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Meredith Jun 2015
Look at us,
Two teens who have hopelessly fallen for each other.
It's crazy what can happen between two people in  the course of a few days.
The way someone can make you feel.
The way he makes me feel.
What we have is something extraordinary.
And I don't want it to come to an end.
Meredith Jun 2015
If loves real, that must be what I'm feeling for him.
Meredith Jun 2015
"I don't care about a lot of things, but I do care about you." He said, as he took my face in one hand, and kissed me with such passion I had never felt before.
When we met I had no clue he would say those few words, and that they would end up meaning so much to me.. None the less knowing that he would mean this much to me.
Meredith Jun 2015
Have you ever wanted to write, but your fingers that normally would be typing away are just sitting still?
You crave that feeling of a finished piece, yet nothing new comes to mind?
I'm stuck in this spot a the moment,
and I'm praying I dont end up leaving my writings behind.
Meredith Jun 2015
Well ****,
We met.
We spent time together.
And now you keep running through my head, along with all the things that could've been said.

I didn't expect to like you this much..
I didn't expect for you to be so great.
But now im stuck thinking about you, and that smile of yours,
The way we sat in silence that would normally be awkward.
But with you was instead peaceful.

We talked about so much.
We were together for so long.

But now its a week later and I'm stuck thinking about you.
Thinking about this time last week,
seeing your smile, hearing you talk about things you liked, and disliked.
I can't help but wonder if you think of me too,
But then again I know theres absolutely no way that you do.

I had stopped wanting a real relationship long ago,
But theres just something about you that makes me want to let that thought go.
Though its overly said you're different then every other guy I've ever been friends with.
You're becoming someone I actually want to really know.
I wouldn't mind seeing you more..
Hell I want to..
-Thing is neither one of us are one to speak first of these feelings..
So even if you do feel the same were both at a loss.
Meredith May 2015
Take a minute and look out into the world.
Breathe in the warm summer air.
Look up into the sky,
Look all around,
And stare in awe at what a beautiful world we live in.
Watch the clouds move,
Listen to the birds chirp,
And see the tree's sway in the breeze.
Then take a moment to be thankful that with all the hate going on in this world, that mother nature had made us such a beautiful masterpiece.
-Many take nature for granted, I've recently started to apprecaite it more.
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