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JuzChristian Oct 2014
When you know somebody they know you or known you for years.
One day it will all make sense to you Dear.
Million in one just want to be known
with gemz and Ice and stones.
but they can't speak and those who you step on will one day become like clones, and you will get sick of hearing the fans cheer you on
we miss the focal point of Fame its to help those who are not known and make them known to help them fight the weight take it off there shoulders and say you can rather then you can't.

So you wanna be known huh....

Be a Person of Wait you get the glory for one will recognize he couldn't do it without someone helping him threw this Thing.

This thing called Life.
JuzChristian Oct 2014

It's more then knowing two plus two.
who are you?
and whats your name?
It Don't matter cause the matter that you been made with is greater then any substance that Man create.
You been made with a purpose and I hope you pray to hope you see that one day one day is here you was made for something greater then the Grave.
Maybe that is why i believe that Life don't end that is why we think to much when it comes to things...Just stop thinking and pray PRAY that who ever made you will give a understand of what I'm here for and Can i be the E and R ending of the word Great?
Because you are who you are to do Greater things.

Wisdom is Wise by it self you don't have to trust you Try to be wise You already have a part in you that is Greater then what you will make..

Watch and wait
Breath taking to know you will be the reason why something will be great isn't it?

— The End —