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Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
rusty knees folded under a
quilt weaved by the calloused hands of
particles of grandmothers' grandmothers,
head heavy on a
down-breasted pillow,
rising and falling softly
in a bedroom den,
whispering relative semantics of
a testament revised
while outside, tornadoes uproot trees
and displace plywood houses
with charred pies frozen on the windowsill,
entombed from the harsh winter's frost
and incubation in false ovens;

i recall seasonal naps of
drifting and wakening
and colourful mosaics
painted across the dreamland sky,
drinking cups of melatonin-laced chamomile
steeped in an angel teapot that induced
psychosomatic apparitions in constant relay
from earhole to earhole and
assisted with pulling an endless rope out of my
mouth which had been tied to the pit of my ulcerated stomach,
my head twisting in a corkscrew spiral,
meeting a longing gaze
and twisting back again,
oh! my bottled neck!

you retell poems softly spoken loudly
with my kisses on your heavy eyelids,
before we drift through the sheer veil
into unified consciousness,
taking a glimpse at our crowning home in
an infinite land,
enveloped in time-honoured Love
bestowed upon us in
pure, Divine fate,
watching endless words of
'i love you', 'i love you'
trickle like sand though a
heavenly hour glass figure;
to wake, a chance to celebrate,
to die, a chance to find each other again.
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
a gentle flame on
frayed wick
animal projections on
denude walls like
celluloid wildfire
            of               raccoons who gaze upon
                              owls assembling in parliament to convict
                              magpies who ******, while  
                              herring skip school to watch
                              coyotes in cover bands,
                              monkeys in droves of carloads meet
                              wolves en route, and make a pact with
                              lions standing proud over
                              mice who cause mischief

a menagerie dancing in flickered beckons,
converging towards epic denouement
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
the author reaches the end of his tale,
he pens a resolution to
provide a place to rest her weary heart and
replenish her empty wells;
she makes a vow to love him until the very end of time,
with greater cohesion than all the worldly elements,
in everlasting unity
and they lived
                                             synergistically. ever. after.
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
I saw this War Veteran on his porch yelling at this Hipster Kid who was tethered to his fence across the generational gapped front lawn, yelling back at him. And I mean, they got into it.
The kid wasn't doing anything really, just taking alternate swigs of foamy PBR and flat Red Bull and chucking the cans into the vet's unkempt garden, retorting Dylan lyrics and sentiments of Kerouac like the post-modern beatnik he was.
I couldn't make out what the Old Vet was saying. His voice was missing from probably smoking too many Benson & Hedges Black down in the trenches. I know he must have been saying something uncalled for, though, to get this Kid so riled up like that.
I'm not sure what they were arguing about since I awoke right in the middle of this altercation, hanging upside down on a bench in the park across the street. I suppose I'll just wait until the Vet goes back inside so I can go over and release the Kid and ask him what that was all about.
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
Tell me, at the very least, that you said,

that our kiss was of I and Thou

that you would love me as the mountain wind shakes the rose calyx of alabaster sky

that you would make a home, out of sea foam and sea conch

that in the blue mist shade and coral sun, your arms would hold me

that these boobie traps would go off

that we are a simple as mineral mingling with dew drops

that Love wins through the struggles

that I was a girl in Autumn

that we were like two entangled particles

...and you never meant it.

Tell me as I stand here at your door with mine wide open, on this summit in the clouds

and tell me you want to go.


and instead spend life with me.
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
with my
to your
in a seesaw of turbulent
tussling sheets in beds we just
inflicting identical
bell curves
bell jars
on rusted hinges
light a candle?
blow it out
on an endless meridian of a
hamster wheel
straddling white picket fences
of here and now
cause an
effect for an
cycling on
stationary bicycles
through cyclones
popping cycloserine

just stop
the clock
the saw
the rope
the bed
the tide
the wheel
the bike
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
Unfurl origami entries dated
March 8, June 2, countless undated of an
amygdala hijacked
that pitted Moira against Peirce,
rejecting my name of Kismet,
to watch Forer take his effect
(who now has spread his contagion),
babysitting Little Albert while
Watson scribbled notes in the lecture hall;
witness sagacity smeared all over skull walls,
spackled on cranial ceilings
as I stuck my head out onto subway platforms and
displayed out onto train tracks in my
mind's eye in favour of recalling
Christmas festivities with sisters dolled up in
grandeur hospital ball gowns as
subjects were consoled in camps and
I slept in fields
screaming anything audible to
no one,
listening to track 2 on a
continuous loop,
sitting on flagpoles and lamp posts
as vandals smashed and grabbed,
cackles echoing in alleyways...

now before I vanish right before
your very eyes
tell me,
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