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I made the choice to live
I made it for me
Despite all the odds against it

I chose to pull out
From the system of common routine
And decided to find my way

So afraid to take that step
So afraid to divert
From the norm of living

But knowing if I blended in
I would lose who I was
Someone unrecognizable to myself
But familiar to everyone

I searched deep within
And saw a lie I would live
A lie that everyone would embrace
For it emerged with customs of life
But a betrayal of thyself

Heavily it weighed on me
For every moment its mask
Engulfed my personality
It suffocated the person I was
And I could feel the agony of my true self

So with all mighty and strength
I tore the mask apart
And allowed the world to see me
For who I was

Faced by gasps of shock and disbelief
It mattered less
For the true me happily thrived.
I have placed my feet in this place
I have no intentions of leaving
For it mesmerizes me with its beauty

Am just a stranger
Wishing one day I could call this place my own
For through its dazzling nature
I can see the rises of mountains
And falls of valleys of my village home

I open the doors of my house wide
To embrace the "Ubuntu" of the place
And to remain rooted to my origin
For everyone is welcome.

— The End —