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 Feb 2010 Julie Anne Lail

I AM posed- nay, I'm poised
Don't you dare make a noise
Darling, I noticed you notice me...
I know your "juice" is "flowing"
As the product of knowing
The things that I want you to do to me
Yes, you're hypnotized
At the jewel 'twixt my thighs-
just... Mmmmmmm, succumb to your slavery
Till the night becomes morn
And your muscles are worn-
But alas! Now your trance is tapering
I watched your allegiance die
As you kissed and bid me goodbye
And then you went on back home to her.
How you move, how you taste
Your method, not replaced
You truly do make this kitten purr
I will forever remember
That sixteenth of November
And the angel kisses down my spine
But love, don't you ever doubt me
as "go on without me"
Was truly what was best at the time.

Drama’s Vitallest Expression is the Common Day
That arise and set about Us—
Other Tragedy

Perish in the Recitation—
This—the best enact
When the Audience is scattered
And the Boxes shut—

“Hamlet” to Himself were Hamlet—
Had not Shakespeare wrote—
Though the “Romeo” left no Record
Of his Juliet,

It were infinite enacted
In the Human Heart—
Only Theatre recorded
Owner cannot shut—
Thy azure robe I did behold
As airy as the leaves of gold,
Which, erring here, and wandring there,
Pleas’d with transgression ev’rywhere:
Sometimes ’twould pant, and sigh, and heave,
As if to stir it scarce had leave:
But, having got it, thereupon
’Twould make a brave expansion.
And pounc’d with stars it showed to me
Like a celestial canopy.
Sometimes ’twould blaze, and then abate,
Like to a flame grown moderate:
Sometimes away ’twould wildly fling,
Then to thy thighs so closely cling
That some conceit did melt me down
As lovers fall into a swoon:
And all confus’d, I there did lie
Drown’d in delights, but could not die.
That leading cloud I follow’d still,
Hoping t’ have seen of it my fill;
But ah ! I could not : should it move
To life eternal, I could love.
I could take the Harlem night
and wrap around you,
Take the neon lights and make a crown,
Take the Lenox Avenue busses,
Taxis, subways,
And for your love song tone their rumble down.
Take Harlem's heartbeat,
Make a drumbeat,
Put it on a record, let it whirl,
And while we listen to it play,
Dance with you till day--
Dance with you, my sweet brown Harlem girl.
I pierce my heart on your hidden thorns
and bleed love onto your wounded soul.
Your fragrance is my poison,
your softness- the lie I live by.

Your beauty is fleeting,
but I wont last to see it end.
The first time I died, I walked my ways;
I followed the file of limping days.

I held me tall, with my head flung up,
But I dared not look on the new moon's cup.

I dared not look on the sweet young rain,
And between my ribs was a gleaming pain.

The next time I died, they laid me deep.
They spoke worn words to hallow my sleep.

They tossed me petals, they wreathed me fern,
They weighted me down with a marble urn.

And I lie here warm, and I lie here dry,
And watch the worms slip by, slip by.
 Feb 2010 Julie Anne Lail
You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.
You just confuse me
Cause when your good you are oh so good
But when your better you throw me
And I say the things you want to hear
Which isn’t always good or true.
Your words are bigger and longer
Than any one I know
You’re oh so smart and loyal
Just please sit down while you speak
Cause when you start pacing my brain goes racing
And it’s my words that lose their feet.
But I love you dearly, deary
And you say you love me too.
But when you come running
And the football goes tumbling
Its cause my brain kicked it too.
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