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Kai May 2021
My life, ma vie
Floats the currents
Jetstream from afar –
Dare I spread my wings?
Dare I go to where I know not?
Ah life is tiring here
Watching others fly
Some crash, others disappear
Meh probably nothing better there
But really
What’s good about here?
Kai May 2021
Mind wanders to and fro
Settles not here nor there
Between events and things
Drifts endless spirals
Around you.

You are in my thoughts now
You are my thoughts
My thoughts are you
Kai Apr 2021
When it's time to leave
Items distilled into bags
A tear for hardships grieved,
A smile for memories had.
Kai Apr 2021
When light breaks through
Darkest of clouds
I know I had not a clue
My mind, in a shroud.
Kai Apr 2021
Steam rises from my cup
White tendrils twist and dance
Ephemeral intensity before me
Cannot be contained within.
It rises to be admired
For moments by watchful eyes
Daring to challenge natural laws
Conspiring to its end.
Yet inexplicable beauty remains
Long after tea cools
So I shall remember
Passion I had for you.
Kai Mar 2021
Notes weep through air
As dusk falls soft and fair
Windows high and bright
Bring golden glimmer of city light
We sit still, edge of frame
Engrossed by succulent tune
Fingers on black and white tame
The keys of eternal stories old.
They play melody of ages
Cross time, turn of this century
What has been shall rise anew
Whispers through air, chaos grows louder
Above still and silent trees of town
Ask nothing while they patiently wait
Droplets from the inbound storm.
Kai Mar 2021
Sooner or later you’d get sick of me.
What does it even mean to be  
Myself? What value does that bring
To you, me rambling off random things
Which intrude ingratefully into my head
Thoughts I’d never have even fed…
But what am I even saying here
These aren’t thoughts I hold dear.
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