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JustBeingMe Nov 2014
She's out of shadows
The sun shining on her face
As she walks to him.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
Feeling hollow
she goes,
all alone,
down her sad,
broken road.
Stepping over
that she calls
her mistakes,
Cars rushing,
they leave her
behind to deal.
To see,
that it isn't
That it's really
She knows this,
of course,
but she can't help
but feel
out of sorts.
So broken hearted.
They crushed her,
you see,
and she just
has to believe,
that she
has the strength
to pull herself up
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
She waits for his answer
But she already knows
See this isn't the first time.

Again he took her
And she let him once again
No, this isn't the first time.

I let myself fall
Again getting hurt
But knowing it was my fault.

Always my fault.
I know this isn't the best, but it fits for me.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
Blue skys
So beautiful
Until they turn to storm
Filling with clouds
And treacherous harm.

Yellow flowers
So sweet
Until they turn to brown
Breaking with a touch
And letting you down.

Green trees
So bold
Until lightning strikes
Cutting off limbs
That didn't fit quite right.

Our kiss
So tasteful
Until promises were broken
Tears always made
Making everything change.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
One thing I hate about today
Is no one can talk.
Somehow along the way
Everyone forgot
They forgot what it's like
To look in the eyes of the
Person they're talking to.
To actually see the conversation in the faces;
Not in writing.
What happened to make us think that we weren't
good enough
to say what we had to
In person.
Why are we so scared to speak the words
we so badly need to say?
But instead we hide behind the phone.
It saves us right?
We hide behind it because in person we feel useless.
No one realizes that you're more useless through writing.
People need to realize
That we can still be strong.
We can still say the words
That we feel necessary.
We don't have to choke them down
Bite our tongues
Or just simply keep quiet.
We can speak loud.
We can speak true.
But of course,
These are things I'll never say.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
When I see that dress
I hear the slow songs
The songs that pulled us close

When I see that dress
I smell the cologne you wore
The scent I won't ever forget.

When I see that dress
I see your eyes looking at me
The sight made my legs numb.

When I see that dress
I taste your lips on mine
The kiss that will haunt me.

When I see that dress
I feel the torture
The torture of knowing
That  it meant nothing.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
In one moment
Everything is different
Things shift
People change

In that moment
Everything came to a stop
Things became blurry
People vanished.

In our moment
Everything was quite
Things slowed
We were so close

In the moment
You pulled me closer
We locked eyes
Then your lips were on mine

In one moment
Everything was different with us.
Things became greatly shifted
And people watched as I
Fell for you again.
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