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Im so ******* tired it pains  me to dream
of a promise of tommorow.
The past held moments  Im a dreamer without vision.

A mud puddle reflecting many thought's *******
up and so very unclear.
The bottle's company my only true friend.

They see me as nothing but a fool.
I hate the prison  that has become
my soul.
The state fair trinket broken hearts
and cotton candy.  
A fargone memory in the lifeless

I could play the role or act the *******
Ive slowley become.
Pull the trigger and paint the legend.
Free the fool and cast the sunset of my days.

But im addicted to there praise.
Slave to exceptance  losser to the big win.
Have the courage to show your face.

Goodbye for now .
I am floating out on a sea
On a sea of lost thought
Wondering where it's taking me
Away from the battles I fought

I never learnt to swim away
To escape the troubles following
I was always trying to stay
But my pride I kept swallowing

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water

Looking at my soul so empty
I wonder where it all went
It used to be be full and plenty
Now it is all spent

Being lonely is a curse
Which only you can see
It is when it starts getting worse
That you started drowning in misery

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water

I'm floating away to God knows where
Swallowed up by the waves of tears
Taken far away on my saddened despair
Never going to be found for years

Now I can feel myself being dragged down
I begin to sink under all the weight
Destinied to be lost and to drown
Because sometimes it is far too late

I am forever sinking
Into deep water
It's too late for thinking
I'm drowning in deep water
copyright Chris Smith 2010
I am empty as the page that sits befor the flustrated poet.
Pain trapped in heart without words to put to pen.
Shaking cold knowing full well my time has passed as swiftly
as train through a midnight so very clear.

The road behind me I can longer recall.
Faces and places shallow as a drying river bed.
Life has taught me to put up wall.

Stolen moments from a welcome barstool.
One of many jesters in this fools
kingdom I do rule.

The clock of my life grows closer
to closing time.

When walk out that door it's left to others to recall.
reflect in the thoose smokey dark corners.
How many of you ever did know me at all.

Thinking of times never had.
Missing friendships that never were.
To fail means at least you did try.
The road never ends so why must I?
We knew love together hand in hand.
Memories are still living.
With are walks apon the sand.

Seashells in a old wooden box.
The oceans spray.
A vanishing form down by the old

A bottle without a message
comes in with the tide.
Try as I must this pain
I cannot hide.

That old lighthouse stands as
strong as should I.
The tide changes yet never does die.
The bright sky after the storm.
The rains smell washed clean.
confessions of the innocent gentle and forlorn.

As in visions we seek the a place beyond
what others can claim to have seen.
As the view does vanish.
we reflect apon its perfection as is
caught within a dream.

Hands of ice thoughts as stubborn
cast in stone.
To bitter to admit the pain
So prison from a view unknown.

In a dark landscape there may exist light
over the next ridge but who will journey to see.
It's a choice we must make to try and fail
or wallow in misery.

Children dream without limits so why should
we stop with time.
Age effects all like the pages
of a book of rhyme.

We dream so long only to marvle to the
monsters weve grown.
Thoughts for sale are a mystery.
from this view unknown
To it they all fall.
Nameless faces to the game.
Boroken in shame into empty spaces they do crawl.

One has to win for the other to lose.
The road takes many turns.
But we all meet defeat no matter which you choose.

Busted knuckles burnt bridges leaving
a callus heart sore.
Life appears in many forms from the floor.

Ive tasted bitter endings claimed
in regret.
Nights the soul does drift.
To a place I yern to forget.

Its a dream we no longer recall.
So distant to us now.
We question did we ever want it at all.

i'll gather my fragments oh a jaded heart
as I act blind while you head out the door.
Then colapse and take it one more time
from the floor.  

P.S.  Hey got Twitter   JohnRobbins  its just like stalking
Ineed followers okay that sounds weird haha.
Paper latterns light the gardens path.
To a splendid night and a summer bath.

