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******* is the only thing getting shoved down our throats.
I'd rather have some viccoden. Please.
You don't need a masters degree,
to lie like a professional.
Just let your words slither off your
like a snake in the grass.
Constrict the situation.
Boa constrictors can teach you anything.
I swear on your god.
When people say stupid ****.
"I'm uncomfortable with people standing beside me, behind my back"
- It's not like we care about your business, we've got our own **** to watch.
You're just paranoid cause
you're either
a good person
or your
So which are you?

You aren't looking through
real eyes if you think
you own something
that is in it's core breathing.
Space is something
that exceeds
realms of
So you can't own space,
cause it's shared in
& even if you could buy space,
I think the only entity,
you could buy
from would
have to be
a lie dealer,
with fangs & horns.
Hell is the only place you
can buy space in.
***** money runs ***** places.
Kind of like a *******.

On a personal note.
Gold Coast, I almost worked there and I would have made 600 a night.
I'm glad I walked out of work with $25 in tips last Friday and kept my clothes on.
Hi, my name is Jacob & Imma wrist cutter.
Once a cutter, always a cutter.
Addiction, this is kind of like
get rid of the first
and replace it with a W.C
and there you have it.

Our mission is to get all
the active cutters
to cut it out.
Cut, slice, and skin
bad ****
not your body.
It's beautiful without the scars.
& You
to die in a better way.

No one should leave the earth,
passed out,
cut up
burnt up
dried out
thrown out.
Passed out ,
drowning in a pool of your own blood
is not a glorious end
to a magnificent person.
Cut out cutting.
The Love Cult has
of band-aids
if you ever wanted to come visit.
Stay a while.
You'll <3 The Love Cult.
Snails leave their shells
when their bodies have
out grown them.
People leave their shells behind too.
When the soul
outgrows the

People are like snails,
slimy and gross
Hopefully we're better on the inside.

— The End —