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 Sep 2013 JW Nölck
 Sep 2013 JW Nölck
I have tried it all
To get the monsters in my soul
Smoking them out
Drowning them in alcohol
Poisoning them with pills
Putting them to sleep with green happiness
Bleeding them out
And yet every night they whisper
I am here
I will always be here
As long as you are here
 Sep 2013 JW Nölck
SN Mrax
I fell in love with a shadow on the wall.
I fell in love with the light.
I fell in love in dissolving, parting,
stepping in sing song.
I fell into never falling,
spreading into every direction,
feeling and being felt everywhere, within and without,
feeling familiar and utterly new.
I fell in love with nobody.
I fell in love with nothing.
Nothing was there--I could see it
in the shadow on the wall,
in the light.
I could not see it, and I was in rapture at the not sight of it,
a face that was not there,
a thousand times a thousand times greater than love.

Yet here I am, miserable, a fool.
With no great gift of strength, or if I had one I squandered it.
A snarl on my lips and my face in the mud,
cringing all around my heart,
withdrawing my hands ever away,
dragging a great sack of rocks.

You say: Your power is effortless.
Your effort is confusion.
Be still and remember what is inside you.
It is a fire that burns sorrow clean.
It is a river that washes your heart new.
All you have to do
is stop trying to be you, or safer, stronger, or better. That is not you.
Don't keep grabbing--let go. Say "Not that, not that."
All those grey, thorny treasures are worthless.
Return to what is eternal: nothing.
A great, shining, smiling, flowing, blossoming, nothing.

Say no, say yes.
 Sep 2013 JW Nölck
Felix Andlar
All my verses covered

With joy unearthed and uncluttered,

Whilst the sun rose, in my mind,  again.

Stayed only true

None other than You,

Who bathed my life in life and gain.

But t’was when I fell -

Only then I could tell -

That deep in the well

My emotions robbed my elation

And my strength ran away

With my courage, that fades

Along with the light of day,

As the rain melts my adulation.

Where’s my Sun?

My acid rain consumes me.

Thus I swim in the flood

In my heart,

So deceptive with emotion.

When will see,

That where I drown,

Is just a pond and not an ocean?

Like an endless dream,

I feel your warmth return to me.

Imprison me, Sun;

Heal my sick and set me free.

Then my smile will return

And, to breeze, these hurricane winds turn.

I’ll realize what I knew and never learned:

That it's You who I love and yearn.
©2009 J.R. Morales

— The End —