Rose peddles trampled under her feet.
As her form fill's the darkness.
hiding in the shadows trying to catch a peek.

Of the beauthy who gives life with her
Magic seems real on a night like this.

On a night like this the world stands still.
when feelings are spent.
And emotions serve there own will.

She tempts the angels and makes the old young.
Climbing the invisable ladder.
Rung by rung.

Green tea she sips while drifting down
a lonley night.
A painters brush draws a tear at her sight.

Golden hair cold blue eyes.
She breaks hearts with sugar coated lies.

Jasmine fills the air.
With love and memories to share.
nothing about her seems real.
She acts unfazed  with mass appeal.

Often is her coldness mixed with rejection.
She surrounds herself with walls for
constant protection.

Living in a world of her own making.
Giving visions of passion for the dreamers taking.

No matter her ways still someone she does miss.
As the wind travles  through the trees.
She reflects on a night like this.

She fills the emptyness with a secret innovation.
On a broken dream and a promised vacation.

Standing in the shadows soaking up her eternal bliss.
Romance and passion.
Come togather on a night like this.

this is a very old write of mine i found in one of many old comp books
just thought it sounded decent  i belive i wrote this about five years ago when i was to scared to show a friend let alone strangers my work.
anyways alot has changed since
We can have many but none
will ever erase that first.
Barbwire confessions

In a dessert in a moment of passion she did quench
my thirst.
And so  with any plessure must come the pain.
A broken heart spreads like a infection.
Simple memories washed clean by the summers rain.

I wonder only night and day.
Pretend to think beyond a moments reflection.
But still my heart does betray.

As teens stumble through awkward moments
yerning  for that unspoken feeling with a intense burst
they fall in and out of that trademark emotion.
Forgetting the last only to recall that first.

Im  speaking  about more than action.
Seldom do we admit the innocence.
Hide the truth and flaunt satisfaction.

Tainted is the blood in the kiss.
Time holds its portrait.
Dark was that night but never dark as this.

I confess i loved you  eternal.
As i treated you the worst.
forever in confines  sweet and bitter.
Burried in emotions in honor of that first.
Page unwritten  hand never to be
Outcasts sitting at center stage.
When you never showed love.
It's no need to question why no one ever stayed.

And you never wondred and new better
to ask.
Cause people grew tired of the game.
And you of the mask.

Deep emotin with which like
overgrown children we play.
Gone in a second.
Was it love or just another day.

Torn sails endless flow.
Blocks and miles.citys and backroads.
Like any flock we scatter.
Only to lose track the futher we go.

Dellusion speaks well amoungnst friends.
You see it's the last farewell.
But with truth in are thoughts
everyone pretends.

Are you okay everyone does ask.
You give a expected reply.
And slip into oblivian slowley
fading behind your mask.
Just  One of thoose things ya write  off the top of your head.
I just go were ever  the story flows to.
Maybe thats a bit simple but not everything has to be complex.
Sometimes when i say goodbye.
I wonder how I hold it togather befor
the phone touches the reciever.

Does she know the pain I mask.
Memories make us drunk with emotion.
Time makes us bitter from the cold.

And in the darkness she brings light.
Under the ice she creates warmth.
She kisses  the past away.

My shelter in which to run
If I choose to lead so does she follow.
Two halfs of one heart.

Weve walked across broken glass to lay
in a feather bed.
The nights passionet flow
her head apon my chest.

And how could I find one so perfect for me.
Distance takes the heart and traces the tear.
Such comfort brought from the understanding.
That pain would be erased if she were here.

Jules i see that next day as a promise
set in stone.
That from that first hello
we found in one another a reason to never be alone.

The highway rolls into the horizen
eternal is the love.

As a sun sets apon the ocean we stand
my arms wrapped around you waves crash into the shore.
In love I give everything.
For i could spend a lifetime here with you.
And still thirst for more.

With words we struggle to say.
What flows from the pen.
Also bleeds form the soul and that
shall never go away.
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