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 Jul 2010 JB Hawkins
JJ Hutton
 Jul 2010 JB Hawkins
JJ Hutton
the coffee was cold.
a day old.
i heated it.
poured it.
fought through it.

put on a b-film.
something about crap
films made our lives
feel more fulfilling.

we laughed.
exposed every flaw.
we held hands.
loving glances.

i have to wake up in three
hours, but all i can think
is life is luck,
even for the dumbest of us,
when you tell your
eyes to open up.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
 Jul 2010 JB Hawkins
D Conors
Far, far away, in a kingdom long ago,
There lived a ***** King who had a **** made out of gold.
He ****** his royal Queen, he ****** his royal Knights,
He shoved it in the Chambermaids, and up his Horse--did twice!

From the Page-boys down, to the Peasants in the fields,
He even ****** the Flowers whilst reaching for a feel,
-Of his farting ****, to scratch up and down,
'Then he headed through the forest to **** the whole ****** Town!

If you seem to wonder why this King continually ****** and Farted,
Perhaps this poem will teach you a lesson on how Government was started!
D. Conors
c. 1995
 Jul 2010 JB Hawkins
Alexa Sz
Why does everything seem so small
when something becomes larger?

I'm confused

Why do people want what they don't have
even though it is more than what most have?

Does it make sense to you?

Why do people say life is so short
when it is the longest thing you will ever experience?

oh, does anybody understand?

— The End —