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The smell of coffee and black sharpie fill your senses
Dragging yourself out of bed, you wrap the sheet around your naked body
Your head hurts more with every movement, every thought.

The sticky note on the door
written in small, squished, boy-like writing
"I never promised you forever."
 Jul 2010 Justis Reyes
D Conors
Far, far away, in a kingdom long ago,
There lived a ***** King who had a **** made out of gold.
He ****** his royal Queen, he ****** his royal Knights,
He shoved it in the Chambermaids, and up his Horse--did twice!

From the Page-boys down, to the Peasants in the fields,
He even ****** the Flowers whilst reaching for a feel,
-Of his farting ****, to scratch up and down,
'Then he headed through the forest to **** the whole ****** Town!

If you seem to wonder why this King continually ****** and Farted,
Perhaps this poem will teach you a lesson on how Government was started!
D. Conors
c. 1995
I love you

I love you more than you can know,
And more than you can see,
I love you more than I could hope
to have someone love me.

I'll love you when you're sick and weak,
And love you when you're strong,
I'll love you through our arguements,
if you're right, or if I'm wrong.

I'll love you through the lace of time,
Until we're old, until we're grey,
I'll love you always, more and more,
With every passing day.

I'll love you in our times of plenty,
and in our times of need,
I'll love you when I have to serve,
And I'll love when I can lead.

I love you more than life itself,
More than water, more than breath,
and whether I go first, or you,
I'll love you into death.

I love you more than the word love,
ever could define,
I'll love you through whatever comes,
I love you and you're mine,

I love you with a burning love,
that fills me through and through,
I can never say these words enough,
for truly, I Love You.
Come and travel with me
Together we will journey to lands never imagined
We will see sights that could never be
Side by side our creativity shall be awakened

Take my hand in yours
I will show you everything you could dream
We will crawl through the rabbit hole on all fours
And we shall follow the river downstream

And if ever we reach the end of the ledge
Hold my hand tight as I cling to yours
Then you and I shall soar over the edge
Safely carried across to foreign shores

Then when our adventure has reached its end and we lay
I will look into your glittering eyes, and you into mine, both hoping to stay
And as we rest in our bliss
I shall summon the courage and lean in for a kiss
When passion comes calling

Your heart is felt, falling

You believe your actions are just

Is this love or is this lust?

Your desire trembles too much

You lose control, as such

Your passion you can not trust

Is this love or is this lust?

In the heat, your bodies collide

Together you feel them slide

You do what your bodies must

Is this love or is this lust?

Make love fast then do it slow

Together your desires flow

You feel those emotions bust

Is this love or is this lust?

She takes your want all night

These cravings you can not fight

Even taking the satisfaction in the dust

Is this love or is this lust?
There was a Young Person of Smyrna,
Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her;
But she seized on the cat,
And said, 'Granny, burn that!
You incongruous Old Woman of Smyrna!'
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