hum
worthy tune
the pitchy
clashing with rock
with a little painted boat
wrenching from an ocean's
cold lock
the scene
coming together
like a drumming band
that creates a sight seeing
painted land
and what a perfection
for all it's
Oct 2016 · 317
This Secret
Kaila Sullivan Oct 2016
Here is a secret
that nobody knows.
Here are the roots
from which it grows.
Here are the roses
on which it sleeps
and those are the thorns
that it must keep.
Here is the wind
Where will it blow?
Please take this secret
no one will know.
Oct 2016 · 300
The Grass is Sometimes Blue
Kaila Sullivan Oct 2016
I drew a little picture
but hid it behind my back
to hide it from the world
covered in gray and black
I brought the picture with me
Everywhere I went
but no one would ever see
the picture now creased and bent
I walked a little farther
and ended up in the world I drew
Where everything is always colorful
and the grass is sometimes blue.

— The End —