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 Jul 2013 Juliette Elisa
Even the best mothers muddle
Some are just more subtle
Than the others who stew up
Emotional storms with every cup
Of tea they poor and sip
Not a loving word drips from the lip
How dare they conceive
There are those who believe
There should be a test
To have the job that's the best
My mother McNaughton
Has never forgotten
What it means
To love all fourteen
Of her tumultuous brood
For she is shrewd
And knows what it takes to be
For she is keen to see
A muddling mother
Must be an advocate lover
No matter what
A kiss or a kick in the ****
To let her children know
Which way they should go
The is no need for insurrection
Or for the pursuit of perfection
Just love and cuddle
It is okay mother to muddle
For my mother and my poetry mother, Mamma Mae, who inspired this poem by her humility.
It keeps her warm
her mind so weak
Not to know
not to seek

With every bite we eat
we starve one another
Then giving four mans share of food
as to save one brother

Corners cut and people swooned
jumping miles ahead
Who minds what the farmer does
as long as there is bread?

Thus I will hide my blade
and do this for my love
In my pocket and to the grave
No storm left while I dwell above.

It keeps her warm
her mind so weak
Not to know
not to seek.
Decided to fix this one...
In the smallest town
of the smallest land-
Not so small
lived a man

Ten feet tall
and not so thin;
Great long hairs
came from his chin

He had no temper
stayed near his abode-
For he had no visitors
he was not loved

Even when only he
was tall or strong enough;
The small people
used mechanical stuff

He knew not why
height was a curse.
Or why a downfall-
was his girth

Nor where it came from
he never  knew
His father small
and his mother too

But trivial became
facts i've said.
As time went on...
black he bled

Rivers he bled-
blacker than oil;
His heart was wrenching
no longer soil

To replace the blood-
new-found power;
Anger struck
on the hour

Not just big,
but monolith.
Those small people
became a myth

Big people come
in many sizes;
It's how power
maintains disguises
Originally intended to be happy... didn't work out as such. Feel free to read some of my other poems - critique and praise freely.
 Sep 2012 Juliette Elisa
Dave Bas
Angels above fly high above
Looking down with endless love
They see our pain and strife
Helping us throughout our life
When darkest days our to be seen
On angels wings are where to lean
Many times we forget
Our faith becomes broken and split
Yet still they watch and hold us right
Never letting us relent in our fight
When we are weak they make us strong
When were low they sing their song
We stumble we falter and sometimes fall
But just they’re presence can heal all
With sorrow agony and defeat
They’re voice we hear soft and sweet
So never forget when you are low
To look up and see their glow
The stinging shards of glass return,
Like midnight oil that begs to burn.
The mocking bird begins it’s song,
To prove to you how I'm so wrong.
The moonbeams shine on wings of fate,
And the world goes on with bitter hate,
You claim to care yet venom flows
From tongues of snakes, and hatred grows
Judge thee not is what it reads,
Yet covered up are ***** deeds.
For blind deceit and prideful ways,
You’ll push too far these troubled strays.
No one will come and, you’ll blame me,
You say, “I”,  am hypocrisy.
They stay away, they run, they hide,
Who wants to take judgmental pride?
It’s very sad for the cost is great,
For those you push from Heaven’s gate.
Love all others is the golden rule
Yet you pick and choose so who’s the fool?

— The End —