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Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
The daydream-y miss gazes out the
watchtower of enchantment,
heart atrophied,
neck bound in a Gordian Knot,
riding nautical swells of
fear and love that
ebb and flow in
cursed duality

Calling to the cavalry trouper in
subdued hysterics
who, in an oceanic barrel surge,
will sever her lasso collar and
rebind their anchor hearts in
blood knots,
ascending the ranks, he will earn the
highest standing stripes of
Strength, Honour, and Equanimity
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
I wrote a letter to you about the
ever expanding universal consciousness on
transparent midnight parchment,
dusted in twinkling stars that
danced across my
boundless vision field,
tickled my eyelashes, and
cascaded in ripples of laughter to my soul;
With a fine quill of a single grass blade,
I penned the words spoken to me in deafening silence of
all understanding and truth,
whispered by grandfather trees and
giggling bananna leaves;
I peered into the glass pond and
touched the reflection of
heaven on earth,
sending tiny waves across the
cosmic paradise;
I scribed of summer moon's
suspended in the astral garden
while celestial bunnies hopped
in and out of constellations
just past my
finger t  i   p    s         r     e      a       c        h
All the while surrounded by a moat of flickering tea lights as
evanescent bodies
swapped stories of love, triumph and wisdom,
sequestered in wooded refuge...

I wrote this in a letter to you and it read,
*Everything is perfect.
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
Confidant wrote tabulatures,
Drew lyrical portraits of
Love's fated timbre in
Towering high-fidelity
With hands open, smooth over lamentation
Cupped, drink in exaltation
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
Gazing south at the myriad of cars,
            revving, coasting, braking
The perpetual loop of the 501,
the two-door garage on a 4-year lease,
built by the hands of blue collars....

     People about their day,
                 sullen, callous, laggard
     The parking enforcer who thinks he is the lion of the left lane,
     the little man from Hollywood,
     (the newspaper really said he had died!)....

          With this dismal landscape as its first worldview,
          spring life burst from kinder pods
          A stretch of petals unfurled a
          spectrum of sanguine embers in
          scarves of forest green that
          smiled and waved hello to the
          languid concrete world below....
and I read Jodorowsky is making a comeback!
Oh boy!
My itchy brain!
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
Tiny teenage tokes,
taking swigs of Old Style Pilsner,
in brown bottles,
wrapped in my vision landscape.

I close my eyes and
wish for
summer nights &
a deck &
warm lakes &
warm skin &
no shoes &
no tomorrows &...

Inside'll do,
I hear riffs in
a tavern  
from blue collared ghosts of
high school
who grew up
real guy

And together,
we are 
singing the
....and then they covered this!
...and EVERYBODY sang!
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
An unethical practice to fully comprehend my existence in
space and time,
I took the world hostage and prodded its inhabitants with
probes and electrodes
only to find myself
conducting self-lobotomies in front of the bathroom mirror;

Gazing through the eyes of McCrae,
I ****** my hands into
pristine soil,
tore up roots and
soldier bones, creating a
garden of chaos
only to find myself
amongst red petals and marrow
strewn across green vision fields,
but the larks still bravely singing fly!

I splattered ******* across
impressions of Monet and Renoir
only to find myself
dripping like
screaming like
is this what beauty looks like?!

I passed up a
hitch on a
Heart of Gold
only to find myself
in the mire of a
Brave New World,
kicking at the dirt that sent
electroconvulsive shocks
up my spine,
is that a headlight reflection in my Bell Jar?!

I looked down the barrel of my fingertip guns, still smoking and
listened to the hollow wind of my self-inflicted universal entropy...


Through a wormhole,
into the forest of wisdom where I reviewed observational data of my
chaotic string theories,
there I found myself,
rejecting the null and
assembling a fire of new Hope using the
burrs and thistles burrowed under my skin,

scratching and clawing at unethical practice.
...and this is how I saw it,
                                                                                          and this is what I sang...

Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
My love, it seems you have misheard
the vow I make to you -
That all the things you'll go through,
I will go through, too!

           Through tears of joys, through tears of grief,
           I'll give to you your soul's relief.

          When bods are strong, when bods are weak,
           I'm there for you to kiss your cheek.

          When you fall down, when you stand tall,
          I'm there with you throughout it all.

          In times of good, in times of strife,
          With you I'll stand,
                                              Your Loving Wife.

I know we can't have everything,
an "ideal" life and such,
But I embrace you as you are,
I love you way too much!

The dark, the light,
the day, the night,
and all the clouds of grey,
There I'll be at your side,
forever will I stay!

My love, behold everything in
the vow I make to you -
Whatever should get thrown our way,
My promise will hold true!
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