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Kai Jan 2021
Like moss covering the north face
Suckling the morning dew

Like a rose in a garden
Absorbing tenderness of the caretaker's hand

Like the fishling in the bay
Savoring sea grass drifting by

Like the young gull
Peeping persistently for their mothers' love

Like the oak tree
Biding the squirrel's forgetfulness

Or a boat
Painstakingly supervised under withered hands of sailors
Who themselves wizened over the years
Tasting the salt spray sweating under the sun

Like all existence
Holding the hourglass of time

So you too, my friend
Will grow to unimaginable heights.
Kai Jan 2021
Chaos chaos all around me
As far as my eye can see
They talk they talk
Of walks they'll never walk
Raising their voices to high pitched screams
They want me to accomplish their dreams

But wait a second
Hold on a bit
Slow down a moment.
There - do you see that faint trail
Overgrown, untrodden -
There, under the tall grass and trees
Heading to where I know not.

I do know
It goes where the highway does not.
Kai Jan 2021
I am the guardian of eternity
slowing time before my eye
which shimmers in and out.

I see days fall into nights which
melt into years and
drag into eons.

I am there
all of it
I am that.

I see no thing yet perceive every thing
out before me
a vast kaleidoscope

presents, the greatest illusion of travel
since all we do
standing here
and now.
Kai Jan 2021
Out of oblivion it floats
Faint whispers of a note
Past the sieve and grasping hand
Crumbs of a trail to distant lands
Kai Jan 2021
As you read these lines
Though we are far apart
Our eyes the same words find
Two souls with different hearts.
But mind follows after mind
Stepping cross the gulf of time
This moment like the infinite sky
We are not so different, You and I.
Kai Jan 2021
Travelling down a windy path
Between a mountain and a gorge
I came upon a meadow patch.

There in the grass tall and gold
I watched another path unfold.
Another wandered with her pack
Freely, gently, not looking back.

At the crossroads we took a rest
Picking flowers we thought best.
Sharing tales from far and wide
Singing, dancing stride in stride.

When it came to take our leave
Long and loudly did we grieve.
But our ways led on to other days
We were not destined there to stay.

Ever since I’ve walked and walked
Many have I stopped to talk.
Cities on cities with roads so wide
Bodies flooding like the tide.

Yet I’ll always know the place
A time when time passed with such grace
Two roads met by hand of fate
A spark, a story, it did create.
Kai Dec 2020
I remember a time in my past,
A fleeting moment, it did not last –
We met just for an hour,
Yet a long shadow it did tower.
So we parted ways,
To each our different days.
Well, what is there to say –
Except, nothing gold can stay
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