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Meredith May 2016
One morning you'll wake up, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and stare out the window at the world in front of you. It'll be a rainy day, one that gives you the calming silence to think. You may be alone, may be with family.
And as you look out that window everything will click. You'll realize through all the doubts & worries that had filled your life before, that this life is one that you had hoped and dreamed for.
Meredith May 2016
I could get lost staring into those enchanting hazel eyes of yours, the same way most people get lost in sunsets that spill every shade of pink and orange across the sky.
Meredith May 2016
She had this distinct difference about her,
she was an optimist,
for everyone,
excluding herself.
Meredith May 2016
And as things came to a halt much quicker than I had ever thought they would, I was numb. I wasn't thrilled about it, but I wasn't sad either. I knew there was another door opening just as this one had closed. And I'm far too excited to see what this new adventure may hold, I have no time to waste looking back.
Meredith May 2016
I wanted you in the most innocent of ways,
but you had been hurt a time too many and couldn't find the strength to open up once more.
Meredith Jan 2016
"This is crazy."She said . "But so is life, Life is a blizzard , & maybe going through it with you would make it a little less crazy." He looked at her, with a smirk on his face, and said  "Are you sure you're ready for this, because life as we know it is about to be one hell of an adventure."
Meredith Jan 2016
It's a work of art, the way you fell apart and put yourself back together
The way you rebuilt the walls around you, like nothing had ever gotten through.
It was so difficult for you, to do this on your own.
But you fought your demons,
and you prayed through, and through.
Along with your walls, you also rebuilt yourself.
The end result was just something else.
Someone no longer guarded by fear, you have no idea how far you've come my dear.
Now you're much more than you once were,  & I've never seen anything more beautiful.
. -m.n
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