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Kai Jan 2021
Words words, in the air
Here today gone tomorrow
Crumbs on a trail so fair
Traces of visions borrowed.

Words words, on a page
Etched, stained, deliberate thought
What is seen through the cage
Less than all more than naught.

Words words, on a screen
Running to running fro
Glittering, shimmering, a certain sheen
To the depths of desire we go.

Words words, in my head
In the dark void they boom
Tail me day and night into bed
Offering comfort, showing doom.

Words words, they exist
Fabric of the world we build
Beautiful snowflakes in our midst
Touching, tingling a void we fill.
Kai Jan 2021
Gentle waves sparkle in the sun
A world of blue, lit so bright.
Seamlessly without pause it runs
The city gleams in distant light.
Kai Jan 2021
Eyes, the window of the soul
So many, gazing upon the whole
World, billions twinkle brightly
Reflecting the starlit dome nightly.

Through letters
Through films
Words and speeches,
Judging different styles of breeches.
A face
A lip
A hand -
The grand show never ceases.

Turn towards another pair
Shine brightly, look so fair.
What do you see
When you find they too
Gaze into you?
Kai Jan 2021
To scratch or not to scratch -
That is the question.
Oh it begs me so
The sweet temptation
To dig in
Unlock the well of endless pleasure
Pleasure so sweet
Notice not when it turns to pain.
Endless cycles progress
Opened, a box is hard to close.
Kai Jan 2021
We say we'll sing
Yet we never do

Exalt happiness
Never arriving

Play cool at work
Talk work while chilled

Praise to peoples' face
Push 'em hearts' length away

Busy busy going places busy
Crashing out vegging away

More posts more stories
Less connections

More products
Less satisfaction

Shopping shopping shopping
No time for anything

Lots of words
Little meaning

More more, more everything
Or is it less, less, nothing?
Kai Jan 2021
Eternal in twilight it lurks
Deep in perpetual murk
That which is neither day nor night
Unseen, unheard - it takes its flight.
Kai Jan 2021
They stare
Blank looks in their eyes
Masking a deep cavern
From which bubbles arise.
A steady stream rising
Anger and fear which lurk
Into the open.

They squint
Trying to shut it off
Submerge it, strangle it
Strangling merely agitates
The bubbles further, faster.

Oh it rises
Oh they rise
How much longer?
I stare into their abyss
And their abyss stares into me.
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